Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
How Many Church Members Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?
Disclaimer: I just came across this
in my files. Let me say, first it is not original with me and second, I do not
intend to offend anyone who might find their “church” or “faith” on this list.
This is offered as humor and not meant to stereotype, offend, marginalize, categorize,
and/or create religious dissension.
Many Church Members Does it take to Change a Light Bulb?
Charismatic: Only 1
Hands are already in the air.
Pentecostal: 10

One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness in tongues.
Presbyterians: None
Lights will go on and off at predestined times. There's nothing one can do about it--get some candles.
Roman Catholic: None
Candles only.
The Baptists: At least 15.
One to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad and fried chicken and bring your own place settings.
Who will bring the Kool-Aid? Wait, let's vote on that. No on the place settings, there's some in the kitchen. Why not bring lemonade instead of Kool-Aid? And what about the dessert? Of course we all know that desserts spelled backwards is "stressed"--
Episcopalians: 3
One to call the electrician, one to mix the drinks and one to talk about
how much better the old one was.
We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, you are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your light bulb for the next Sunday or Saturday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, 3-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence.
Methodists: Undetermined
Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved.
You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. We will be making bulb baskets for the Catholics (the candle folks). Bring a bulb of your choice to the Sunday lighting service and a covered dish to pass.
Nazarene: 6
One woman to replace the bulb while five men review church lighting policy.
Lutherans: None
Lutherans don't believe in change.
What's a light bulb?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Steps to the Study of Scripture Part VIII
come now to the seventh step of Bible Study – spending time in reflection and
and foremost, it must be kept in mind that the study of the Scriptures is not
merely academic. Study is not simply “mind and study.” The study of the bible
includes “heart and prayer.”
it is true that it is extremely important to fill your mind with the text.
Discover and truly own the meaning of the passage that you have studied.
Determine the application of your text.
take the time to meditate and reflect on the text. Answer serious questions
with deep thought –
How has this passage addressed issues in your own life?
What needs were met in your life by this passage?
What new attitudes or actions will you now adopt?
What new thing did you learn about God and His character?
How can this text, aided by the Holy Spirit:
*encourage you
*instruct you
*reprove you
*correct you
must take time to respond to what God has revealed to you by the illumination
of the His Holy Spirit as you studied your text. Always keep in mind your needs
and ask God to illuminate the text in such a way that you are truly edified by
the text.
ask God for assistance in understanding and applying your text. I have said
this before but let me say it again; to have biblical and appropriate
application you must have truly discovered the original intent of the bible
writer. Bad applications are a result of failing to discover the meaning of the
original text within its context. You must turn often to the Holy Spirit and
seek illumination as you work through a text.
the life of a believer there are three types of approach to the Holy
Scriptures. These approaches are entailed within our daily devotion or quiet
time, our reading of Scripture for familiarization, and our bible study.
our devotion or quiet time we are not studying nor merely reading the text. We
are seeking to commune with God in quiet reflection and prayer. During your
devotion or quiet time you are asking God to “reveal” Himself to you as both
Father and Friend as you read a short passage meditatively asking God to help
you focus on the passage at hand to discover how it affects you and your walk
with God.
reading plans are extremely valuable and necessary. This is a separate reading
from your quiet time or devotion. This time of reading is “goal or
accomplishment” oriented? Here you are reading to familiarize yourself with
Scripture. You are not stopping to “smell the roses” along your way.
Study is hard work. Here you wrestle with the text as Jacob wrestled with the
angel. Bible study (which we have discussed the past seven (7) Wednesdays is in
essence wrestling with God until God bless you from your passage with its
original meaning and an application for your life today.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Treasure #3 Piper's Definition of Grace

Today’s Treasure:
Piper’s Definition of Grace
Grace – is the pleasure of
God, to magnify the worth of God by giving sinners the right and the power to
delight in God, without obscuring the glory of God! (John Piper)
Monday, August 27, 2012
Don't Worry, Be Trusting!
Don't worry, be Trusting!
Gregg Metcalf
August 27, 2012
(based on Matthew 6:34 and yesterday's message)
Don't worry, be happy
was once a little ditty
sung by everyone;
it was meant to be
positive philosophy
and a little fun.
