
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Getting Ready for 2013 Part I

Setting Spiritual Goals

Today is the second of the last day of November. In two days, Lord willing, the final month of the year will begin. Two thousand and twelve is winding down and rapidly coming to a close. Two thousand and thirteen will be upon us almost before we know it.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I subscribe to several axioms. An axiom can be defined as a “self-evident truth which needs no proof,” or “a premise or starting point of reason.” One of my favorite axioms that I subscribe to is as follows: “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” Many believers never hit spiritual goals in their lives because they are not aiming at any spiritual goals.

With that axiom in mind, allow me to ask you what are you aiming for in two thousand and thirteen in relationship to your spiritual life and/or growth? In other words, what spiritual goals have you established for this coming year?

The unfortunate truth is many people remain the same spiritually (usually at an infantile or toddler stage) year after year. The reason for this is they do not plan the means of their growth. It seems most believers have adopted a version of the Keswick philosophy which basically says, let go and let God. It seems many believers think that Christian growth is God’s responsibility and so they sit back and “leave the driving to Him.”

I propose to you that you should use the month of December to first, track you goals, accomplishments, failures, and growth in two thousand and twelve. Then secondly, plot or in reality “aim” for your spiritual growth in the coming new year.

I suggest that you take a least three half days during December and get alone with God and examine where you currently are in your spiritual life, where you would like to be next year, and the steps or means of how you (in absolute dependence upon God) achieve these steps.

Take a hard look at the spiritual “successes” and “high-lights” of this past year. Also, take a hard look at the failures and the areas which need improving or shoring up. Look for patterns that hampered and promoted spiritual growth. Here are some other categories that you might want to consider setting some goals.

What bible reading plan will you utilize next year? Try reading a different translation each year. Mix up the plan from year to year, sometimes read chronologically through the bible or read topically through the bible and so forth.

What books of the bible would you like to or need to meditate through slowly next year?

What plan do you have for scripture memorization? What sections of scripture do you want to memorize? How many verses do you want to memorize?

What reading plan do you have in place? 

What books will you read for your soul?

 What books will you read to enhance your spiritual growth? 

What books will you read for recreation? 

How many books would you like to read in regards to spiritual growth this coming year?

What bible conferences or seminars will you attend next year?

What do you want to accomplish in your devotional life? Do you have one? What areas is it lacking? How can you streamline or improve your devotional life?

How will you use your spiritual gift? In what capacity will you serve, build up, and assist the body of Christ this year? What ministry would you like to be part of? Are you connected to the body through a small group?

These are just a few areas and suggestions that you can sift through as you evaluate two thousand and twelve and plan for two thousand and thirteen. Take some time and set some goals in these areas.

In closing, I mentioned take three half days during December (some of you might need to use next November and December for two thousand and fourteen).

First half day – evaluate two thousand and twelve

Second half day – develop specific goals in a number of the above mentioned areas for two thousand and twelve

Third half day – establish the steps to achieve the goals you set and spend time fasting and praying for the upcoming year and the implementation of those goals.

Tomorrow in part two, I will briefly share “how to spend a half day alone with God."


  1. I can relate to those words about aiming at nothing, I spent many days these past months in the wilderness but i know it's early days yet I feel able to write again. Most uplifting post Gregg, look forward to part two.


  2. 2013 Is the Year of the GOAL OF LISTENING TO THE LORD GOD with all my being. His Voice is the ONE I will hear and follow Alone~ ♥


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.