
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes...come the darndest things!

One of the longest running TV programs was a program called "House Party." It aired every week day afternoon from 1952 until 1970. This program was hosted by none other than the incredible Mr. Art Linkletter.

At the end of each show, Mr. Linkletter would interview children. It is estimated that Mr. Linkletter interview some 20,000 children. He liked to say "although kids came in different shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds, they all said the darndest things!" Sometimes, Sunday School kids can say the darnedest things also.

When I was Pastor at the Mirror Lake Baptist Church in Federal Way, WA, my wife taught the 5 and 6 year old Sunday School Class. Naturally she had a class filled with the cutest little girls and boys.One Sunday the lesson was about the time Peter and John were arrested for preaching the good news about Jesus. Not only were they arrested they were beaten and put in jail. My wife stressed the point that sometimes people who belong to God can have bad things happen to them for doing the right thing. Peter and John went to jail for Jesus. (Acts 4)

Well, in the middle of her lesson, one of the cutest little 5 or 6 years, a daughter and granddaughter of some long time church members stood up and in a very informing voice told Irene, "My daddy has been in jail." After a pause and an inquisitive look on her face, she continued while shaking her head from side to side, "But I don't think it was for Jesus." Needless to say Irene had a tough time keeping a straight face as she segweged out of that one! I still think it is one of the most hilarious things a child has said.


  1. That is hilarious, Gregg! Thanks for the giggle this AM. Happy Saturday! :o)

  2. This put a smil on my face Gregg,
    Children in all their innocence can come out with the most outrageous things.

    Enjoy your week-end;

  3. Teachers can learn so much when eteaching little ones. (There is something crazy going on with this computer, I can't backspace or delete for some reason--hence the misspelling.)

  4. LOL!! I love to read stories like this. I wonder what jail the upstanding church member did his time at? Kids and some adults do say the darndest things :-)

  5. That is the funniest thing ever!! No way I could've kept a straight face for that one! :)

  6. That is the funniest thing ever!! No way I could've kept a straight face for that one! :)

  7. That reminds me of my grandson's reaction when I read him the story of Jesus feeding the multitude about a year ago. When I read the part about the disciples gathering up all the baskets full of leftover food, he declared, "No way!" I had a very hard time keeping a straight face. Your wife's experience is such a good example of the honesty and transparency of little children.


  8. That's funny. Some of the thing our bus kids tell us can be amusing as well. Thanks for posting.

  9. OK, that is just too cute!

    I remember Art Linkletter's show. And I can remember some of the stuff my kids used to say.

    My grandfather used to tell the story (I'm not sure if it was true) of a child who was returning home with his parents on a Sunday morning. They asked him what he had learned about in Sunday School. He proceeded to tell them that they had talked about a happy, but disfigured bear.

    The parents looked at each other quizzically. Upon further questioning, the boy said, "Yeah, it's a verse in the Bible. Gladly, the cross-eyed bear."

    What would we do without the innocence and honesty of children??


  10. Kids are awesome I have two posts I tell stories my kids have said one about planes

    the other about the tooth fairy

  11. So funny! Kids often reveal far more than they understand about their family.


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.