Thursday, November 21, 2013

Methods or Message?

Discussion at pastor's breakfast centered on "methods" and means of creativity in penetrating a community for Christ. After all was said and done, my two thoughts are:

It is not the method that is performed it is the message that is proclaimed

It is not as much as about utilizing creativity as it is understanding Calvary

No doubt communication is extremely important. My point is that we can waste a lot of time, energy and brain cells looking for that one method or creative means to communicate the message (gospel). I am not saying there are not means to communicating and penetrating. But the discussion was  1) how do we creatively penetrate a community and 2) why are our people not "jazzed" about evangelism and the souls of others. I think it is a result of three (3) things: 1) I am not p reaching & teaching Calvary to my believers; 2) I am not leading by example believers; 3) they have not come to fully understand all that Calvary was and is.


John Patrick Donovan said...

Hi Gregg I'm glad to see your back.

Gregg Metcalf said...

Pat - Thanks! I know. Been busy with these apartments and busy prepareing messages and such for North Kelso. All is well - have missed you!

Susan said...

Hi Gregg, Happy Thankful Thanksgiving and always :)

This has been something that has caused many much confusion and division, hasn't it? The Lord told us to not plan ahead of time what we will say (when we go before judges, etc, so I think this applies to worldly situations, but it has some application for preaching don't you think? I mean, preachers can write up a sermon from their own logic and wisdom, and not be hearing from the Spirit at all, and then give a dry and lifeless speech) but that the Spirit will provide the words at the time we need them...that isn't to say to not prepare. We all are always to study and pray, and have a solid foundation. Our God doesn't need any gimmicks. :)

Susan said...

...and again, want to be sure to emphasize that a pastor can have something prepared, an outline maybe? and scriptures that are on his heart...but to also have it be given in a way where it comes from the Spirit, not the flesh, not looking for pats on the back for a "great sermon" but looking to pierce hearts with the truth of the gospel...