
Thursday, August 21, 2014

How Much Does A Person Have to Know to Be Saved?

The other day I was drug once again in that age old "discussion" of how much gospel does a person need in order to become a Christian. Another way of saying this is how simple can the gospel be made so that people can still be converted. Or just how much does a person need to know or be told in order to "get saved?"

Quite frankly I have disliked this discussion for quite some time. I have always felt that both the Lord and the gospel end up with the short end of the stick on this one. 

Those who are shallow in bible understanding and those who think that the gospel must be so simplistic, strip the gospel of vital information. I have heard some gospel presentations that were barely above Amway invitations. 

Do you remember those old Amway ambushes? Your friend, or a "couple" invited you to "dinner" or "snacks" and wouldn't tell you anything more. Then when the evening began you discovered you were a "target" set up in an ambush to be suckered into Amway. Oh, did I say suckered, did I mean to say solicited?

Stop and think about it for a minute will you? First, why do some people think the gospel should be so stripped down and so simple? 

That's easy-peasy! They don't think the "target" will get it. They don't think the "lost soul" that they are "sharing" the gospel with will understand it.

But wait a minute, what does I Corinthians 2:14 say? "The natural person [the unsaved individual in his/her natural state] does not accept [receive- with the view of understanding] the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly [foolishness] to him, and he is not able to understand them [why?] because they are spiritually discerned. (I Corinthians 2:14, ESV)

Until the Holy Spirit sovereignly chooses to regenerate an individual they will not and cannot understand spiritual truths. They cannot understand the spiritual principle, the spiritual truth, the spiritual motivation and animation behind biblical truth. It is true that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, but faith does not come until the Holy Spirit has imparted the gift of faith as He imparts spiritual life. Regeneration by the Holy Spirit then faith and repentance comes as the lost soul understands and repents by faith.

So, I think sharing the gospel is somewhat similar to answering the question most parents fear the most, "where do babies come from?" The most intelligent response gives just enough information to satisfy the child who has asked the question. 

Avoid two extremes - avoid giving a university level dissertation on reproduction and avoid giving so little information that the questioner is confused, unsatisfied, or seeks information elsewhere.

Share enough biblical truth based on your "hearers" abilities,background, circumstances, intelligence level, and/or need. Give the full gospel - don't hold back.

The "success" of the gospel, the person's salvation that you are dealing with is NOT DEPENDENT UPON YOU! God will save those whom He has ordained to eternal life. It is not up to you to get anyone to "sign on the dotted line." Your job is to prayerfully, graciously, and humbly share the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ and then to water that freshly planted seed with fervent prayer. God will give the increase to those whom He chooses in His timing,

So, go into all the world, as ambassadors of Christ, being witnesses to His death, burial, and resurrection. Preach, teach, and share the entire gospel news with every creature. Bear precious seed and you will return rejoicing bringing your sheaths with you.

And by the way, don't give me that asinine rubbish about "Share the gospel - and use words if necessary." The very fact that we are to preach, proclaim, or share the gospel requires words! Think about these things and don't naively accept them because they first, sound good, and second, sound "christianese." 


  1. Personally if you have heard of Christmas, Easter, then you have heard of Christ. If you have heard of Christ and believe then you're a Christian.
    Great to hear from you Gregg.

  2. I don't really have a response for you, Gregg. Just wanted you to know I've read and re-read this post a couple of times, and even discussed it on twitter. You've got me truly pondering how to answer the title's question. Thanks!

  3. Yvonne - In all humility and with no disrespect to you, your definition of a Christian is not correct. It is what most people think but it doesn't line up with God's Word. Remember the demons believe, they even do more than believe, they tremble. There is more than believing.

    Larri - I appreciate that you don't have a response. Thanks for reading it and even discussing it. Hope you got my drift and you and yours do think through this, so many think they are saved and they are not.

    Lyn - you are right on! I agree with you as you probably already know. Thanks for your insightful comment and the quoting of A. W. Pink.


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.