
Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday's Facts

In conjunction with Seams Inspired's Blogfest, I give you my Monday Morning Facts, for what shall we say? For your enjoyment, entertainment, encouragement, curiosity, concern, comprehension, snoopiness, wonder, amusement, to tickle your funny bone, and or your inquisitivness!

Fact:  Persis of Tried With Fire is this weeks recipient of the "Comment of the Week" award. Her award winning comment was "I don't think a dress code is the answer. I agree that the answer is an increased knowledge of God, which will lead to our own sanctification which should impact how we dress." (How Casual Shall We Go?) This week's award is a year long free subscription to the Gospel-driven Disciples Blog! 

Fact:  I got a new printer an HP Pro 1102 LaserJet. After some 12 years my HP LaserJet 1012 gave up the ghost. I loved that printer! Hope this one will be just as good.

Fact:  Labor Day was a great day! Shannon came over with her close friend Karen and we BBQ'ed chicken with corn on the cob and baked beans, washed down with sweet tea. Karen is from Cedarville, CA where we lived for two years in the mid-eighties.

Fact:  My older girls, Shannon and Sonja would ride horses regularly with Karen in Cedarville and around the Surprise Valley. They rode horses together like city girls would ride bikes.

Fact:  Shannon turned 37 on September 6th and we had a great celebration a day early on Labor Day.

Fact:  I am now the grandfather of a High School Sophmore. No, I can't believe it either!

Fact:  Wednesday afternoon my copy of The Portable Seminary, ed by David Horton arrived. I hope to devour these 698 pages for my spiritual benefit, but hopefully would love to teach these topics/subjects in future small groups and men's groups.

Fact:  It is 2:55 PM as I type this fact and it is 86 degrees. It is predicted or forecasted to reach 90 degrees by 4:00 PM. You can have it! I don't like the heat one bit!

Fact:  What are you guys doing this evening? Stop by if you like, we will be serving Cajun Broiled, 2 inch pork tender loin chops! I'll set you a plate if you like.

Fact:  Gasoline is back up to $3.95 (Chevron) for regular unleaded today. It just fries me - those crooks, those cotton-pickin' crooks!

Fact:  Sonja kid-napped Irene (Friday) through Sunday afternoon. On my own with no supervision for the weekend! She took her back to visit with her and our granddaughter Bryttany in Portland.

Fact:  Don't try "clipping" your poodle just because your wife found a clipper set for next to nothing at a yard sale. Poor Fi Fi, she is pitiful lookin'! Thank God her hair will grow back. But, at what cost? She will be scarred for life if she is seen in this condition. How much is a doggy shrink? She refused to pose for a pic, you will have to imagine it.

Fact:  I reorganized my study this week and tried to take out clutter and make it more utilitarian for study and research.

Fact:  Clicking on the large photos makes them larger with greater detail, clicking on the smaller photos does nothing. What's up with that?


  1. Thanks for the subscription, Gregg! I'll be using it. :)

    I like the pics of your study.

  2. Loved the facts and pics, How much does a subscription cost for a year on your blog?


  3. Loved your facts post today, Gregg! Your first fact made me laugh. The BBQ sounds delish. Hope you enjoy your book. Happy Monday! ☺

  4. Ill be over for the Cajun Broiled tender loin chops. Please set me a plate! Thank you! :-)

  5. This was so clever....I enjoyed the read, thank you!!

  6. I always love looking at books on the shelves. I try to spot those I have had in the past.

  7. Persis - You are welcome! Glad you are going to take advantage of such a great offer. Glad you liked the pics.

    Yvonne - Thanks, glad you liked the pics and facts. A years subscription costs $155.88 per year, but after the sales department jumps in with discounts, promotions, coupons, and such, I actually owe you for reading and commenting!

    Larri - Glad you liked the post today. I know it is hard to like it everyday... :) The BBQ was delish. I actually am a little disappointed in my new book, but what they hey, can't win em all, can you?

    Petra - Sorry, you waited to long to respond and all the Cajun Broiled tender loin chops are gone, gone, gone. However, if you get here soon, I can set a plate for you and your hubby for some Chicken Picatta. Tea or Coffee?

    Alice Lynn Alfred - Thank you, I don't often here the word clever with my blog. I am glad you enjoyed the read and you are more than welcome.

    Eddie Eddings - Yeppers, books on the shelves, love em too!

  8. Fun facts. Wish I could stop by for the loin chops. Hope the printer works out. My wife and I each have printers that need to be replaced, but I don't know when I'll be able to afford it--she will before I can since she's working.

    Tossing It Out

  9. Fact: I can't believe you're the grandfather of a high school sophomore, either!
    Fact: The pictures of the books are my favorites. :)

  10. Fact: I like to read your Monday Facts even if I read them on Tuesday :-)


Your comments are always welcome on the Gospel Driven Disciples Blog. If you have been blessed by your visits here please consider praying for me and this blog and check in regularly. Please be advised I do not "auto-follow"; blogs that become a follower of this blog.

If you have a question about anything I have posted, suggested, included, or placed on my site; I will be more than happy to correspond with you by email

The purpose of this site is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for His glory and your good!

THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.