
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

From Twin Falls to Cheyenne

After a horrible night of fit-full sleeping minutes at a time on a bed that was harder than I-84, we decided around 3:00 AM to throw in the towel and hit the road. Besides, I wanted to get out of Idaho anyways. I was tense the entire time of driving through that state. 

Scott, there was nothing but furniture and knick-knacks in that trailer. However, having inspected semi-trucks for contraband and explosives when working at SIAD (Sierra Army Depot - Herlong), I know what we did to those truckers who flunked the "attitude test." We would  pull everything thing we could out of anything we could pull it and put it out on the ground. Then of course we would get a kick out of watching them put all of their worldly possessions back in the sleeper part of their cab.

Those memories invaded my mind like Putin in the Ukraine. All I could think of was seeing every item in that trailer on the side of I-84. Well, thankfully we made it through Idaho without an incident.

We dropped down into the top of Utah and drove for what seemed forever before we came to any place that resembled breakfast. Irene fell in love with Utah, especially the closer we got to the border of Utah and Wyoming. 

We drove into Evanston, Wyoming and continued to climb. I had forgotten that we would cross the continental divide and reach elevations of some 8800 feet. But my old Buick pulled those hills like a champ. Of course you had to jump out every so often and catch the needle that belonged on the gas gauge as it was sucked out of the dash board. Our mileage dropped to an all time low of 22 MPG to around 25 MPG while we climbed all the way to Laramie. 

I love Cheyenne! Would love to live there. We checked into our second Motel 6. The motel was decent. The bed was acceptable. However, it was 10 feet from the rail-road tracks. It seemed a train went by every 10 minutes. We rocked and rolled all night but we did get some rest.

The funny thing, at least to me, was I asked the desk where there was a place to eat. She said, Carl's Jr. was up the road but if we wanted Mickey D's or anything else it was a little further. Little further? We never did find anything until the next morning when we drove out of town. I settled for a fish sandwich at Carl's Jr. 

Irene and I boycott Carl's Jr. We think their commercials are too sexual in nature. But "preferences" go out the window when you have driven all day and are starving. 

"The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore."


  1. C'mon, surely you wouldn't have flunked the "attitude test"!

    Cheryl loves Chyenne as well, and would love to live there.

    Carl, Jr's is affiliated with Hardee's, and we likewise avoid them because of their ads. But like you said, necessity and need. My favorite coffee stop in Memphis was called "Tamp and Tap". It was a coffee house, but with drinks "on tap." Probably wouldn't hang out there on a regular basis, but that was one great cup a joe.

  2. Would love to be in Cheyenne right now. Kuwait is no Wyoming.

  3. So funny. You're really reviving memories of places I used to play when on the road show. I don't know about living in Cheyenne though. To me Wyoming was always one of those "nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there" sort of places.

    What is the best short story ever written?
    Tossing It Out

  4. Never been to Cheyenne, but would love to visit one day. It's my hope to take my kids on a cross-country car trip before they are grown and out of the house.

    Sorry about the rough night's sleep. Glad you were able to safely make it to your next destination on little sleep!


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.