Fraught with problems galore
it became a shameful bore
not helping one whit;
at the end of the chorus
hidden in the forest,
problems that wouldn't quit!
Merely singing such a tune
from morning until noon
ended naught concern;
one needs something more
to end this worry war,
will we ever learn?
Do not be anxious friend
about tomorrow's end
tomorrow will worry;
about itself you know
to the Lord you must go
don't delay, but hurry!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Sunday's In the Study BS12-002
“Introduction to the First Epistle of
(Part II)
The Appetizer – let’s stimulate interest
How do details
serve a story or a narrative?
How does knowing
background information help understanding?
Why would knowing
the author, the audience, and the age of writing be of help?
The Adaptation – let’s adapt the appetizer to our
Tonight I intend to share
with you information and background on
this letter by a man named John in order to properly understand and interpret
the truths contained in this book. Knowing this information enables us to
correctly apply the divinely inspired material contained in this letter.
The Argument – let’s discover the main idea of our
This letter was written by
the Apostle John to the churches of Asia under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit around AD 85-90 for the spiritual welfare of God’s children. Therefore,
it needs to be carefully studied, learned, and applied by each one of us today.
The Aim – the change you need to make as a
result of this lesson
I challenge you to gain a
deeper appreciation and understanding of this letter by knowing its author,
audience, age and argument so as to make application in your daily walk with
A good introduction to an Old
or New Testament writing contains at least four elements that provide the
necessary background information for proper interpretation.
Tonight, we will look at three
of these four elements which will give us a good grasp on this letter; these elements
are the author, the audience, and the age
of this epistle or letter.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Saturdays with Spurgeon #002
The Boy and the Books
“I would rather be descended
from one who suffered for the faith than bear the blood of all the emperors in
my veins.”
(Charles Spurgeon)
precocity of young Charles drew the attention of all around. He would astonish
the grace deacons and matrons, who met at this grandfather’s house on Sunday
evenings, by proposing subjects for conversation and offering pertinent remarks
upon them. And there were at that early period of his life palpable indications
of that decision of character and boldness of address for which he came so
Robert Shindler, From the Usher’s Desk to
The Tabernacle Pulpit, 1892
Friday, August 24, 2012
Top Ten Television/Movie Truths? # 7
Periodically I am listing my version of a David Letterman’s “Top
Ten List” for the most profound, however worldly, truths or quotes from a
television show or movie. These truths are certainly nothing to shape or guide
your world view. I just find them profound in and of themselves. I do not
endorse these as programs or movies that have any redeeming qualities and you
must use discretion if you choose to watch any of them. I just find certain
lines fascinating for various reasons.
# 10 – “Cat-Heaven is a wonderful place, but you don’t get there if you are
euthanized.” (Angela Martin,
“The Office, Season 4 – Episode 1)
# 9 – “There are over six billion people in the world…sometimes
all you need is one.” (From a
narration in One Tree Hill, Season Three – Episode 2)
#8 – “Sometimes there just ain’t enough rocks!” (Forest Gump, Forest Gump, the Movie)
Number Seven profound Television/Movie
“I am an early bird and a night owl,
so I am wise and I have worms!”
Michael Scott, The Office,
Season Two, Episode
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Book Review: Spurgeon: A New Biography
Title: Spurgeon: A New Biography
Author: Arnold Dallimore
Publisher: The Banner of Truth Trust
First Copyright: 1985
Type of Book: Paperback
General Subject Matter: A biography of the life and ministry
of Charles H Spurgeon that goes beyond the surfaced to reveal he heart and soul
of Spurgeon,
Price: $16.00
The purpose for writing this book is
given in Dallimore’s preface. Dallimore felt that even with all the information
already published about Spurgeon few people fully understand the man and his
ministry. Dallimore desired to reveal Spurgeon’s ability as a theologian and
the methods he used in leading souls to Christ. Dallimore also purposed to
reveal what he called, “the rugged, unbending strength” of Spurgeon’s character.
Dallimore purposed to present the inner man of Charles Spurgeon, which would
include his praying, sufferings, depressions, weaknesses and his strengths.
