
Friday, July 30, 2010

I Know What It is Like!

When I was in the Marine Corps I was ordered overseas to Okinawa, Japan, and the Philippines. I was a Lance Corporal, an E-3 making little over 300.00 a month before taxes (1973.) When I completed my tour of duty I was ordered to VMA-311 an A4E Light Attack Squadron stationed at Beaufort Air Station, Beaufort, South Carolina.
Among the many things that happened to us in that move, me from Iwakuni Japan and Irene and my daughter from California was that good old Uncle Sam lost my SRB-Service Record Book. An SRB is kind of like a birth certificate that states you were a live birth. Conversely, without an SRB in the military you don’t “exist.” With the temporary misplacement of my SRB came the loss of a pay check. Yes, good old Uncle Sam stopped paying me until this little “problem” could be worked out.

Irene and I had rented a beautiful little country farm house on a civil war battle site. It was storybook, just like the movies. As a matter of fact if you took one look at the place you crook your neck and look around for Scarlet O’Hara, or Ashley Wilkes or maybe the Tarleton Twins. It was an old but cute farm house, painted white with a large front porch with a swing nestled amongst the weeping willow trees.

The house came with a landlord. He was a great gentleman who served in World War I and became a tortured POW. He grew up through the depression era where a man’s word was his bond and you paid your bills. He had great stories, was a great man, but was no-nonsense. When the rent and utilities were due they were due, no excuses.

Mind you I am trying to get set up after moving my wife and daughter from California and me from Japan. The Marine Corps had “misplaced” my SRB and I wasn’t being paid. One month we were able to pay the rent but couldn’t pay the additional $18.00 electric bill. Since the landlord supplied the electricity to the house with a meter, he cut off the electricity to my little family. My protests and explanations fell on death ears, a bill was a bill, and by golly if he paid his bills on time I should pay mine on time.

Well, to make this short I found a job where I could dig an irrigation ditch for $25.00. After duty for Uncle Sam, in nearly 100 degree heat and high South Carolina humidity I dug a ditch to pay for that shut off electricity.

A dear brother and his family which includes small children need your help. His water has been shut off. He is a self-employed family man who has been wiped out by the local California economy. A good friend of his asked for prayer for this brother. Well, we can pray, but I already know we are the answer – if you are able, read yesterday’s post entitled, “Can You Help?” Then, as your decide in your heart what you can give in accordance with your means cheerfully and willingly, send your check to Bryan Abeling, 9310 NE 79th Court, Vancouver, WA 98662 and Bryan will get the funds to this dear family. If you can’t help or are busy helping others already, praise God! No problem!

1 comment:

  1. It's awful being hit by the ecomony, we here find life a little bit more severe, I hope all in your country will see it through,Our local airport has stopped flights to Spain during the winter months meaning I can't visit my son unless I travel many miles to London.

    Have a good week-end.


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.