Hear No Truth, Speak No Truth, Follow No Truth
“This is not an intellectual movement. This is not a movement that has discovered evidence that overturns inspiration, evidence that overturns inerrancy or authority. This is a movement born of people who do not want to accept the clarity of Scripture,” says MacArthur.
Dr. John MacArthur (above) sat down with Answers magazine national editor Pam Sheppard to answer questions about the Emerging Church.
Solomon’s Porch (below), pastored by Doug Pagitt, is a popular Emerging Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This and other Emerging Churches seek to embrace mystery and put less emphasis on truth.
This kind of thinking is very convenient, he explains. If God’s Word is not clear, then we’re not responsible to follow it.
“It allows them not to take a position on homosexuality, premarital sex, or anything, besides ‘Let’s light some candles and incense, think good thoughts about Jesus, and give to the poor,’” he observes.
But as MacArthur reminds readers in his book’s introduction, “To claim that the Bible is not sufficiently clear is to assault God’s own wisdom and integrity.”
Sadly, some Christian bookstores now devote entire sections to books promoting the Emerging Church movement. MacArthur explains there are several reasons for the movement’s explosive growth:
If they don’t believe anything, they can’t offend anybody. They’re not under any mandate to say anything in particular. They play on the bad experiences and disappointments of people raised in the church. They basically can define themselves by experiences that are familiar to the culture.
Just Give Me Jesus—But Don’t Make Me Change My Ways
MacArthur brought up another quote from a different Christianity Today article. He considers it a metaphor for the whole movement. A young lady stated that she loves Donald Miller, the author of Blue like Jazz, because she wants to be religious but isn’t prepared to let religion alter her lifestyle.
“I’m a Jesus girl,” she said. “But I also like to go out and do tequila shots with my friends.”
Excerpt taken from an article by Pam Sheppard, September 11, 2007
This was EXCELLENT!! You did a great recap on this movement, so people can have some sort of sense how DANGEROUS it is! This was so well done!! Great job, Gregg!! Have a very blessed Sunday :>) alice
You must have spent some time researching this dangerous sect.
You made it so informative, I hope many more read it for their own good.
Have a peaceful Sunday,
I believe that many mainstream churches are on the fringes of this movement because they are teaching tolerance and acceptance of all people and practices.
We are too love all people whether or not they respond to our message but that does not mean we accept them or tolerate sinful behaviors.
It's a hard teaching but much of the Word is hard until you surrender.
I have reviewed some questionable books that have been marketed as "Christian". As grieved as I am that false and weak teachers abound, I think I am more disturbed that "Christian" publishers are pushing these books. Oh, the power of a dollar.
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