Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Vision for My Life

A few days ago I worked up and wrote out a purpose statement for
my life. I desire to use this purpose statement as a guide by which to give guidance and direction to my life. I did so because I realize my life is so short, it is a vapor. My life is here today and then it is gone tomorrow.

My next step was to develop what my life would look like as I live out my purpose statement. So, here is what I envision as I attempt to glorify God through my purpose statement using my unique gifts, desires, aptitudes, and opportunities.

I envision my life to be a witness of God's grace through Christ to my wife, children, and grandchildren; leaving a godly example of Christ's transforming power in the life of this sinner.

I envision my life to be a vehicle or a medium whereby God through Jesus Christ, empowered by His HS chooses to magnify His glorious character and nature to both the church and to the pagan world.

I envision my life to be a life spent in the service of Jesus Christ by utilizing my God given spiritual gift of teaching to the church of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Mission~