I really like your blog, too! Very creative and very informative! Would love to find out how you did it. I'm a brand new blogger and now a follower of your blog. I left a message on your post below concerning the burning of the Koran. Please take a peek. Thanks.
Yes Gregg un believable.
Yvonne - I guess you are the only one who finds it unbelievable in addition to me. Thanks!
Have I missed something? 25 more what?
Tossing It Out
Lee - Stay tuned if you have not deduced either deductively or inductively.
Sweet blog, I had not noticed gospeldrivendisciples.blogspot.com previously during my searches!
Continue the wonderful work!
I really like your blog, too! Very creative and very informative! Would love to find out how you did it. I'm a brand new blogger and now a follower of your blog. I left a message on your post below concerning the burning of the Koran. Please take a peek. Thanks.
Ummm.... Yeah, guess I'll just have to stay tuned.
Wow! Only six more to go, as of the time that I am writing this! Gongratulations!
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