
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Christians in a Declining Culture

As a Grace Partner I received a monthly form letter from Pastor John MacArthur, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA.

In this letter he called our attention to some observations about the culture in which the early believers lived in. In this instance I agree with MacArthur's proposition and conclusions.This paragraph is a summary paragraph in the letter. I post it because with the "political" discussions going on in various blogs and social media such as Facebook, I find myself in an increasing minority of so-called Christians.

"So is there any good news?" you may be asking. Actually I believe the current situation is good news. For years I've been concerned by the church's pursuit of cultural change through political and social activities. Large swaths of Christians have placed enormous time, energy, money, and hope in the wrong places. Hand in glove with that thinking, superficial, cultural Christianity has blurred the clear lines between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of this world, and has softened the hard demands of the gospel, making professing Christ easy and without cost. As a result churches have been filled with highly religious, superficially moral, self-righteous people who don't understand the Gospel and are self-deceived about their true spiritual state."

Taken from a letter written by John McArthur to Grace Partners supporters dated February 13, 2014.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What Do You Think?

The following question was posted on Facebook on 02-24-2014:

Do Christians surrender all of our Christian rights and religious freedoms when we enter into the business world?

My Reply:

First of all, I am not sure what is meant by Christian rights. I didn't know there was such a "thing." Second, freedoms that are given are freedoms that can be taken.

When someone obtains a business license from a state one "promises" or agrees to abide by and obey all laws and regulations established (right or wrong) by the state.

 Therefore, one (particularly believers) must thoroughly examine their desire to open and maintain a business and the regulations established and enforced by the state.

 If they cannot because of conscience, scripture, or conviction obey and maintain those regulations then they SHOULD not open a business in the state.

 But to knowingly apply for and receive a business license and open a business resulting in a disclaimer that religious convictions prohibit them from obeying those regulations is deceptive and fraud. Their options are

1) do not open the business, 

2) apply for a variance and special provision in the license,

3) utilize the legislative privileges and have the laws changed, 

4) move to a state that has a more flexible license. 

(Disclaimer: I don't approve of all the laws and regulations governing businesses nor do I condone sinful and wicked behavior or practice. I do advocate that we as believers be consistent in our beliefs and practices.)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Exposed By the Cross

Chew on this for awhile:

"The cross exposes me before the eyes of other people, informing them of the depth of my depravity. If I wanted others to think highly of me, I would conceal the fact that a shameful slaughter of the perfect Son of God was required that I might be saved. But when I stand at the foot of the cross and am see by others under the light of that cross, I am left uncomfortably exposed before their eyes. Indeed, the most humiliating gossip that could ever be whispered about me is blared from Golgotha's Hill; and my self-righteous reputation is left in ruins in the wake of its revelations. With the worst facts about me thus exposed to the view of others, I find myself feeling that I truly have nothing left to hide.

...I give thanks for the gospel's role in forcing my hand toward self-disclosure and the freedom that follows."

Taken from Milton Vincent's, A Gospel Primer for Christians, p. 34

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Test of Fellowship Part 6

SERMON            GM14-015

SERIES:              Christian Living in a World of Chaos & Contradiction

SCRIPTURE:     1 John 1:8-2:2

SUBJ:                  Fellowship with God

SUBTITLE:        The Test of Fellowship (Part 6)

SUMMARY:       The Christian life is viewed as a life of fellowship

SCHEME:           To desire fellowship with fellow believers

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Break between Stott and Lloyd-Jones

"The situation is indeed so novel that I am afraid that many of us as evangelicals do not yet quite realise (sic) it and are not aware of what is happening." (John Stott, 1966 Evangelical Alliance)

What was at issue was how the situation was to be interpreted. Stott believed that a new opportunity was occurring both for the advance of Evangelicalism (given its much higher national profile since 1954) and (sic) for a renewal of evangelical influence within major denominations.

Lloyd-Jones believed that both of these objectives could not be achieved at the same time. He saw that for evangelicals to gain ecumenical and denominational acceptance they would have to pay a price which would imperil the very legitimacy of their distinctive beliefs. If evangelical beliefs is in essence, gospel (sic) belief, how can Christian fellowship exist independently of any common commitment to such belief? How can a right belief on fundamentals retain the primary importance which Scripture gives to it if, after all, it is not necessary to salvation? How can evangelicalism be said to represent biblical essentials if one regards as Christians and works alongside those who actually deny these essentials? The effect of such broad co-operation, he argued, would be bound to promote the doctrinal indifferentism of the ecumenical movement."

Taken from Iain H. Murray's Evangelicalism Divided: A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950-2000, page 45

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Recomendation

Pastor Evert and Gloria Atkinson

Mentioning Pastor Atkinson yesterday reminded me of three things:

  • how much I actually learned from him
  • how much I really love an appreciate him
  • how much I really miss him
So, I thought I would take today's post and recommend both him and the Coal Creek Community Church of Longview, WA to you. 

But then I got to thinking. If you are really way, way out in West Longview or in the Coal Creek area I would recommend that you attend the North Kelso Baptist Church of Kelso. 

