
Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Facts

Monday Facts is a weekly blog party designed to help you meet other bloggers. Tell us about your weekend, or give us some random facts that help us get to know you better!

Share your Monday post, and link back here! ☺

Fact:  I have a cold.

Fact:  I have avoided the cold and flu for the last two or three years.

Fact:  I hate being sick. Thank you God for the wife you gave me who will "baby" me the rare times I am sick.
Fact:  I am half-way done typing my first manuscript for Part I of my Gospel-driven Dicipleship Manual. 

Fact:  This is going to take awhile it looks like.
Fact:  After graduating the United States Army Chemical Warfare School in Anniston, AL, I was assigned to a medium duty helicopter squadron stationed at the MCAS New River (NC) called HMM 261. 

Fact:  HMM (Marine Medium Helicopter) 261 was activated April 5th, 1951 at Cherry Point, North Carolina and adopted the name of Bulls."
Fact: During the 1965-66 tour in Viet Nam, the Bulls operated from Danang, Marble Mountain, Chu Lai, and the USS Valley Forge. The squadron continued to fly the H-34 helicopter throughout both tours, and participated in several major offensives including: Operations Starlight, Harvest Moon, Double Eagle, Utah, Nevada, Texas, and Hot Springs. During its 1965-66 tour HMM-261 flew 11,859 combat hours, MEDEVAC-ed 2,315 wounded, flew 38,090 combat sorties, ferried 47,522 troops into battle and expended 32,610 rounds of ammunition. Throughout its three combat tours in Vietnam, many of the units' helicopters were badly shot up while performing medevacs and troop insertion missions; during 1965-1966,its helicopters were hit 273 times with many aircraft destroyed. Squadron members were awarded personal decorations from the Navy Cross on down.

In 1966, the Bulls came home to New River again. During the late 1960s, the squadron accepted their first, brand new CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters. The squadron still flies an updated model of the same helicopter, the CH-46E. Throughout the 1970s, the Bulls participated in various training exercises in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Caribbean regions. It was during this time that the squadron added to their nickname and became the "Raging Bulls".

 Fact:  "Righteousness and justice are the foudation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you." (Psalms 89:14, ESV)

Fact:  I have established and written my reading goals for 2012. This of course doesn't include the books my best friends send me, or the books I blog for from Thomas Nelson, Multnomah, Banner of Truth Trust, or Tyndale. 

Fact:  Abraham Lincoln once said, "The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who will get me a book I ain't read yet."

 (Do I have any best friends?)


Country preachers
have always been a real hardy bunch
but lately some of my kin folk
like me can't keep down our lunch
I guess its because
I kinda got sick with a danged old cold
I guess I went and broke the family mold

I am very sick
with this blasted cold
although I've tried everthing
it's grown big brassy and bold
stop and think it over
put yourself in my position
if I keep sneezin' and puke all night long
it's a typical prediction

Lordy, I have loved some Nyquil
and I have loved soft tissues
and they both tried to help me
in my misery
when that wife of mine asked me
how did you get yourself in this condition
I said hey sweet thing please just bring
my special prescription


So, don't ask me Gregg
why are you sick?
(Gregg) why do you moan and complain
Why must you curse that doctors name
Stop and think it over
try and put yourself in my unique position
If I am sick and its my nose I pick
It's a family tradition!

(written by Gregg Metcalf, Nov 17, 2011)
(to the tune of Hank Williams, Jr.'s Family Tradition)



  1. Praying you recover soon from your cold, Gregg. I like your song. :)

  2. Great list of facts. Sorry to hear your sick. Hope you feel better soon.
    Fact: I voted for you over at "A Peek at Karen's world" . Good luck!

  3. Get well soon Gregg. I enjoyed your song, wonderful.


  4. Get well soon Gregg! Great song too. Fact: I really appreciate you sharing your military experience and the facts about the Raging Bulls and all the missions. Fact: My brother was a Viet Nam Vet (two Purple Hearts), my father a WWII Vet and my oldest son an Iraqi War Vet (Bronze Star for Valor and Purple Heart).

    Thank you for your service! In the Military and in the Ministry~

  5. Hope you feel much better soon, Gregg. Your song is fabulous! You are so talented. Hmmm...what haven't you read that I would suggest or send you? I'm off to check my bookshelf. ☺ Thanks for linking up your facts. Happy Monday! ☺

  6. get better Greg and interesting rewright.

  7. Great facts and song, except for the cold. Do get better soon!

    Wishing you a most blessed Thanksgiving with lots of love and good food (and no cold)!

  8. I hope you feel better soon and I hope you don't get sued by Mr. Williams.


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The purpose of this site is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for His glory and your good!

THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.