
Friday, February 18, 2011

Ten Things You Don't Hear In Church

1.  Oh my, that fifty-five minute exegetical and expositional sermon was to short. Can you preach another one?

2.  I don't think that offering plate was filled to its capacity, let me put some more in it please.

3.  Hey, please get out of the way, it is my turn to sit on the front row

4.  Wow, you are right! This small group is better than TVs Wednesday night programming

5.  Pastor, rather than buy that 60" plasma, HD TV we were saving for, use this for missions

6.  No, I have so much spare time, please let me do those 5 unfinished jobs you have

7.  Change? Variety is the spice of life, we love to try new things around here

8.  Pastor please, I don't need to pray about it, I would love to...

9.  I went right out the very next day and bought that book you recommended we all read

10. Pastor you look like you are working to hard, take an extra week of vacation this summer

What have you NOT heard in the past 30 days at your church?
What would you LIKE to hear?
What do you think Jesus would like to hear in His church?

Friday - "Friday's Features" 

Join the Gospel-driven disciples for a "pot-pouri" of topics from jokes, humor, videos, stories, summaries, and a collection of anything.


  1. Hi Gregg like a bad penny I've turned up again. Loved the read though a little burry eyed.

    Lovely to be back.


  2. Great list. Would love to hear any of the those. Of course a couple were a little personal and convicting, but like a good Baptist, I ignored those.

    How about this one:
    We don't really care about the style of the music, we just want God to be glorified.

  3. hahahahahahahahaha Funny list, brother. I've done #9, though. Never say never! haha

  4. Yvonne - glad you are back safe and sound. I can imagine, you must be jet-lagged! Glad you had a good time.

    Scott - there you go again, stirring up the worship wars!

    Mike - I try never to say never. Glad you did number nine! Not many do.

  5. This is presented humorously, but leaving us squirming a bit because it is so true. "Guilty as charged!" raising my hand self-conciously.

    Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

  6. Amusing, yes. Sad but true? Also, unfortunately, yes...

    How about this - Wow! Great message. We're not only going to listen to it this week, we're actually going to go out and live it!!

    I think that Jesus would like to hear in His church the voices of people who are genuine in their faith, purposeful in their worship, devoted to the truth, determined in their witness, and hopelessly in love with their Savior.

    Thanks for a fun, and thought-provoking post!


  7. Like the list Gregg - especially #7. On the flip-side I have never heard in church:

    + Lets just spend the entire hour worshiping the Lord in song.

    + God has met all of our needs this month. Take your offering and feed the homeless.

    + The associate pastor is preaching today so I am going to work in the nursery.

    Just a few strange thoughts.

    Hope you are well Gregg and enjoying the weekend.

  8. This is great, Gregg, and so true! Our new Pastor really takes his time praying, and it is wonderful. His prayers are thoughtful and sincere, and I'm so thankful that in our small body of believers, not one of us would dream of complaining about such a blessing.

  9. Funny list Gregg! I'm happy to report that God has blessed our new church so much that I have nothing but praise for our pastor and all of the wonderful people He has brought.

    My prayer is that our love for Christ and one another will remain steadfast.

  10. This is wonderful, I mean wonderfully convicting. :-) I really like the one Scott added! I'm so glad Ink Slinger sent me here! Blessings!


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The purpose of this site is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for His glory and your good!

THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.