Yom Kippur
(yom ki-poor)

Aaron would carefully follow the specific instructions given by God in Leviticus 4 for this annual sacrifice. The high priest would take the blood from the sacrificed goat into the tabernacle and into the holy of holies. He would then sprinkle the blood on the veil or the curtain and on the mercy seat which sat behind the curtain inside of the holy of holies. This was a "secret" act which was not observed by anyone. It seems that God wanted this covering by the blood to be known publically. There are several lessons in this "public" display of what took place inside the holy of holies.

Second, God taught the children of Israel that atonement forever and irreversibly puts away sin: the sin-bearer, the scapegoat goes - never to return - into the wilderness. The sin is forever dealt with, God is satisfied, and the condemnation and judgement is revoked for another year.
Third, God taught the children of Israel that this ceremony foreshadowed a day when sin would be finally dealt with by a sin-bearer that He would provide. The tabernacle no longer exists. The Temple was destroyed in AD 70, the children of Israel were scattered in AD 70. There is no more altar. There is no more high priest. There is no more day of atonement as the ancient Israelites knew them. Why?
The shadow was replaced by the reality! Approximately AD 32, Jesus Bar-Joseph (Son of Joseph) of Nazareth, who had been born in Bethlehem became both the scapegoat and the sin offering. Jesus willingly and obediently humbled himself by allowing both man and God to sacrifice Him upon a cross in order for God, His Father to exalt Him through the resurrection from the dead. Several things took place when the shadow became the reality:
First, the sin of God's elect, his chosen children from all tribes, tongues, nations, and peoples, were imputed to Jesus Christ. God placed the sin of his elect on Jesus Christ, and He who was innocent and had never sinned became sin in order to have the full wrath and fury of an offended and almighty God hurled upon him. (Galatians 2:20)
Second, the total and complete righteousness of Jesus Christ was made available to be imputed by God to his elect when by faith they repent and trust in that atoning work completed by Jesus Christ. Those who were guilty of sin were eternally secured and their sin fully paid for.

2010 A-Z Challenge: Y is for Yokefellow
2011 A-Z Challenge: Y is for Yom Kippur
A good infotmative Y word post.
Loved reading. A little late as I have been watching the Royal Wedding on TV.
So informative !!!! Well done! Thank you!
What a message! What glorious truth! Great Y post. One more to go, Gregg. Blessings! :-)
Forgiveness is an amazing gift.
Thank you for taking the time to explain what is behind Yom Kippur!
Excellent post, I enjoyed the timeline you put on it and the sitting down part. I hadn't noticed that before that the high priest couldn't sit down because his work was unfinished.
imputation, and atonement, 2 blessed doctrines of the faith.
Hallelujah, He sat down!
Great post, Gregg!
I'd never thought about the implications of Christ being seated. What an amazing redeemer and savior!
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