Dallimore’s purpose in writing this biography was to give a deeper and more
thorough glimpse in what he called “one of the greatest preachers of all
Christian history.”
Dallimore strove to provide information
that was accurate and yet revealed the real or essential Spurgeon. Dallimore
writes for a very broad and general audience. Dallimore writes with a very
informal and personal manner. Dallimore writes with great coherence, clarity,
and honesty.
Dallimore’s book made a major impact
upon me as I read it through twice completely. Dallimore gave me the
opportunity to see Spurgeon more intimately. Dallimore solidified my opinion of
Spurgeon as a great yet humble man of God called at the right time for the
right purpose. It seems that Dallimore achieved his ultimate purpose in
painting an intimate and revealing portrait of this great man of God. It is my
opinion that Dallimore achieved his goal. I would heartily and with no
reservations recommend this book to every believer in the body of Christ.
Dallimore’s biography will challenge every believer to, forgive me, and “be all
you can be” for Christ with whatever talents, gifts and abilities that God has
given you.
Theme: The essential Spurgeon
Thesis: Spurgeon was a mighty man of God and one
of the greatest preachers of all Christian history who was fully human.
Dallimore used both description and
narration to develop his thesis. Dallimore provided great descriptions of the
times, the environment, and the experiences that surrounded Spurgeon which made
him who he was. Dallimore was quite gifted in presenting great detail about
various subjects; such as the surrounding countryside, individuals who
influenced Spurgeon, the theological trends of the day, and Spurgeon’s own
Dallimore also used narration to tell
Spurgeon’s story chronologically. Dallimore told us the story of the development
of Spurgeon the man, the husband, the father, and the pastor.
This book was extremely interesting. I
love learning about the inner workings of this dear man of God. It was hard to
put this book down. Each new paragraph brought new details that I just had to
It seems that Dallimore was extremely
accurate in his presentation. This book is filled with footnotes documenting
each point, each example, and illustration. Dallimore was, I would say, very
objective. It is very easy to slip into subjectivity when writing about such a
spiritual giant.
Dallimore seems to build his biography with four
powerful but simplistic arguments. First, God prepared Spurgeon during the
first 19 years of his life to be able to take on his greatest opportunities.
Second, the first nine years in London continued to prepare and develop this
man into what he would become through the coming to New Park Street, his marriage,
the conflict which ensued, and the revival that visited London. Third, God
continued to develop this man with a long period of mature ministry for some
twenty-five (25) years of great harvest. Fourth, the preparation by God for the
removal of this great man from both his ministry and this earth in the last
five (5) years of his life.
Dallimore was accurate, objective, and insightful as
he presented these various arguments. For example, Spurgeon lived with his
grandfather for a short time when he was young. This was very beneficial in his
“Little Charles had
the privilege of spending much time with his grandfather. Even when parishioners
called to have their pastor advise and pray with them in their problems he
often kept the lad at this side and when the gathered with a company of ministers
to discuss theological questions the boy remained, listening and doing his best
to understand. Charles introduction to the consideration of theological
questions thus began very early”. [1]
February 1854, at the age of nineteen, Spurgeon entered his ministry in London.
He came on three months trial, but his labor there was to last till his death
nearly forty years later.
the people had expected the New Park Street attendance jumped immediately.
Within a month the chapel was crowded, with the seats filled, the aisles packed,
and people sitting in the windows and standing shoulder to shoulder in the
Sunday school area. All manner of reports about this ministry spread across
London.” [2]
I agree with Dallimore whole-heartedly.
He develops true or accurate arguments that substantiate each point he makes.
Dallimore’s book raises several issues.
First, he raises the issue of how a mere youth of seventeen can be called to a
pastorate and enjoys so much success from God?
He also shows how unique Spurgeon was by his call to New Park Street at
nineteen when seasoned veteran pastors wanted this pulpit. Second, he raises
the issue of the effectiveness of this man who sought to be holy, honor God in
all things, and depended upon prayer rather than human ingenuity or innovation.
He raised the issue of cooperation of believers in various denominations and
within their own denomination. He raised the issue of doctrinal purity.
