Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
An Attitude of Gratitude
Series: Topical-Holiday / Thanksgiving
An Attitude of Gratitude
Psalm 100:4-5
A. The Psalms was Israel’s Song Book
B. Psalm 100 is a Psalm of Thanksgiving
1A By Inviting Us into His Presence (Vs. 4a)
To Admit – (to make confession)
To Adore – (to offer praise)
To Appreciate – (to be thankful)
2A By Informing Us of His Personality (Vs. 5)
God is Virtuous (Good)
God is Vitative (Concerned about life)
God is Veracious (Truthful)
Friday, November 22, 2013
Seeds For Spiritual Soil - Bible Intake
Seeds for
Spiritual Soil
Type of Bible Intake
1. Devotional Reading & Meditation
2. Annual Reading through the Bible
3. Serious Bible Study
Read to Feed Your Soul
- read books specifically for your soul
- read books specifically for your mind
- read books specifically for your ministry
Read Variety of Spiritual Books
- Read Theological books
- Read Biographical books
- Read Spiritually Inspiring books
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Methods or Message?
Discussion at pastor's breakfast centered on "methods" and means of creativity in penetrating a community for Christ. After all was said and done, my two thoughts are:
It is not the method that is performed it is the message that is proclaimed
It is not as much as about utilizing creativity as it is understanding Calvary
No doubt communication is extremely important. My point is that we can waste a lot of time, energy and brain cells looking for that one method or creative means to communicate the message (gospel). I am not saying there are not means to communicating and penetrating. But the discussion was 1) how do we creatively penetrate a community and 2) why are our people not "jazzed" about evangelism and the souls of others. I think it is a result of three (3) things: 1) I am not p reaching & teaching Calvary to my believers; 2) I am not leading by example believers; 3) they have not come to fully understand all that Calvary was and is.
It is not the method that is performed it is the message that is proclaimed
It is not as much as about utilizing creativity as it is understanding Calvary
No doubt communication is extremely important. My point is that we can waste a lot of time, energy and brain cells looking for that one method or creative means to communicate the message (gospel). I am not saying there are not means to communicating and penetrating. But the discussion was 1) how do we creatively penetrate a community and 2) why are our people not "jazzed" about evangelism and the souls of others. I think it is a result of three (3) things: 1) I am not p reaching & teaching Calvary to my believers; 2) I am not leading by example believers; 3) they have not come to fully understand all that Calvary was and is.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
The Prologue - Part 5
Christian Living in a World
of Chaos
series on the true faith & life of a Christian
The Prologue: The Reason for the Incarnation
Part 5 * 1 John 1:4
4A The Expectation
of John (Vs. 4)
1B The Design of John’s
1C …as seen by the Words
2C …as seen by the Writer
2B The Desire of John’s
1C The Implication of John’s
The Importance of John’s Desire
3C The Indication of John’s
4C The Implementation of John’s
3B The Definition of John’s
1C The Meaning Determined
2C The Means Developed
4B The Demonstration of John’s
1C Demonstrated by its expression
2C Demonstrated by its exultation
3C Demnstrated by its experience
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Bumper Sticker Philosophy and Faith

Really? Is this Facebook post really in line with Christianity? Do you really think Christ would have gathered the multitude on a hillside in view of the cross and gave these instructions?
Is it just me or have "Christians" gone off the track these days by becoming addicted to bumper sticker philosophy and faith? I cannot seem to load Facebook any more without some one (supposedly believers) posting some inane, ungodly, and even ridiculous "poster" immortalizing worldly philosophy or wisdom.
Believers have seemed to have lost the urgency, seriousness, and warrior attitude these days. Christianity seems to have shifted from let's be about our Father's business and work before the night comes to let's party like its 1999.
I would expect this from Robert Schuller or Joel Osteen. I can't imagine for one moment thinking I would hear this from Charles Spurgeon or John Calvin.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Thanks To All The Vets!
Thanks to All the Vets Who Served Honorably!
