Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What are you Aiming At?

It is hard to believe that not only is this December, but 2009 is almost over. Each year, between Thanksgiving and Christmas I take some time and write out my goals for the coming new year. I started in 2002 with the headings of Spiritual, Financial, Career, and Physical goals.

It helps me to consider a destination and then chart the direction that I want both to travel and then arrive at. The physical goals aren’t always that difficult; I still want to lose some weight and have some dental work completed. This year my career goals took a definite turn in the direction of, “Whoa Nelly, I didn’t see that coming. I was laid off in August and have not yet been able to find a job – so that is an easy, no brainer: Lord, all I want for Christmas is a JOB!

I love working through my spiritual goals. I like to look back and see where I have been, where I have come from, and how much of the previous year’s goals did I actually accomplish? (Is that a run-on sentence?)

I start off with goals that concern my devotion life. I then turn to spiritual and inspirational books that I want to read in the coming year. I then think of some areas of my life that need adjusting, changing, re-arranging, or just plain fixed.

I share this with you so that you might consider something similar. Many of you have a similar program and you have goals, but for those of you who have yet taken to meditating on spiritual things for the coming year let me encourage you to begin.

The reason for this is obvious. Someone once said, “if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.” Start small and if necessary take baby steps. Set a course, hang a target, set up a destination so that you have something to aim for.

Someone also said, “If you aren’t moving forward, you are moving backward – there is no standing still.” So, determine to move forward in our Lord. Remember the words of the Apostle Peter (II Peter 3:18) ESV:

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”


“To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”

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