Of course, if you are in Longview or Kelso I recommend that you attend the North Kelso Baptist Church. If you live anywhere I would recommend you attend the North Kelso Baptist Church.

Subliminal message:  attend the North Kelso Baptist Church!

Just joking! If you are one who likes to go for the Silver, or prefer secondary things, or cheers for the second-string... 

No I am truly kidding, if you are in the area you would be blessed by visiting the Coal Creek Community Church. You will absolutely love Evert and Gloria Atkinson. The congregation is absolutely great also!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Bible Intake Progam

I got to thinking that since I informed you of having finally found a bible reading plan that I am excited about and suggested a bible intake "program" it dawned me that maybe I should share what I am doing. I certainly am not sharing with you to intimidate you or to "brag." I hope that this information will encourage you to develop a plan or program that will get you into the word regularly, deeply, intimately, and effectively.


For my daily devotions I have developed the following plan. First, I try and have consistent early morning devotions each morning, Monday through Saturday. I try to meet our Lord at approximately 6:30 AM and I spend about 45 to 60 minutes with Him.

  • I prepare my heart with a short prayer of confession & commitment
  • I preach the gospel to myself each morning. I use Milton Vincent's A Gospel Primer as a tool to remind myself of the deep truths of the gospel and its impact on my life.
  • I read my paragraph or so at least 4 times
  • I meditate through the passage looking for application
  • I pray using the ACTS acronymn
  • I sing a hymn of praise, thanksgiving or worship
Currently I have begun my devotional meditation in Acts. I am going to meditate through Acts and then meditating on the epistles Paul wrote in the appropriate place in Acts that he wrote them. 

Once I meditate through Acts, the Pauline epistles, I will then meditate through Revelation. I will then meditate through one of the gospels. I use the English Standard Version for my devotions.

Bible Study

My bible study is going to be a bit different than the most of you. I am now preaching each Sunday. I am preaching through the first epistle of John to the Asian churches. So I am studying it in an in-depth manner everyday. 

I recommend that you pick a week night or an evening and after supper, turn off the TV and spend at least one night a week in an in-depth study (with appropriate study tools) and dig deep into a book, or a doctrine, or a character study.

I use the Majority Text for my study of First John. (with a lot of help from tools, books, and sources.)

Reading Plan

I read the New Testament and Old Testament every other year (beginning this year). I read Monday through Friday. I have a bible in my office, one in my home, and one in my car.

 Therefore I can read this plan anywhere and at any time. If I find I didn't have time to read in my office, then I can read it at home. If I find I didn't read it there, I can read it in the car while Irene is shopping.

By the way, I practice something I picked up from my former pastor, Evert Atkinson of the Coal Creek Community Church of Longview, WA. I read from a different translation each year in order to get a wider picture of the various texts which the translation were made from. 

This year my bible reading is being done with the 1599 Geneva Bible. Last year it was the English Standard Version. Next year it will be another version.

What is your bible intake plan or program?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Finally A Reading Plan!

Most of you know that I am not a fan of annual Bible reading plans. I have struggled with the idea for quite some time now.

First - I am not opposed to reading the Bible. I am both convinced and committed to the fact that we can not and will not grow or mature spiritually without regular intake of God's Word.

Second - Many times Bible reading plans become a sort of noose around one's neck. They can become a "must do," "got to get through" requirement. 

It is difficult to stay motivated during the time spent in Exodus or Leviticus and especially the genealogies of the Old Testament. Often one becomes board, unchallenged, and unaffected. It is also frustrating to get behind in the daily reading. Playing catch-up is no fun and it does not lead to deep spirituality.

Third - I think that we should take less scripture and more time in order to think and meditate during our private devotions or quite time. It is hard to meditate and truly think through 4 or 5 chapters from 4 or 5 different readings. 

Fourth - I don't think that a paragraph or two each morning is enough either. In addition to our private devotions or quiet time, I believe that we should include in depth study as part of our regular spiritual diet. I don't think that we need to necessarily "study" everyday. 

However I think that 2 or 3 times a week we should make time and room to study a book of the bible, or a particular doctrine of the bible, or a character of the bible, or certain truths or principles of the bible. 

We need to study in an in-depth manner Luke, or John, or Romans, or Revelation. We need to study in an in-depth manner the Holy Spirit, or the Atonement, or Baptism, or even the end times. I think we need to study principles such as how to give, or how to put off sin, or what does God think of pride.

Fifth - I think we can also include reading through the bible with a plan that fits our life schedule and doesn't disrupt our devotional and study time.

By meditating on a paragraph or two daily and with regular in-depth study and with reading the bible we can expect to renew our mind (Romans 12:1-2) and we can grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord (2 Peter 3:18).

Well, I have finally settled on a reading plan for myself. I am excited about it for several reasons:

  • I don't think it will intrude upon my daily devotions
  • I don't think it will interfere with my in-depth study
  • I think it is both reasonable and realistic for me
  • I can accomplish easily at any time of the day and from anywhere
I am going to read the New Testament in 52 weeks every other year. This plan calls for me to read one chapter in the New Testament Monday through Friday. I can use Saturday and Sundays to catch up or read a Psalm or from Proverbs, or not read at all.