Gregg Metcalf. USMC
Oct 18- 1972 - Oct 17-1975
Platoon 2134, MCRD San Diego
HMM-261 MCAS New River Air Station, Jacksonville, NC
HMH-461 New River Air Station
VMA-211 Iwakuni, Japan
VMA-311 MCAS Beaufort, South Carolina
USMCR 4th Battalion Hawk Missile Unit, San Jose CA
Air National Guard, Reno, NV
Sunday, November 10, 2013
The Prologue - Part 4
Living in a World of Chaos
series on the true faith & life of a Christian
Prologue: The Reason for the Incarnation
4 * 1 John 1:3b
3A The
Explanation of John (Vs. 3)
1B The Reason for John’s Explanation (Vs.
Truth For Today
2B The Result of John’s Explanation (Vs. 3b)
you also may have fellowship with us…”
1C What is fellowship?
2C How is fellowship achieved?
3C What is involved in fellowship?
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Where To Buy Good Books
Since you are going to be including anywhere between 4 and twenty four books in your spiritual goals for 2014, the question begs to answered: where do you get them?
If I may allow me to recommend some sites that you are probably already very familiar with. If might compare these sites for topics, books, and prices. I buy most of my books from one site since they allow me to compare prices and purchase the best book for the best price.
If I may allow me to recommend some sites that you are probably already very familiar with. If might compare these sites for topics, books, and prices. I buy most of my books from one site since they allow me to compare prices and purchase the best book for the best price.
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Stop searching to buy cheap books. Use our FREE price comparison service and start finding cheap used books, new books, book rentals and ebooks!
The Banner of Truth Trust originated in 1957 in London. The founders believed that much of the best literature of historic Christianity had been allowed to fall into oblivion and that its recovery under God could well lead not only to a strengthening of the Church today but to true revival. The origins of the work were closely connected with the prayer that God would be pleased to visit the land again in true awakening.
Books, materials, etc. from John MacArthur and Grace Community Church
A leading resource for Christian goods, Christian Book Distributors continues to provide an enormous selection at excellent value, with strong customer service and support.
Reformed sight with lots of helpful articles, books, and resources proclaiming the truths of Scripture as reiterated in the 16th century Reformation that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in the Scripture alone to the glory of God alone.
Westminster Bookstore is the campus bookstore for Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. While we exist to provide textbooks and resources for our students and faculty, our mission extends to serving the broader church of Jesus Christ.
Your local Holy Hardware Store, oops, I mean Christian Book Store may not carry good books, but they can order them for you.
Grace and Truth Books
Cumberland Valley Book Store
Grace and Truth Books
Cumberland Valley Book Store
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
How To Choose Inspirational Books - Part 2
Seven Sources to Select Suitable Books
Pastor and/or Elders
If you are already attending a good, solid, and biblically based fellowship, you have a built-in resource for recommendation. Your Teaching Elder and the other Elders are great sources. Once deciding upon a topic, subject, or area of interest ask your pastors for their recommendation. Ask them what are they reading for their spiritual growth and development. Hopefully your Elders have the discernment to steer you away from the junk being peddled in the Holy Hardware Stores and over the airwaves.
Foot Notes or End Notes
As you read a good spiritual or inspirational book take note of the footnotes and end notes by the author. Over the last several years I have purchased books that where quoted in the book I was reading at the time. Of course be careful of what is being quoted and why it is being quoted. Often times an author will quote a bad book by a false teacher in order to make a point. I have found a lot of good books just by checking the foot or end notes.
Reading Lists
Always been on the look-out for recommended reading lists. Very sources produce suggested reading lists for the maturing and development of believers. I have on file several good reading lists from various sources that I refer to and purchase in accordance with their recommendation.; Desiring God; and A Puritan's Mind are just a couple of places on-line that produce reading lists. You might have to "root" around their web-site for a bit but you can find reading lists. I have one I really like called 100 Books To Read. R. C. Sproul and Al Mohler have a reading list. You can find those on their web-sites. Remember if you choose to use a reading list be careful, be discerning, and choose well.