I don’t think Dallimore omitted anything.
I don’t think Dallimore raised any problems that he didn’t solve or questions
that he didn’t answer. This was a very convincing and objective biography of a
very unusual man. Due to the facts being the same and the “story” very similar
this book is similar to Iain Murray’s biography on Spurgeon. I wouldn’t
consider this a re-working of Murray’s book. Dallimore is quite unique in his
presentation of historical facts.
Arnold Dallimore was the pastor of the
Cottam Baptist Church in Cottam Ontario, Canada for twenty four (24)
years. Dallimore also wrote a two volume biography on George Whitfield
and a biography of Jonathan Edwards.
This book contains an annotated
bibliography and a general subject index in the rear. There are extensive footnotes
throughout this book documenting the utilized sources. The footnotes clarify
and extend the points made in the main body.
My general conclusions are that this is
a sound book. It will help anyone wanting to know more about Charles Haddon
Spurgeon. I found this book to be interesting and informative. It challenged me
to want to have the same testimony of Spurgeon. Dallimore’s summary of the life
and times of Spurgeon are moving and convincing.
while the soul of Charles Surgeon was in the presence of the Lord, his body was
placed within its tomb, there to await, as Archibald Brown has so beautifully
stated, the dawn of the resurrection morning.
And the
people returned to London, to take up their duties in the Tabernacle, the
college, the almshouses, the orphanage, and the numerous missions and schools,
to labor with fervor and patience as they had one for years, but yet to feel a
sad difference, for the leader, the pastor they had loved, was no longer there.
rich his life had been. He had walked with God and lived in prayer…His one
purpose had been to “preach Jesus Christ and him crucified,” and in this
determination he had devoted all his talents-the extraordinary memory, the
great powers of public speech – and his joy had been found in bringing glory to
the savior and in leading souls to know Him.” [3]
Spurgeon was a mighty man of God and one of the greatest preachers of all
Christian history who was fully human.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Steps to the Study of Scripture Part VII
come now to the sixth step in bible study. This step focuses on the application
of the passage that we studied. It is here we are taking the scriptural
principles and truths that we have drawn out of the next (not read into the
text) and applying them to our lives.
should have been thinking along the way how this passage applies to your own
life. Ideas should have popped into your head about changes in your personal attitude
or actions that you can adopt or activate. It is at this step that you now
focus directly on the application.
in mind that the Scripture is not your own personal Ouija board or “guide to
the stars.” In order to arrive at accurate application, correct interpretation must
have been done. There is no secret or personal “message” in Scripture for you.
Your challenge is properly arriving at the original intention of the original
author and reaching a proper application for your live today. This is the challenge
of any bible study; bridging the gap between the original intent of the author
in the ancient text and the application for today’s living.
6.1 List the life issues contained in your passage
Make a list of the possible life issues that are mentioned explicitly, implicitly, or logically.
There may be only one or quite possibly several issues
Include them all at first
Eliminate those which you judge to be less significant or relevant
6.2 Clarify the possible nature and area of application
Arrange your list according to whether the passage or parts of the
passage are by nature, informative or directive
Then list them according to whether they deal with the area of faith or
action (I call this attitude or action)
6.3 Identify the specific changes that need to be made
Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the areas of attitude or action that
need to take place in your life. What do you need to “stop” doing, or what do
you need to “start doing?”
Ask the Holy Spirit to extricate truths from our passage that have
direct bearing on the areas He has illuminated
Ask the Holy Spirit to motivate you to apply those truths to the
various areas of your life that has been illuminated
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Tuesday's Treasure: How to Lead Fellow Believers into Sin
Over the years I have written a number of
quotes, comments, pithy sayings, and poems in the fly-leafs of my bibles. Each
Tuesday I am going to share those various entries from my bibles with you. I
hope they will be as much of blessing to you as they have been to me. Sometimes
I will be able to give credit where credit is due and sometimes I won’t be able
to credit the source. I apologize for this to each one who contributed these
gems over the last forty years.
