
Thursday, March 18, 2010

My First Blogging Award - Sweet Friends

Yesterday I received my first blogging award from a new friend and follower Cill, ILovePink1078. She lives in Cebu City, Philippines.

Visit her site at It seems that I am to list 10 things that make me happy. Since I am a bit older now and much more simpler than I use to be that shouldn't be too hard to do. So here goes:

1. Seeing God's name and character exalted above the heavens and the earth.

2. My wonderful, thoughtful, and gorgeous wife of 37 years, Irene

3. My four girls, my three son-in-laws, & my four grandchildren

4. Teaching, witnessing and discipling opportunities in the body of Christ

5. Selecting, buying, receiving and reading a good theological book

6. A good, hard core traditional George Jones country song

7. Surprise drop in visits from my friends & family

8. The Bills paid on time, food in the cupboards, and gas in the car

9. A thunderstorm with rain, lightening, and thunder rolling across the sky

10. A good, rich, and full bodied glass of Merlot

I am also to nominate ten of my "special friends" and pass this award along. The problem with this is how to you pick 10 friends out of all the wonderful friends God has allowed me to make since I began this "blogging thing?" It is impossible and I don't want to leave anyone out, so I give it to these 10 but I also give this award to everyone who I have become friends with:

Eddie Eddings - Calvinistic Cartoons - He helped put my blog on a tiny piece of the map. He is a comedic genious and a godly man who has been a blessing to me. Thanks, man!

John Bird - While We Sojourn - He has become a good, trustworthy friend who frequently encourages me. I respect his opinion and input.

Pyromaniacs - they never cease to bless me, encourage me, and make me laugh

Ron - The Old Geezer Blog - Ron helped me gain a few more followers and has become a great friend in Christ who encourages me and causes me to think critically. Thank you Ron!

Not Perfect - Only Forgiven - she has a great site and always leaves nice comments on my site

Mike - Christian Cognition - is becoming a good friend, I enjoy his insight, and he places his life and future on the line everyday as he "Serves and Protects" the citizens of his community.

James - At Beneath The Cross - His insight is beyond words. I am always challenged to think critically and biblically when I read his posts.

Lisa - Bombastic Bandicoot - I don't know what that means, but I enjoy her posts and pictures. She alwasys leaves nice, encouraging comments when she stops by my site. Thank you!

Pilgrim Mommy - Tried With Fire - she is a blessing to me as she weathers a challenging trial and continues to grow in our Lord Jesus Christ. I love her posts. Her grace and growth has both challenged me and blessed me!

Brian Ray Todd - Brian Todd Blog - Brian is a new friend, but I enjoy his posts and he has great comments for mine when he stops by.

There you have it; 10 things I like and the nomination of 10 friends to receive this award. Now each of you get to post 10 things you like and nominate 10 other peope. Hope to see these posts soon!

Please link the picture you paste on your site to

Thank you all for being such kind, generous, thoughtful, and encouraging friends!


  1. Just want to thank you for leaving some "footprints" at my site. Great to meet another journeyer for Christ! Great blog and may the Lord bless you and continue to guide you and protect you and your family. To God be the glory! He is doing an awesome work in this blogosphere!

    Congratulations on your award! I know some of the people you shared it with and all of you are awesome!

  2. Thanks from me too, Gregg! Kind words. I only wish we hadn't gone to different schools together back in the day. I just celebrated my 40th wedding anniversary a few days ago! I don't even feel like I'M 40!

  3. Good day, Gregg!

    Thank you for posting the award on your blog and i am highly appreciated.

    I knew your blessed with a good wife and children because you deserve it. Living a life with God presence... everything goes smoothly.

    Keep in touch.

    Love and Prayer!

  4. Thanks Brother Gregg
    Keep up the good work for Christ.


  5. Thanks so much! I actually don't accept blog awards but I really am grateful! Thank you!! Have a greatly blessed day!

  6. Awww...thanks a bunch, Gregg. I'm glad we met here in bloggy land and have enjoyed getting to know you.

    As for the meaning of my blog name - I just picked it out of the air, really. Bombastic Bandicoot = Arrogant Rat - which I can certainly sometimes be. :)

    Thanks again friend!

  7. Thanks Gregg. The Glory goes to God. I'm happy that you using your talents to minister through this great cyber mission field. What a great way to bring all the Word to all the people that the Holy Spirit brigns your way. HAven't been able to get online like I would like to lately. Keep up the wonderful work for the Lord.

  8. Thanks, Gregg. I'm glad that the Lord had our "paths" cross in the blogsphere. God bless you.

  9. I enjoy these tributes that allow us to get to know our fellow bloggers a little better. Thanks for telling us a little more about you.

  10. Award received!!! Thanks :) I'll post my 10 Thanksgivings soon.


Your comments are always welcome on the Gospel Driven Disciples Blog. If you have been blessed by your visits here please consider praying for me and this blog and check in regularly. Please be advised I do not "auto-follow"; blogs that become a follower of this blog.

If you have a question about anything I have posted, suggested, included, or placed on my site; I will be more than happy to correspond with you by email

The purpose of this site is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for His glory and your good!

THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.