Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Meaning of Justification

“To be justified means more than to be declared "not guilty." It actually means to be declared righteous before God. It means God has imputed or charged the guilt of our sin to His Son, Jesus Christ, and has imputed or credited Christ's righteousness to us.”

Jerry Bridges
Transforming Grace, p. 36.


kc bob said...

Wonderful quote Gregg. Now if believers could just treat each other like it is actually true.

Have a great week!

mikew116 said...

Excellent quote! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Thanks Gregg. I loved Kansas Bob's comment too.

Nick said...

Hello Gregg,

If I may object, the quote is wrong because it is unbiblical on the two points touching upon Imputation. Nowhere does the Bible say sin was imputed to Christ, nor does the Bible say Christ's righteousness is imputed. Paul was well aware of the term impute/reckon/count (logizomai in Greek), using it about 40 times, but never did he use it in the manner the quote suggests.

I would strongly urge you and others to read a Catholic article (HERE) on this very issue. It quotes almost 50 Protestant scholars who admit and demonstrate the error of imputation.

Gregg Metcalf said...

ou may object if you wish. However, the quote is spot on. I know catholic dogma states that justification is infused into a believer predicated upon faithfulness, works, and grace. However, that is heresy in the rankest form. Catholic dogma combines and confuses sanctification with justification. You may produce a 1,000 so called "Protestant" "scholars" but they all would be wrong also. Theology is not a majority sport. Since you are imbibed with catholic doctrine I am not going to take the time to do an exegesis on passages like Romans 4:3, 6, Romans 5:17; I Corinthians 1:30, Philipians 3:9; Romans 3:21-22.

Your position is that justification is something that changes you from within and then makes you more holy. The Council of Trent declared that justification is 'sanctifying and renewing of the inner man." Of course you believe that justification begins at baptism and faith is necessary to carry it on. Hence, your position on infusion rather than imputation.

Because of this, those who trust in this dogma are lost, condemned and doomed to die apart from the grace and love of Christ and spend an eternity in hell. With humble love for you and concern, I beg of you to repent of this hideous man-made doctrine and trust Christ and Christ alone for the imputed righteousness that you need to enter into the kingdom of God. Fall on your face and repent, begging God to be merciful to you a sinner.

Nick said...

Hello Gregg,

The Catholic Church could be wrong on this or that point you mention, but my claim that the Bible does not teach Imputation (of our sin to Christ, Adam's sin to us, or Christ's righteousness to the believer) was not really addressed.

And if folks like Calvin, Turretin, Buchanan, Hodge, DA Carson, Piper, James White, etc, etc, are admitting imputation is unbiblical, then that should be a red-flag.

Gregg Metcalf said...

If those guys are and I doubt it, but I will admit I don't follow Carson, Piper, and White, denying imputation then they are teaching false doctrine. I gave you several scripture references that address imputation, both explicit and implicit. Since God requires perfect righteousness, and we can't not earn it or obtain it in any manner, we are hopelessly lost unless the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us, and not infused, etc.

I will look at Hodge today to see what he says, I like Hodge, I hope he isn't wrong. Don't forget, reformers are just former catholics who were kicked out or left over the issue of salvation by faith, by grace, by Christ alone. It doesn't surprise me that they might retain as reformers, Catholic doctrine.

I stand by my post, and praise God that the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ has saved my soul and made me fit for the Kingdom of God. I plead with you come out of this false system, repent of sin and unrighteousness and trust God to declare you justified based on the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.