Today’s Treasure:
How to Lead Fellow Believers
into Sin
1. Demonstrate personal favoritism amongst believers
2. Deny personal funds to others when they
have legitimate needs
3. Discuss personal failures of others in
malicious gossip
4. Despise personal features of others that irritate
5. Display
personal freedom carnally before weaker brothers
6. Divorce personal faithfulness from
everyday lifestyle
7. Denounce personal failings as excusable
8. Demand personal fulfillment at the expense
of others
9. Derail personal foresight of prudence and
10. Devise personal frivolity over spiritual
is by my design
Numbers 6- 10 were added by me to the list I recorded years ago
Monday, August 20, 2012
Gregg's Rules
Leroy Jethro Gibbs from NCIS has rules, called Gibbs' Rules, that he enforces with everyone on his
team. In season three, episode five (5) called "Switch" he told Ziva
that there are approximately fifty rules. However, only a few rules have been
when it comes to reading and books, I must have rules that I enforce also. I
must also have approximately fifty (50) rules, since Gibbs is no better than me. Since I just learned of this,
only a few of my rules have been revealed. Here are the ones that have been
revealed thus far. Stay tuned for further revelation.
1. Never let good theological books remain
2. Never handle books without tender loving care
3. Never overpay for books; use
4. Never depend upon someone else for study –
study and verify yourself
5. Never be too busy to read
6. Never keep a good book to yourself – always share
beneficial truths with others, especially me
7. Never take a good theological book for
granted; cherish them as a grandmother cherishes her grandchildren
8. Never read a book without a pen or pencil
9. Never read a book without becoming involved
with the book and the author
10. When you finish a really good book recommend
it others, especially me
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Sundays in the Study BS12-001
“Introduction to the First Epistle of
(Part I)
The Appetizer – let’s stimulate interest
Why do writers
open their books with introductions?
What are the
components of a good introduction?
Has a good
introduction caused you to read a book?
Has a bad
introduction stopped you from reading a book?
The Adaptation – let’s adapt the appetizer to our
Tonight and over the next two
Wednesday evenings, I intend to introduce to you a letter written over 2,000
years ago by a man named John in order to properly understand and apply the
divinely inspired material contained in this letter.
The Argument – let’s discover the main idea of our
This letter was written by
the Apostle John to the churches of Asia under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit around AD 85-90 for the spiritual welfare of God’s children. Therefore,
it needs to be carefully studied, learned, and applied by each one of us today.
The Aim – the change you need to make as a
result of this lesson
I challenge you to gain a
deeper appreciation and understanding of this letter so as to make application
in your daily walk with Christ.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Saturday's with Spurgeon #001
If they could but see that all their high joys do not exalt
them, and all their low despondencies do not really depress them in their Father’s
sight, but that they stand accepted in one who never alters, in one who is always the
beloved of God, always perfect, always without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing,
how much happier they would be, and how much more they would honour the Saviour!
Pastor Charles H. Spurgeon,
Metropolitan Tabernacle
Friday, August 17, 2012
What is Your FIRST Priority?
first priority was bringing glory to Christ! Listen to what Mrs. Susannah
Spurgeon wrote about her husband:
I remember…the Sunday
evening when he preached from the text, “His name shall endure forever.” It was
a subject in which he reveled, it was his chief delight to exalt his glorious
Saviour, and he seemed in that discourse to be pouring out his very soul and
life in homage and adoration before his gracious king.
But I really thought he
would have died there, in face of all those people! At the end of the sermon he
made a might effort to recover his voice, but utterance well-nigh failed, and
only in broken accents could the pathetic peroration be heard—“Let my name perish, but let Christ’s
name last forever! Jesus! JESUS! (Sic) Crown Him Lord of all! You will not hear
me say anything else. There are my last words in Exeter Hall for this time.
Jesus! Jesus! JESUS! (Sic) Crown Him Lord of all!” and then he fell back,
almost fainting, in the chair behind him. [1]
Mrs. Susannah Spurgeon,
Taken from Arnold Dallimore’s Spurgeon, A New Biography
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Based on a Scorsese's
EXCLUSIVE Alternate iPhone Commercial
“Lord, what’s my day look
I’m sorry my
son, I choose not to tell you in advance. My desire is that you trust me, look
to me, and avail yourself of the mercy and grace that is yours for the asking
when you draw near the throne of grace.”
you serious, Lord?”
you make my day pleasant and have all things work toward my advantage and
“Son, as your
day unfolds and you rest in me, relying on the grace that I promise, your day
will make much of my nature and character and each event of today will fashion
you into the image of my dear Son.”
you at least tell me how the traffic is heading downtown?”
