We often attribute the qualities of our character to great
teachers in our past. Most, if not all, of these teachers are usually people
who have been joined to our lives by circumstance or chance. Nannies, nurses,
teachers, tutors, friends and even foes positively or negatively contribute to
our emotional, spiritual, educational, and intellectual development.
It seems that only on the rarest of occasion do we attribute
our development to inanimate entities. When we do speak of these things we have
a tendency to refer to them with such colorful monikers as “the school of hard
knocks,” “education by trial and tribulation,” “baptized by fire,”, or “learning
the hard way.” However, failure to be fully aware of our surroundings can cause
us to miss some equally great teachers and great lessons.
One inanimate entity that is rarely recognized as a great
teacher is that of “sleep.” When was the last time you thought of “sleep” as your
instructor, let alone the important lessons that sleep can teach you? I guess
the first question to really consider would be, “what could sleep possibly
teach us?”
“It is vain that you rise up early and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil, for he gives to his beloved sleep.” (Psalms
127:2, ESV)
The first thing that we see in this passage is that sleep derives
from God as a gift. God gives his children sleep. We do not have to
endure guilt or anxiety in regards to our employment or enjoyment of sleep. God
created the human body with the capacity to require sleep.

The second thing we see in this passage is that sleep
develops our faith. When we sleep we are forced to cease trusting in
ourselves and our abilities and trust God. We are driven by our need of sleep
to recognize that we have limitations. We are not indestructible or invincible.
We are bound by our limitations. We are taught that we don’t have to work all
of the time to have and maintain the things that we need. God knows what we
need and will provide them. He will provide them even during a time of sleep.
The third thing we see in this passage is that sleep diminishes
greed and anxiety. It is interesting to note that Solomon unequivocally
states that it is vain, fruitless,
lacking substance or worth; it is to no avail or success, to get up
extremely early and to stay up extremely late to plant or harvest. Rising early
or retiring late will not make our food grow any faster or with a great yield. You
might set up to watch corn grow, but it won’t grow any faster because you are
watching it. Mind you this was written by an agrarian king in an agrarian
society. We don’t plant and harvest as they did in Solomon’s time, but we soon
learn the similar tendency to work harder than smarter and to worry about what
we cannot control.
Enjoy this great gift from God! Remember, to not abuse it by
refusing sleep, over indulging in sleep, or becoming anxious because sleep
curtails our activities in acquiring things we think we need or want. Also,
remember to give thanks to God for this precious gift.