Sunday, September 15, 2013

Can You Spare A Dime?

Can You Spare A Dime?
Gregg Metcalf
September 14, 2013
(to the tune of Johnny Cash's Long Black Veil)

Hey man, can you spare a dime
For a guy who’s hun-gry all the time
If you buy me a bur-ger and a beer
I’ll tell a story you might want to hear

I once had a wife and a baby son
I had a home when my work was done
I paid my taxes and I lived the dream
I had all I needed or so it might seem

Then one day Uncle Sam said I want you
I felt so proud to pay my patriotic due
They sent me to Iraq and gave me a gun
I fought in the sand ‘neath the blistering sun

The days were long and didn’t seem to end
I fought the enemy even though they were men
We did our job – tried to stay out of harm
I grew numb each time a buddy bought the farm

Each time I could I’d lay down to dream
Of a life that was disappearing it seems
Each man I killed made me hollow and gaunt
But fight this war was what you all want

Then one day a bullet tore through my head
I should have died but I lived in stead
I clung to life with an addled brain
Doctors said I would never be sane

Uncle Sam sent me home a broken man
My wife couldn’t cope she didn’t understand
She took my son and left me all alone
Now I have nothing left I can call my own

Now I hold a sign that says I’ll work for food
I really don’t want to I just want some booze
Don’t spit on me I’m not a threat any more
I just went and fought in a politicians war

Where’s Uncle Sam when you need him most
Where’s the love for soldiers that you all boast
I fought your battles and I lost everything
I live in the street while you live like a king

Hey man, can you spare a dime
For a guy who’s hun-gry all the time
If you buy me a bur-ger and a beer
I’ll tell a story you might want to hear

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great Gregg, I could imagine as I read what you had written.
Excellent from beginning to end.

Thanks for sharing.