Subjects That Interest You
This is an excellent area to utilize in the selection of reading material. Choose some areas that you are interested in and buy some books. For example, if you want to know more about prayer, or the Trinity, or God, or Sin, or Marriage & Family, or Evangelism, then buy books on those subjects and read them along with your bible. Set goals in various areas of your Christian Growth and then purchase books that will help you to grow in those areas.
Areas in Which You Are Struggling
This may seem to be related to the last heading. However, it is somewhat different and therefore useful. As you grow in Christ-likeness you will struggle. Most of us who are growing describe as, "One step forward, two steps back." If you struggle in discernment, with particular sins, lack of love, direction, motivation, evangelism, or any other area, purchase some good books that deal with that subject and devour them.
Let me say to be very careful. Much of the books in the so called Christian Book Stores deal with "symptoms" and not the root problem. Most discount sin and run the gauntlet of psychology to incorrect teaching of demonology.
Yes, I know this was on the previous post as a source that may not be so helpful. However, if you have friends that are mature in the Christian faith then they will be able to discern the good from the bad and make recommendations for you.
My Recommendation
Having exercised and practiced spiritual discernment, I feel confident in offering my services any time they are needed in order to recommend or comment on a particular book that you might be interested in. Shoot me an email, I will be glad to tell you if you are looking at a good book or a bad one.
Let me state I am not a replacement for your pastor or elders. If you are in a good fellowship always talk to your Elders first.
Hope these seven sources help you find some good books to add to your list of goals for 2014. I have already chosen twenty four books that I want to read in 2014.
Happy Hunting! Happy Reading!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
How To Choose Inspirational Books - Part 1
An important area for your spiritual development is your intake of good inspirational or spiritual books and reading material. Regardless of whether you are a fast reader, slow reader, a lover or a hater of reading, in order to grow spiritually and in Christ-likeness you must read good books.
Naturally the first "book" that you must read is the Bible. Choose a good translation and determine to read a portion of it each and every day. Start in the beginning, either the Old Testament or the New Testament, but read Scripture.
Let me encourage you to set as a goal to read inspirational or spiritual books during the year. Set a reasonable goal. By this I mean first, don't set the goal with so many books that you are never able to achieve your goal. But secondly, don't undersell yourself either. Don't be coy and say you will read one or two books during a twelve month period. You know what your reading level is, choose appropriately. It may be 1 book a month, 2 books a month or 1 book every three months. Set a number for your goal.
Let me address two areas that might pop up in your thoughts as you think on this. First, what do I read, second, where do I find the books I should read.
What Should I Read?
Allow me to suggest some areas or topics you should be utilizing as a steady diet. This list could go on forever. One or two a year from these categories will give you a good balance and will aid what you read in Scripture. Rule One - never replace the reading of Scripture with the reading of any book of any category. Simply put down the gossip rags, the T. V Guide, The Soap Opera Digest, the Romance Novels so called Christian Fiction, and the remote control and pick one of these up and read.
Where Do I Find Good Books?
This is a good question. You need several sources to find good reading material that will help you grow in Christ-likeness. Let me say first of all that there are at least four areas in which you should utilize very sparingly and very, very, very, very, carefully.
Christian Book Stores
(I call them Holy Hardware Stores)There is a lot of junk being sold in so called Christian Book stores that should be burned. Not everything in a so called Christian Book store is worthy of reading. Christian Book stores for the most part are in business for a profit. They do not discriminate about what they sell. They will sell very bad doctrine right along side of biblical teaching in order to stay in business.
The Radio
I wish I could take the majority of the so called "Christian" radio programs off the air. There are far more false teachers on the radio than there are biblical teachers. Be very careful what you hear recommended or really "hawked" over the air waves. Much of the books recommended on the radio are just plain and simply bad doctrine. Many times an acceptable radio teacher/preacher will recommend bad books due to a lack of discernment. Be careful!
See comments under "The Radio."
