Thursday, January 26, 2012


Apostasy. Deliberate repudiation and abandonment of the faith that one has professed. Apostasy differs from heresy. A heretic denies an aspect of the Christian faith retains or maintains the name of "Christian."

Examples of apostasy are found throughout the bible - Demas (II Tim. 4:12), Hymenaeus and Alexander (I Tim. 1:20)

The apostles warned that apostasy would rise in the church which would culminate in the appearance of the "Man of Sin" (II Thess. 2:3; I Tim. 4:1-2)

The New Testament gives numerous warning to believers to avoid the danger of apostasy and the consequences of falling way from the Faith. (Heb. 6:5-8; 10:26)

Emperor Julian (361-363) renounced the Christian faith and attempted vigorously to reestablish paganism in the Roman Empire was a famous apostate who became known as "The Apostate."

The early church faced ten major and official periods of persecution. These persecutions resulted in some believers to renounce their faith in order to retain their lives. The church was divided over whether these "apostates" could be restored to the faith and the church. Some were readmitted with a public confession of guilt and repentance.

Walter A. Elwell, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, 2nd ed,( Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, 1984, 2001), p. 85

1 comment:


Good day Gregg another great post I enjoyed reading,

Take care.