“It’s headed downtown
primary with automobiles.”
Lord?” “You hit me with humor?”
love you Lord, I will go places only with you.”
“Do you love me
more than these my son?”
Lord, you know that I love you.”
“Do you love me?”
Lord, you know that I love you.”
“Do you love
Me my Son?”
you know everything; you know that I love you.”
don’t have an iPhone nor does the phone I have talk to me. However, unlike
SIRI, I can turn to my heavenly Father with confidence and stand before the
throne of grace and find everything that I need for my day!
“Since then we have a great
high priest who has passed through eh heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us
hold fast our confession…Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of
grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:14, 16, ESV)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Steps to the Study of Scripture Part VI
5. Biblical-Theological Context
is time to get the ole thinking cap out and do some real thinking about how
this passage relates to other scripture and towards Christian theology.
Remember the passage or even chapter that you are currently studying was not
written in a vacuum, nor was it meant to stand independent of the rest of the
book or the bible. You analyze the passage you are studying in view of seeing
how it relates to the rest of scripture.
5.1 Analyze the passage’s
relationship to the rest of Scripture
is time to ask several questions of your passage. Thinking through these answers
and then writing them out will help you in this step. Ask your passage:
What is your passage similar or even dissimilar to?
Is your passage one of many similar passages or is it unique?
What gaps in Christian history, philosophy, or doctrine does it fill?
Do other scriptures make this passage more understandable?
Where does your passage fit in in the overall structure of biblical
What value does this passage have for you, a student of the bible?
example, if you are studying I Peter 2:18-25, you would want to analyze some
similar passages such as; (Eph.6:5-9; Col. 3:22-4-1; I Tim. 6:1-2; Titus
5.2 Analyze the passage’s
use in and relation to theology
don’t be afraid of the word theology. Technically, it means “the study of God.”
It came to be used for a body of study. To us lay people in the church it
merely means “teaching” or “doctrine.” How does your passage relate to other
teachings in the bible? Answering the following questions will help you answer
this question.
What theological doctrine does the passage shed light on?
What are the theological concerns or implications in your passage?
Does the passage raise concerns or questions about some theological
How does your passage harmonize with the greater theological whole of
How does this passage help you (and others) become more theologically
consistent with the rest of scripture and its teachings?
you have finished answering these questions (and others that you might think
of) write your answers in a paragraph form. This shouldn’t take that long nor
be that involved. Yes, the thinking process might take several minutes to a few
hours. Once thought through and answered however, your writing the answers down
into a “synopsis” should not take long. However, it will of great benefit to
you in the understanding of your passage.
you remember the three greatest secrets in real estate? Well if you don’t they
are 1) location; 2) location; 3) location. The three greatest secrets in
theology are 1) context; 2) context; 3) context. Analyzing the text is one of
your greatest tools. Always be cognizant of biblical or theological context.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Tuesday's Treasure #2
Over the years I have written a number of
quotes, comments, pithy sayings, and poems in the fly-leafs of my bibles. Each
Tuesday I am going to share those various entries from my bibles with you. I
hope they will be as much of blessing to you as they have been to me. Sometimes
I will be able to give credit where credit is due and sometimes I won’t be able
to credit the source. I apologize for this to each one who contributed these
gems over the last forty years.
Today’s Treasure:
How to Pulverize Sin
1. Prize
God over sin
2. Pursue God rather than sin
3. Prevail over sin in faith by the word of God
4. Promote the ugliness of sin
5. Present yourself unreservedly to God
6. Presume sin will find you out
Purge sin by confession
8. Pulverize sin as if your life depends on it
9. Procure the help of the Holy Spirit
10. Pray for deliverance from sin and temptation
11. Pause to remember God has given all we need
to live godly in Christ Jesus
12. Ponder the glories of God that are ravished
by sin
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