Yes, I included your friends as a source to be careful of. I was shocked how many of my friends recommended The Shack when it was popular. It blew me away that they did not have the discernment to see what a terrible book that was. If your friends are not consistently renewing or renovating their minds (Romans 12:1-2) with regular intake of Scripture, they will not know how to prove what is God's will and good and what is not God's will and bad. Therefore, they will not be able to recommend a good book to you over a bad book.
Tomorrow we will look at seven sources to select good reading material.
Naturally the first "book" that you must read is the Bible. Choose a good translation and determine to read a portion of it each and every day. Start in the beginning, either the Old Testament or the New Testament, but read Scripture.
Let me encourage you to set as a goal to read inspirational or spiritual books during the year. Set a reasonable goal. By this I mean first, don't set the goal with so many books that you are never able to achieve your goal. But secondly, don't undersell yourself either. Don't be coy and say you will read one or two books during a twelve month period. You know what your reading level is, choose appropriately. It may be 1 book a month, 2 books a month or 1 book every three months. Set a number for your goal.
Let me address two areas that might pop up in your thoughts as you think on this. First, what do I read, second, where do I find the books I should read.
What Should I Read?
Allow me to suggest some areas or topics you should be utilizing as a steady diet. This list could go on forever. One or two a year from these categories will give you a good balance and will aid what you read in Scripture. Rule One - never replace the reading of Scripture with the reading of any book of any category. Simply put down the gossip rags, the T. V Guide, The Soap Opera Digest, the Romance Novels so called Christian Fiction, and the remote control and pick one of these up and read.
- Christian Growth Books
- Devotional Books
- Autobiography or Biographies
- Mission stories about missionaries
- Doctrinal or Theological Books
- Historical Books
Where Do I Find Good Books?
This is a good question. You need several sources to find good reading material that will help you grow in Christ-likeness. Let me say first of all that there are at least four areas in which you should utilize very sparingly and very, very, very, very, carefully.
Christian Book Stores
(I call them Holy Hardware Stores)There is a lot of junk being sold in so called Christian Book stores that should be burned. Not everything in a so called Christian Book store is worthy of reading. Christian Book stores for the most part are in business for a profit. They do not discriminate about what they sell. They will sell very bad doctrine right along side of biblical teaching in order to stay in business.
The Radio
I wish I could take the majority of the so called "Christian" radio programs off the air. There are far more false teachers on the radio than there are biblical teachers. Be very careful what you hear recommended or really "hawked" over the air waves. Much of the books recommended on the radio are just plain and simply bad doctrine. Many times an acceptable radio teacher/preacher will recommend bad books due to a lack of discernment. Be careful!
See comments under "The Radio."
Yes, I included your friends as a source to be careful of. I was shocked how many of my friends recommended The Shack when it was popular. It blew me away that they did not have the discernment to see what a terrible book that was. If your friends are not consistently renewing or renovating their minds (Romans 12:1-2) with regular intake of Scripture, they will not know how to prove what is God's will and good and what is not God's will and bad. Therefore, they will not be able to recommend a good book to you over a bad book.
Tomorrow we will look at seven sources to select good reading material.
Monday, November 4, 2013
How Did You Do?
How are you coming on reviewing and re-evaluating your goals for 2013? Last month I reminded you that in this, the last quarter of the year, you should review last years goals. I suggested that you take October and carefully, prayerfully, and wisely review the goals that you had set.
October came to a close this past Thursday. Of course there is no magic involved in using October versus September or even November to review and re-evaluate your goals. Just remember the axiom, "If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time."
For the record, I chose to use October as a time to prayerfully and carefully review and re-evaluate my goals. I discovered that I achieved a good many of them. I also discovered that there were a few that I didn't monitor my steps well enough and I did not achieve those goals.
Friday was the first day of November. Let me suggest that you use November to establish your goals for 2014. Seek the mind of the Lord (by renewing or renovating your mind-Romans 12:1-3) and establish goals for the coming year. Also, develop the steps for each goal that will help you to actually achieve each goal that you set. I use the following categories:
One side note if I may: establish your reading goals for 2014 also. Determine what you would like to read or study during your personal devotions or quiet time. For example, I used 2013 to meditate and study the letter of Paul to the Roman congregation. I want to use 2014 to meditate through and study the three Pastoral Epistles of 1 Timothy, Titus, and 2 Timothy.
