Friday, March 5, 2010

Metcalf's Musings

I am still trusting the Lord for His provision during this season of unemployment. I have applied outside of our immediate area as far as Cheyenne, WY and even Billings, MT. I am flabbergasted that I have not been able to find work.

Our darling Daughter, Sonja turned 34 this February! Don’t know who was more shocked, she or us. And to think that our baby will turn 28 this month. We actually have two with birthdays this month, Stacy turns 28 on the 17th and Sharon turns 29 on the 18th. Yep, we had two within 364 days! Why? You got me. Shannon turned 36 this past September.

I will be preaching Sunday at our church. Our pastor has gone to the Shepherd’s Conference at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, CA. I have actually been to that conference once, what a fantastic time that was. Sunday’s text will be, II Peter 3:14-18. The subject is “How to wait for the return of Jesus.” The proposition states that, the delay in the return of Jesus presents a challenge to Christian men and women as they are waiting for his return. So, the question then becomes, “What should characterize our wait on the return of the Lord Jesus Christ?” The answer: this passage describes four attributes that characterize our wait. We are to be waiting proactively, prudently, passionately, and progressively.

I finished the gospel of Luke in my morning devotions. I have now started the sequel, and so will be meditating and studying through Acts for the next few months. I love Luke. I can’t wait to meet him when I get to heaven. I hope he can spare a century or two.

I made some Kahlua Chili the other day that would knock your socks off! I love a good chili and I love to cook. This was a fairly easy recipe and like I said it is yummy.

I am loving our new cat. Sonja took back her dog and gave us her cat. She had named this little Tortoise colored short hair Coco. I am not too crazy about that name, so I took to calling her Miss Thing. She is now my office cat. Every morning I wake up with her sleeping on my chest. I feed her and open the closet door for her box. Then by the time I have showered and dressed, she is racing to the door to go out to my study with me. The garage had been converted into two or three rooms before we bought the place. So I turned one into a great study. I have my desk, hutch, book shelves, storage/supply cabinet, computer, printer, fax, phone, and file cabinets out here. It is here where I have my morning’s devotion in complete privacy. Miss Thing lays on the crook of my left arm while I type my Sunday school lessons or sermon notes or blog.

Irene was able to drive down with our daughter Shannon and our son-in-law Brien to San Jose, CA in order to visit with her mother last week. Irene hadn’t seen her mom in three years so it was a great time for all of them. Hard trip! It is about 12 hours from here by car and that is getting a little hard to do these days.

We finally finished John chapter 2 in the Sojourners Adult Bible class this past Sunday. I start John 3 this coming Sunday. We started John in September. We are taking our time and examining the text paragraph by paragraph.


John said...

May the Lord bless your sermon this Sunday!

Eddie Eddings said...

I pray that the Church body where you serve will give you a surprisingly good love offering...or that some member will hand you a nice envelope that will help supply your needs!

AL said...

Interesting stuff, thanks for the update on things in your life. I hope all goes well with your sermon on Sunday, and I pray that you will find employment soon.

I'd like to know what's in your chili? I've never heard of Kahlua Chili - that sounds interesting. Is it hot? A couple of habanero peppers are always good for adding a little spice...

Anonymous said...

Hi Gregg,

Maybe you can post an audio clip of your Sunday sermon to one of your posts next week?


Anonymous said...

Birthdays are so fun!! Blessings to you and your sermon on Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend!

Lisa said...

What an interesting, smorgasbord-of-goodies post! :) I thought this comment was cute: "I love Luke. I can’t wait to meet him when I get to heaven. I hope he can spare a century or two." Hee hee

Your Miss Thing sounds like my Kit Kit. Her name was Candy, but it just didn't sound right, so I started calling her Kit Kit. I know that's even weirder to some people, but it feels good to me. :)

Do you plan on posting that chili recipe? Sounds yummy!

Happy birthday to your girls! And brother, I'm standing in the gap for/with you for your provision during this time of unemployment. He will NEVER let us down.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you so much for the prayers for my sister. I've been in touch with her and she is so full of anger and bitterness that it's unreal. God is at work though.


Arlee Bird said...

I guess I'm with those who want to see the chili recipe. I want to see how it compares with the chili recipe I posted earlier in the week. I put coffee in mine, but I must say that the Kahlua sounds a really good ingrediant.