Friday, February 20, 2015

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Regards to the Sinner

The Work of the Holy Spirit in regards to bringing a sinner to salvation; the sinner must be…

Awakened to sin – the Holy Spirit must begin a campaign within the heart and soul which awakens the sinner to the awful reality that the sinner is under the condemnation and judgment of God as a result of the guilt and bondage of sin within the flesh of the sinner.

Alarmed by sin – the sinner must be alarmed by the campaign of the Holy Spirit as to the immediate and severity of the realization of the condition of the sinner and the sinner’s standing before God.

Appalled by sin – the sinner, once alarmed to the immediate and severe consequences of sin, must be brought by the Holy Spirit to a point of godly sorrow as the sinner is appalled at the hideousness of the realization of the vileness of indwelling sin and the consequences of sin towards the sinner.

Acquitted of sin – the sinner, by grace alone, by faith alone, by Christ alone, for the absolute glory of God alone, must be acquitted of sin by the application of the atoning work of Jesus Christ to the heart and soul of the sinner by the Holy Spirit of God.

1 comment:

Gregg Metcalf said...

Lyn - thank you so very much. You are so very right.Your comments are right on.