Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear Lord, Please Help Me...

Over the last forty (40) years I have written a number of quotes, comments, pithy sayings, and poems in the fly-leafs of my bibles. Each Tuesday I am going to share those various entries from my bibles with you. I hope they will be as much of blessing to you as they have been to me. Sometimes I will be able to give credit where credit is due and sometimes I won’t be able to credit the source. I apologize for this to each one who contributed these gems over the last forty (40) years.


Dear Lord, Please Help Me...

  • hate and forsake every false and evil way
  • truly know my own condition and character
  • to bridle my unruly, murderous tongue
  • to keep my heart with all diligence
  • to watch and pray against temptation
  • to diligently and violently mortify sin
  • to be concerned about the salvation of others

1 comment:


True and wise words Gregg.
