
Monday, October 26, 2009

God Moves in Mysterious Ways

Yesterday was the Lord's day and as many of you know, due to the fact that I asked for your prayer support, I had the opportunity of not only teaching the Sojourners Adult Bible Class, I preached the morning and evening services in the absence of our pastor. First, I thank you for your prayer support. The morning and evening went absolutely fantastic - to the ultimate glory of our marvelous God.
However, I would to share a hymn from William Cowper, circa 1774 and then share will you why I think it was such a blessing to us.
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
and rides upon the storm
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up his brightest designs,
and works his sovereign will
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
the clouds ye so much dread
are big with mercy, and shall break
in blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense
But trust him for his grace
behind a frowning providence
he hides a smiling face
His purpose will ripen fast,
unfolding every hour;
the bud may have a bitter taste
but sweet will be the flower
Blind unbelief is sure to err
and scan his work in vain
God is his own interpreter
and he will make it plain
Taken from the Trinity Hymnal, (Suwanee: Great Commission Publications), # 21
I had just begun the morning message by completing the introduction and had just announced the first point, when a member stood up and said "we are having a medical emergency." The woman behind her had gone into an epileptic episode and needed immediate attention. A couple of members immediate went to her assistance and 911 was called. Naturally the service stopped and several of us began to pray for her and for the wisdom of the responding ambulance crew.
By the time the ambulance arrived she had come out of the episode. They made sure she was stabilized and then she was taken for treatment.
Now, how does this song and this situation blend? Marvelously, darling, someone once said! God did move in a mysterious way and he performed a wonder worthy of praise. Even though Hell and all its minions would have done anything to stop anyone that morning from preaching the Word that the Son of God had died willingly and voluntarily to satisfy his father and that "It was truly finished!'; and some would have judged by feeble senses, God's purpose did ripen fast.
You see, this woman lived alone with two small children and had no telephone. God arranged to allow her to experience this episode amongst his people to render immediate care. Had she been at home, she would have been without a phone for help and her children to figure out a way to deal with her situation. Praise God for his thoughtfulness!
We experienced a some 40 minute delay. When I asked the congregation what was their pleasure, end the service or continue the message - they overwhelmingly wanted to hear Gods' word. So talk about going "overtime."
What a marvelous God we have. He finished the work of redemption; he arranged a woman's medical emergency to take place where she would receive the loving help of her brothers and sisters in Christ, and I still was infinitely privileged to teach the precious word of God.
So thank you to those who lifted me up to the Lord in prayer!


  1. Thanks for sharing this testimony. God is so merciful to His children. These little glimpses of God's providence are so amazing.

  2. Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound of another testimony to God's providencial love and care! Let this single mother know she is being prayed for as well.

  3. Thanks for sharing! Having preached thousands of sermons over the years, I've experienced many odd interruptions--but I must admit I haven't always handled them well.

    William Cowper's wonderful hymn and his "frowning providence" certainly fits the case. If you'd like to know a bit more about him, you can check out my daily blog on hymn history, Wordwise Hymns. (Today is the 278th anniversary of Cowper's birth.)

  4. So I did it -- bought myself a [url=]Fatman iTube Valvedock Carbon[/url] and I've got to say I am an extremely happy customer. I actually listened to one at a friend's house several months ago and just couldn't get that music out of my head because it blew me away. I searched online everywhere I could think of for a great deal and finally found it at [url=]Ordio[/url] in Westfield Bondi Junction. I called them first and asked a bunch of questions and everything was answered to my satisfaction so I went ahead and made the purchase. Dispatch was surprisingly fast. Everything was perfect. I'm pretty darn happy and I'm playing it right now. Not sure if they ship outside of Australia but you won't be sorry if they do.

    Amazing sound...


  5. Всем привет!

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    Я нашел их сайт в интернет - [url=][/url] и позвонил по тел. +7(351) 233-07-14.
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    Цены закупочные оказались самые высокие в г. Челябинске.
    Все цивилизовано грузчики загрузили [b]Паллеты[/b] ешё и лом поддонов купили, расчитались на месте наличными.
    Про другие фирмы я узнавал либо Цены низкие, либо Бракуют много, да и денег от них не дождешься.

    Так что если у вас завалялись [b]европоддоны[/b], не торопитесь их выбрасывать, лучше обменяйте их на деньги.


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The purpose of this site is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for His glory and your good!

THANK YOU, - Gregg Metcalf

Colossians 1:28-29

Gregg Metcalf has served as the Teaching Pastor of Surprise Valley Baptist Church (Cedarville, CA) and the Mirror Lake Baptist Church (Federal Way, WA.) He graduated from Shasta Bible College in 1989. Gregg is married to Irene and the Lord has blessed them with four daughters and six grandchildren, with a great grandchild on the way. Gregg invites your comments and interaction concerning his posts and this blog! Gregg enjoys reading, boating, song-poem writing, and his family.