
Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Facts

In conjunction with Seams Inspired's Party, I give you my Monday Morning Facts, for what shall we say? For your enjoyment, entertainment, encouragement, curiosity, concern, comprehension, snoopiness, wonder, amusement, to tickle your funny bone, and or your inquisitiveness!

Fact:  Just like last Monday morning it is raining today. Sky is gray, clouds are dark, but Sonshine is in my heart! Didn't somebody sing about "Rainy days and Mondays?" (Written on Monday the 10th)

Fact:  I am a creature of absolute habit. I would be an easy assignment for a hit-man. When ever I go out for breakfast I order biscuits and gravy, when I go to Olive Garden I always order the Pasta e Fagioli.

Fact:  I found their recipe and learned how to make Pasta e Fagioli this weekend. It was fantastic. By the way I can make a mean biscuits and gravy now also.

Fact: I was honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps on this day in 1975. I was mustered out of the service at the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina on October the 17th, 1975.

Fact:  I was a 5711 (MOS) - Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfarfe Specialist. For three years I served as an NBC NCO, Training NCO, and Operations Clerk. (Oct 18-1972 to Oct 17, 1975)

Fact: For six months or so after my discharge I drove a "Roach Coach" between Bluffton and Beaufort, South Carolina. If you don't know what a roach coach is go ask a construction or factory worker. Google is no fair.

Fact:  Shortly after moving to San Jose, CA in December of 1966 my dad left Lockheed and went to work as a District Manager of the San Jose Mercury News paper. I became a paper boy and ended up with three paper routes. He retired 20 some years later from the Mercury News as it was affectionately called and I "retired" when I reached the age limit of 17. Between prizes, awards, tips, Christmas gifts, and monies earned I did very well from 12-17. Among the major purchases I was able to make as a carrier was a $1,200.00 Ludwig Drum Kit, a pure bred AKC minature poodle, and a 1963 Pontiac Tempest.
Fact: I was a "genius" when it came to "selling" subscriptions to the San Jose Mercury News. As a 12-13 year old salesman I wouldn't take no for an answer. I sold subscriptions to people who didn't want a paper by helping them see the benefit of having a regular newspaper in order to line "kitty-boxes" or even wrap fish in before disposing for 30 days so I could go to Disneyland. Hey, there were a lot of prizes on the line for sold subscriptions: Disneyland, bikes, T. V.'s, radios, cash, etc.

Fact:  I dropped Fi Fi off at the groomer yesterday. Her first words were, "what happened to her?" Remember, Irene found clippers at a yard sale? The groomer did a great job and was able to restore Fi Fi to her absolutely and natural beautiful self.

Look at that face! Isn't she a living doll?

Fact:  I am not in favor of 9-9-9.


Fact:  I spoke way to soon and way too hopeful; gas went from 3.69 to 3.85 overnight. What frustrates me is that I am frustrated over the increase. I know better, they are just crooks.

Fact:  If it wasn't for the fact that it is Portland (OR) I would think that the government had lost its mind as it tries to "find an answer" for the protesters and illegal squatters occupying downtown Portland. I can't believe they are allowed to stay. We were downtown Portland the other day for some reason and areas are blocked off, parks inaccessible to the public, businesses hindered, not to mention the sanitation.


  1. Interesting facts, glad to see you've mastered the ancient art of biscuits and gravy. :-)

  2. Very interesting facts as always. I'd really like to see you post your mean biscuits and gravy recipe. :-)

  3. I enjoyed your facts, Gregg.

    Have you considered writing a cook book? Please share your recipes.

  4. 999 is tuff meds for sure, but i think this country needs tuff meds.

  5. I am also a creature of habit... aren't we all?

    I never drove a "roach coach" but Ive certainly eaten a lot of junk off them! Actually some of them had a pretty good menu.

  6. Look forward to the day that we can share a biscuits and gravy meal together Gregg - might not be in heaven but it might seem that way. :)

    I also do not support 999.

    Gas is up in KC about a dime from last week.

  7. Gosh those biscuits and gravy sound lip-smacking good! Gas went back up here too. I'm not sure about the 9-9-9 plan either. I'm not even sure about the candidates right now.

    Thanks for linking up with Monday Facts! I always enjoy reading your posts.


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.