Saturday, September 5, 2015

More Symbolism over Substance

I realize I am in the absolute minority here, but first of all Christ is not on the cross, He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Second, God (at least from Scripture) seems to have no desire nor purpose in "saving this nation."

Third, God only has a covenant and unique relationship with one nation, Israel, not America.

Fourth, prior to His return to earth, evil men are going to wax or grow worse and worse.

 Fifth, God has given mankind and this nation over to a reprobate mind, this reprobate or depraved mind has ascended into the White House and the Supreme Court.

Sixth, even in God's providence and sovereignty there is no going back for this nation. We need to grieve for the sin of man in this nation, work while it is yet light in preaching the gospel. There is coming a time when no man can work.

Seventh, in regards to the original caption, "What A Powerful Picture," I do not find it powerful but repugnant.

1 comment:

Gregg Metcalf said...

Thank you Lyn! Your points are right on also. By the way, I had responded in the comment section to the original posting on FaceBook. I was critized for having a "lecturing tone that was uncalled for." (And that was by a pastor)