Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What Makes Me Complain?

Over the last forty (40) years I have written a number of quotes, comments, pithy sayings, and poems in the fly-leafs of my bibles. Each Tuesday I am going to share those various entries from my bibles with you. I hope they will be as much of blessing to you as they have been to me. Sometimes I will be able to give credit where credit is due and sometimes I won’t be able to credit the source. I apologize for this to each one who contributed these gems over the last forty (40) years.


We make the choice to turn from all that we have received and focus on what we still want to have. This is when complaining comes in. I minimize the blessings of life and magnify every negative circumstance encountered when I complain.


Anonymous said...

Great post Gregg, I can complain like the rest when I know I am RIGHT. Sometimes we have to stand our ground but only when we are totally sure of our facts.


Gregg Metcalf said...

Yvonne - there is a major difference between standing our ground for a right and complaining.