Then the following year I will read the Old Testament in 52 weeks. This plan calls for me to read from one to three chapters a day.

Following this reading plan I will be able to read the New Testament and Old Testament every other year. I don't have to read everyday and nor do I have to read 4-6 chapters a day.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Success of a Sermon

What makes a sermon a success? The measure of any man’s sermon is made evident by the impact upon the hearer’s spirit. If the spirit is driven to respond appropriately to the nature of God and conformity to God’s standards then we can judge the sermon to be successful.

Gregg Metcalf (1955-)

Happy Birthday to our second daughter, Sonja A. Abramson, of Portland, OR

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Test of Fellowship (Part 5)

SERMON            GM14-014

SERIES:              Christian Living in a World of Chaos & Contradiction

SCRIPTURE:     1 John 1:8-2:2

SUBJ:                  Fellowship with God

SUBTITLE:        The Test of Fellowship (Part 5)

SUMMARY:       The Christian life is viewed as a life of fellowship

SCHEME:           To desire fellowship with fellow believers


          1B     Fellowship is tested on practical grounds (1:5-2:11)

                   1C     Practical grounds of moral like-ness (1:5-7)

                   2C     Practical grounds of confession of sin (1:8-2:2)

                   3C     Practical grounds of obedience (2:3-6)

                   4C     Practical grounds of love for God (2:7-11)

          2B     Fellowship is tested on relational grounds (2:12-17)

                   1C     The Positive Relationship (2:12-14)
                   2C     The Negative Relationship (2:15-17)

          3B     Fellowship is tested on Christological grounds (2:18-28)

                   1C     The Contrast (2:18-21)
                   2C     The Christological (2:22-23)
                   3C     The Centrality (2:24-28)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

What Troubles You?

“The holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the un-holiness which remains in him”

Charles Spurgeon

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Foolishness of Debate

People, including believers, are just plain crazy to argue with the lost about creation. That is the wrong place to start. Hebrews 11:3 says "By faith (pistos) we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible."

The dead in trespasses and sin will not give credence, confidence, or trust (which is what pistos means) in the fact that God created the world until and or unless the Holy Spirit first regenerates the dead soul.

Let's share the gospel, let the HS press the weight of their sin and guilt upon them until they cry out for salvation (not the sinner's prayer by the way). Let's not throw pearls to swine.

I know that believers can be all over the map and need solid bible teaching. I have grown weary of the "debate" in the press, the media, FaceBook between evolutionists and "believers." I am just saying we weren't commissioned to be a witness to creation, it is a witness unto itself, and we were commissioned to be a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

 The biggest waste of my time, Christ’s good grace and resources was attending a "Debate" between James White and Doug Pagit.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Fifty-Nine and Little Crazy

Today I turned fifty-nine and I'm startin' to go crazy
memories of the good life are now growin' hazy
can't remember what I had hoped to one day find
had a lot of dreams but never made any mine

Beginning to wonder what is up and ahead now
don't know where to go and I'm wondering how
I might find who I am again and where I belong
where did I get lost, tell me where have I gone

Yesterday is just a memory tomorrow seems dark
I had plans in the making but they've been torn apart
and now I'm fifty-nine looking back not yet dying
seems so long ago can't give up gotta keep trying

If there was chance to be me again I would take it
need just one reason I know that I could make it
I want to break free and run against the wind
wanna feel the sunshine on my face again

But I'm fifty-nine and startin' to go crazy
memories of the good life are now growin' hazy
had a lot of dreams that I wanted to find
but lost them all before I made them mine

Yea, startin' to go a little crazy
my memories are growin' hazy

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Test of Fellowship (Part 4)

SERMON            GM14-013

SERIES:              Christian Living in a World of Chaos & Contradiction

SCRIPTURE:     1 John 1:8-2:2

SUBJ:                  Fellowship with. God

SUBTITLE:        The Test of Fellowship (Part 4)

SUMMARY:       The Christian life is viewed as a life of fellowship

SCHEME:           To desire fellowship with fellow believers


          1B     Fellowship is tested on practical grounds (1:5-2:11)

                   1C     Practical grounds of moral like-ness (1:5-7)

                   2C     Practical grounds of confession of sin (1:8-2:2)

                   3C     Practical grounds of obedience (2:3-6)

                   4C     Practical grounds of love for God (2:7-11)

          2B     Fellowship is tested on relational grounds (2:12-17)

                   1C     The Positive Relationship (2:12-14)
                   2C     The Negative Relationship (2:15-17)

          3B     Fellowship is tested on Christological grounds (2:18-28)

                   1C     The Contrast (2:18-21)
                   2C     The Christological (2:22-23)
                   3C     The Centrality (2:24-28)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Great Pretenders

“I believe there are too many practitioners in the church who are not believers.”

- C. S. Lewis