
Monday, February 22, 2010

What is on Your Nightstand?

I was reading a post from Lisa’s blog called Lisa Writes…confessions and conundrums of an ordinary wife and mom. Her post asked this question, what is on your nightstand?

Unfortunately my nightstand is a little messy; it is full of books and papers I need to read or in the process of reading. Let’s see what is there:

The Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin

The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul

Living for God’s Glory by Joel Beeke

ESV Thin line Bible

At least twelve (12) multi-page studies on John 3:16 (for when I get to John 3 next month)

Bottle of Tums

Printed pages of yesterday’s post from Expository Thoughts entitled, "Preaching NT Narrative: Don't Flatten Out the Gospels!

Fudge Bar wrapper and empty stick (Yes, I will throw it away before the wife gets home)

Half-full plastic bottle of water

I guess that is it.

So, your turn, what is on your nightstand, coffee table, or end table?


  1. Enjoyed finding out what was on your nightstand.

    My nightstand holds only a lonely alarm clock (because I cannot read in bed). Yet my in progress book shelf currently has on it:
    Stott's The Cross of Christ
    Amy Carmichael's Mountain Breezes
    Edwards' Religious Affections
    Rick Joyner's The Vision
    And a new 17:18 series Proverbs book(in which one is to write their own copy of Proverbs - a rather enjoyable endeavor).

    An interesting side note: though my nightstand holds only the clock, my 40 cal. hangs out nearby (because I'm a police officer).

  2. Okay, let's see what I've got here.

    _Reformed Witness (January edition)

    _Tabletalk (Ligonier's)

    _Christ Precious to Those That Believe (John Fawcett)

    _The Letters of Samuel Rutherford

    _Heidelberg Catechism-Belgic Confession-Canons of Dort-w/ Apostles, Athanasian, Nicene & Chalcedonian creeds.

    _The Christian Book of Mystical Verse (Tozer compiled)

    _Reformation &Revival (Summer 1993) Theme: Evangelism

    _A couple of print outs on witnessing from Ray Comfort's ministry.


  3. Gregg, ahhhhh, "The Holiness of God". One of my faves! When I read it, I blogged my responses to the review questions at the end of the chapters (long since deleted now.)

    My currently reading stack includes: "66 Love Letters" by Dr. Larry Crabb, and "The Normal Christian Life" by Watchman Nee.

  4. My wife recently did a sweep of my nightstand-equivalent area so it's kind of organized now. And I usually don't read there since my wife goes to bed before I do and I don't want to bother her with my reading light.
    But here's what's there now:

    My clock/radio/phone/alarm with the phone no longer connected.

    "Get Known Before the Book Deal" by Christina Katz

    "The Revised English Bible" from Oxford University Press -- to check out another translation to see what it's like.

    box of Kleenex

  5. My night stand is pretty bare, just a CD alarm clock because I hate waking up to a buzzer or someone yelling on a radio station.

    However, my computer desk is a mess of stuff. I've got Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology that I need to finish. A couple of John MacArthur books, including "The Gospel According to Jesus" and his 40 year anniversary book of his best sermons (I haven't read that one yet, either.)
    An assortment of Bibles and commentaries, a couple of witnessing videos from Ray Comfort, and a couple of drumming videos, as I've been attempting to learn to play the drums a little bit.

    My wife says I need to clean some of this stuff off of there....

  6. Alarm clock

    Dock for my I-shuffle

    Spiritual Depression - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

    KJV Bible (My ESV, which I normally read, is on the kitchen table.)

    Box of Puffs

  7. On my nightstand, my Bible, several ceramic figurines presented to me by my 5 and 7 year old for Christmas, a little red mailbox. You will find a mailbox just like it in each of our childrens rooms since we have our own little in house mail system.

    On our end table, two more Bibles, Eight Kingdoms book, concordance, several notebooks and an African Violet plant.

  8. The French Revolution by Thomas Carlyle.

    I want to see how the first atheist regime in history unfolded. Not so much as a history lesson but as a roadmap for things to come.

  9. Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper (second time through)

    Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem

    Lenten Reflections from CS Lewis (compiled from various works)

    And just finished Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller


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THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.