- Many times I have come across some very special points of teaching that affect my soul in a tremendous manner. I try to give credit where credit is due and have no desire to be guilty of the sin of plagiarism. As careful as I try to be there are times I have forgotten, lost, or otherwise mishandled the originator of some of these truths that have been such a special blessing to me. I have made it a practice to keep in my prayer journal various prayers, ideas, and teachings that I have deemed valuable to my spiritual well being. I use these various ideas, thoughts, and suggestions as guides and springboards in my praying. I am not a slave to them nor would I suggest that you use them in this fashion, but I desire to share some with you periodically that I think could be both a blessing and help. I do not know where I came across these suggestions or whom to credit to, may they and God forgive me for my carelessness. Here are five suggestions to be included in your daily devotions as you seek to grow in grace and Christ likeness. I hope that you can benefit from them and shape them for your use by asking God to: 1. Expose and eradicate any form of self-righteousness in my life. · Especially in daily devotions – it is not a system or activity that will make me Christlike, but Christ working in me that rescues me from sin · I cannot always see the evidence of self-righteousness 2. expose and eradicate the sin that resides in me · I need to see how desperate my condition really is · I need to have my heart changed everyday 3. expose and eradicate my constant desire for independence · help me to see how weak, blind, & vulnerable I really am · I need wisdom and correction everyday · I am needy and weak, and am to be dependent on Christ at all times 4. expose and eradicate the distorted view of who I am · remind me that I am a sinner saved by grace · remind me that I need Christ and his grace daily · remind to ask for the maturing work of Christ daily 5. expose and eradicate anything that usurps the place of Christ in my heart · I need to be patient in the life of faith, God will give me what he knows I need · I need to keep my eyes focused on eternity vs today
I need to be more thankful for God has given me
Thanks Gregg!
This post was very helpful for me and my walk. Hope all in well with you up north!!
You are welcome, glad to be a tool used by God to bless you! Sure miss you. Things are well here!
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