
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No Fishing Allowed!

No Fishing Allowed

We have all seen those signs at one time or another. Like any other warning or prohibitive regulation that we have encountered, we find ourselves tempted to disregard or disobey it. After all there must be some really big fish in this spot. What could we possibly be missing out on?

There is one spot however if such a sign were to be posted we are almost always tempted to disregard. Our nature is prone to dig around in areas that even God no longer visits. One of those places that God chooses not visit is found in a minor prophet of the Old Testament. Reading plans which include the Old Testament can produce some real gems now and then. Listen to Micah:

“Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over any transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love. He will again have compassion on us; he will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” (Micah 7:14, ESV)

God, because of the atoning work of His Son on the cross casts our sins in the depths of the sea. God is pleased to throw our sins overboard. God graciously throws our sins into the depth never to be thought of again. Once we are in Christ those sins are “buried” in Davy Jones locker!

Corrie ten Boom used to say, “God put up a sign saying, ‘No fishing allowed.’” She knew that sooner or later we go mucking around in the deep trying to “fish” up those old sins. We must learn to live in the light of God’s forgiving grace. We must not take pleasure or satisfaction in the “comfort” of that which is old and familiar to us. There is no good reason to cast about and fish up the very sins Christ paid for and God has forgiven.

So, next time you are prone to go fishing for guilt and sin remember that God has thrown them overboard into the depths of the sea. Even if you cannot see it, there is a big, bright, and bold “No Fishing Allowed” sign posted by God!


  1. Very good, I like it.

    Have a nice day.

  2. Amen Brother Gregg

    It only takes a sinful memory flashback to put me back under conviction of a sin that was nailed to the cross. And I have many to remember.

    What I do when that happens is to immediately thank God that even that evil past sin is under the Blood of Christ.

    God is truly a loving and forgiving Heavenly Father and when He puts up the
    'No Fishing" sign we better pay attention to it.

  3. Gregg, great post, but one question. Is there such a thing as a "minor prophet"? Aren't all God's prophets important? They are all proclaiming God's messages. I have seen this before and it bothers me. What happens if we use a synonym such as "lesser"? Is this not a human trait to "judge"? In this case, a prolific prophet vs one who does not have a lot of prophecy? FWIW

  4. Amen and no kidding! I've certainly struggled with going into the "NO FISHING" zone but am learning that that place if off limits. I'm so glad He doesn't give up on us but continues to teach us until we finally figure it out.

  5. Yvonne - thank you. I am glad you got some benefit from today!

    Old Geezer - Yep, when the sign is up we should obey for our own good. Why do we like to go back and muck around in the guilt and the shame? Thank God every sin is under the blood!

    Ian - thanks for the kind comment. Yes, I know, I don't know why I continue that old line. As you know he is consider a minor prophet because his prophetic writing is much smaller than say Ezekiel, Isaiah, or Jeremiah. But his message is no less as imporant and authoratative. Thanks for reminding me!

    Lisa - stay out of that area! Just kidding, we all have the tendency to go back and revisit sin. We sometimes have a hard time believing God that He really did forgive every sin. I am so glad! Yes, I am glad also that He continues to remind us that He really has forgiven us.

  6. I've never been a fisherman when it comes to real fish, but I guess I've done my share of fishing for the old sin. That's one fish you definitely would want to throw back in. I'm going to remember that "NO FISHING" sign.

    Tossing It Out

  7. Hey friend,
    I've tagged you for a blog thingy if you're interested. Stop by and check it out!

  8. gALATIANS 5:16-18 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law. Lord change my heart. May we die to sin daily and live for you. Amen

  9. Great post I found here. The no fishing signs prevent the visitors from going inside deep water and thus provides safety for them. And if we have any private pond, we can install this sign nearby to prevent hunting of fishes and this can also helps you keep trespassers away from your lake.


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.