I also have established a reading list of twenty four spiritual or inspiration books I want to read. I want to talk a little more about this goal in tomorrow's post.
How did you do during October? Did you get the opportunity to review and re-evaluate your goals for this past year?
- Did you achieve your goals?
- Did any prove to be unreasonable?
- Did any need to be redefined?
- Did you monitor the steps to your goals?
October came to a close this past Thursday. Of course there is no magic involved in using October versus September or even November to review and re-evaluate your goals. Just remember the axiom, "If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time."
For the record, I chose to use October as a time to prayerfully and carefully review and re-evaluate my goals. I discovered that I achieved a good many of them. I also discovered that there were a few that I didn't monitor my steps well enough and I did not achieve those goals.
Friday was the first day of November. Let me suggest that you use November to establish your goals for 2014. Seek the mind of the Lord (by renewing or renovating your mind-Romans 12:1-3) and establish goals for the coming year. Also, develop the steps for each goal that will help you to actually achieve each goal that you set. I use the following categories:
- Spiritual
- Physical
- Financial
- Material
- Vocational
One side note if I may: establish your reading goals for 2014 also. Determine what you would like to read or study during your personal devotions or quiet time. For example, I used 2013 to meditate and study the letter of Paul to the Roman congregation. I want to use 2014 to meditate through and study the three Pastoral Epistles of 1 Timothy, Titus, and 2 Timothy.
I also have established a reading list of twenty four spiritual or inspiration books I want to read. I want to talk a little more about this goal in tomorrow's post.
How did you do during October? Did you get the opportunity to review and re-evaluate your goals for this past year?
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Prologue - Part 3
Living in a World of Chaos
series on the true faith & life of a Christian
Prologue: The Reason for the Incarnation
3 * 1 John 1:3
3A The Explanation
of John (Vs. 3)
1B Christians are people who know
what they have
Christians are people who are
anxious for
others to have what they
Christians are people who share the
same experience
Christians are people who have
what is possible for others to haveSaturday, November 2, 2013
Why Bloody Sacrifices?
The design
which the bloody sacrifices were meant to serve from the first,
and which they
never ceased to serve, was to maintain a conviction of man’s guilt, and a
dependence on the forgiving grace of God by an atonement. They clearly taught
this truth in a symbolic form to the Jewish nation. They showed that
reconciliation could be effected in no other way than by a satisfaction to
divine justice. They pointed out that the worshippers had in many ways offended
God, and were worthy of death; that they were to see in the sacrifices a symbol
of the inevitable divine punishment which had been incurred; and that God made
the animal victim serve as a pledge that the punishment was borne by a
substitute, and that on this ground the offerer could again be taken into
favor. The sacrifices were meant to exhibit the indispensable necessity of an
atonement by vicarious expiation.
--George Smeaton
Friday, November 1, 2013
Old Faithful or Ancient Faithful?
Old Faithful is a cone geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Old
Faithful was named in 1870 by members of the Washburn-Langford-Doane
Expedition. Legend has it that it was the first geyser in Yellowstone Park to
be given a name. Old Faithful is also called the most “predictable geographical
feature” on earth due to the fact that it erupts every 91 minutes.
I have stood as close as you are allowed to stand in front of this
majestic creation of God as it has erupted. It is awesome, it is majestic, and
it is legendary. Its beauty and magnificence is almost beyond description.
However, I know someone who is even more majestic, more awesome, and
immensely more magnificent. What is more, He knows me!
“Through the LORD’s
mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new
every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The LORD is my portion, says my
soul, therefore I hope in Him.’ The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to
the soul who seeks Him. It is good tha one should hope and wait quietly for the
salvation of the LORD.” (Lamentations 3:22-26, NKJV)
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