
Thursday, May 6, 2010

I’m It but not For Long or 5 things 5 times

I am not sure what is this “tag” is all about, but I have been “tagged” by Lisa over at Bombastic Bandicoots. If I understand this game correctly, I must answer 5 questions 5 different ways and then tag 5 other people. Apparently this allows you to learn a little more about me. So, as they say, here goes!


1. February 1st 2005 I was in the process of moving 50 miles north from Vancouver to Longview, WA

2. I was attending the Living Water Community Church of Vancouver, WA

3. I was working for a mortgage broker as a loan officer and processor

4. In August of 2005 I was enjoying a seven day Caribbean Cruise that had been awarded to me as a Christmas Bonus by my employer

5. I was boating and camping around Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Wyoming


1. Heaven – to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord

2. The founding and teaching pastor of Central Point Christian Fellowship

3. In the same house I am now

4. The owner of a well trained and behaved Sheltie

5. In my study which is my third favorite place on earth.


1. To translate my passage for my Sunday School lesson from the Greek to the English. (John 3:18-21)

2. To organize my working translation into a form from which I can determine the primary meaning of the passage in order to meditate on it today

3. To continue looking for a job, ministry, opportunity, ect.

4. To continue reading A Hunger for God by John Piper

5. To continue working on two messages that I am privileged to preach at Calvary Baptist Church of Longview on May 16th & May 23rd in the AM worship services (Why Did God Create Us? and How to Align Ourselves With His Purpose)


1. Popcorn

2. Ice Cream

3. Grapes

4. Potato Chips

5. Licorice


(I sincerely hope this would never happen to me. I am like King David, I ask God only for enough in order not to have to steal; and not too much that I would forget God. I am afraid of the temptation to love the things of this world and the temptation to use that kind of money to satisfy my own fleshly desires.)

1. I would pay off my house and some prior business debt that I owe.

2. I would buy a used Buick and Silverado

3. I would then set aside enough to get the Central Point Christian Fellowship off the ground and established

4. I would establish a Bible College and foundation in Vancouver, WA

5. I would secretly begin giving the rest away to missionaries, churches, and families with great needs until it was gone.

Now I get to tag five other people - here goes!

Raquel Byrnes
Box of Whine
Carmen Kapper
Will Burke

You guys are tagged and you are it! Have fun!!


  1. Thank goodness you didn't tag me I have already been tagged.
    Sounds like some

    Have agood day.
    Take care.

  2. I like the different perspective this tag gives and really enjoyed your answers Gregg. I agree with you about the billion dollars (to an extent); it sounds great in theory, but in reality would bring it's own set of problems.

    Thanks for participating!

  3. Wow! I love learning these things.....great list

  4. I like your list of favorite snacks and your comment to be the owner of a well trained and behaved Sheltie. :-) I was on a busy road and a sheltie was running right in the lane I was in... just running. I thought..Oh my gosh I am going to have to witness this doggie get killed in this busy 3 lane road on a very very busy Saturday morning... I stopped my car and opened my door and the little fellow just jumped right in my lap to where I took him to my friends house and called animal control and offered to hold on to her until the owner called and claimed her because she was very very well fed and groomed so I knew she just got away and sure eneough within 20 minutes the family relative who was dog sitting showed up profoundly happy.
    The end. :)

  5. Yvonne - It is hard to know who to tag. I takes alot of work to do this. But hopefully you know me a little better.

    Lisa - you are welcome. I am glad to participate when I can. We think it would be nice to have a billion dollars, but money ruins more than it helps.

    Loren - thank you! Glad you liked what you read. I am me nothing more nothing less.

    Libby - we have had two shelties, one for 8 years, and one for about 5 years. We love them. Wow! Glad you were able to keep that one from getting hurt or killed.

  6. Thanks for tagging me, I'll get on that tout de suite!

  7. To continue looking for a job, ministry, opportunity, ect

    I'll say a prayer for you pal.

    I would secretly begin giving the rest away to missionaries, churches, and families with great needs until it was gone

    So would I. The key word being "secretly". I wouldnt tell anyone that I was suddenly rich. Then the whole world starts bugging your a$$ for money.

  8. I like what you said about being a billionaire. Great list.


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The purpose of this site is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for His glory and your good!

THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.