SERMON: GM15-064
SERIES: Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained
& Applied
SETTING: North Kelso Baptist Church
SERVICE: Sunday AM (July 12, 2015)
Perversion of Righteousness (Romans 1:18-3:20)
Righteous Judgment of God (Part 4)
SUBJECT: The Jews Guilty as the
SUMMARY: Paul denies the Jews a refuge from God’s judgment by demonstrating that
the possession of the law is of no advantage.
SCHEME: To enable my people to share with Jewish people that they are as guilty
as the Gentiles of sin against God, thereby warranting the judgment
of God.
Theme: The Jews are guilty
Thrust: because
the law has limitations
CPT: In spite of
the Jews covenantal position and their covenantal privileges, the Jews are as guilty as the Gentles due to the limitations of
the covenantal relationship
CPS: God will judge the Jews
Sentence: Why will God judge the
Transitional Sentence: This passage announces that God will
judge the Jews for two reasons:
1. Because the Jews misunderstood their status (17-24)
Because the
Jews misunderstood their symbol (25-29)
Outline: 2A The
Sinful Hebrews (2:1-3:8)
1B The Judgment of God Declared (2:1-16)
1C The Jews deserved the judgment of God
2C The Jews determined the judgment of God
3C The Jews doomed by the judgment of God
2B The Judgment of God Discussed (2:17-29)
1C The Jews Misunderstood their status
1D They relied on their relationship (17a)
2D They rested on their resources (17b-18)
1E The resource of the law
2E The relationship with God
3E Their responsibility of discernment
4E Their ritualistic instruction in the law
3D They reneged on their responsibilities
1E They were to be guide to the blind
2E They were to be a light in darkness
3E They were to instruct the foolish
4E They were to teach the immature
4D They redefined their reality (21-24)
1E They were guilty of sanctimony
2E They were guilty of stealing
3E They were guilty of sexuality
4E They were guilty of sacrilege
5E They were guilty of scornfulness