

A Puritan's Mind - a website dedicated to Jesus Christ, authored by C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D. and other Puritans of like-mindedness.

Aletheia Baptist Ministries -  is a writing and teaching ministry which continues to encourage and edify fundamental baptists everywhere in their important place in biblical history

Banner of Truth Trust - the Banner of Truth Trust originated in 1957 in London. The founders believed that much of the best literature of historic Christianity had been allowed to fall into oblivion and that its recovery under God could well lead not only to a strengthening of the Church today but to true revival. The origins of the work were closely connected with the prayer that God would be pleased to visit the land again in true awakening.

Best - this site works toward resolving that tension by enabling Bible students at all levels to make good, informed decisions about which commentaries they should purchase and use by providing a constantly updated biblography of commentaries on each book of the Bible and collecting reviews, ratings, and prices of commentaries from a variety of sources.

Calvin's Commentaries -  these electronic texts of Calvin's Commentaries were prepared through the labor of volunteers for the OnLine Bible project and the Christian Classics Ethereal Library in conjunction with the good folks at Ages Software. Much work in programming and editing was done by Skip Gaede.

Cheapest Book Price -  find new cheap books or discount used books, without leaving your home.

Christian Book Distributors - today's leading resource for Christian goods, Christian Book Distributors continues to provide an enormous selection at excellent value, with strong customer service and support.

Christian Research NetworkChristian Research Net is a hub for those seeking information on discernment issues in the church. Contributors from various discernment ministries post the latest news and links to solid articles and resources on issues like the Emergent Church, the Purpose-Driven movement, unbiblical church growth methods and false teachings within evangelicalism. Most of the posts will take the reader to other discernment sites that are serving as watchers on the wall. The purpose of this site is to not to “reinvent the wheel” in Christian research but to point readers to the existing organizations that are already working in this area for the Body of Christ.

e-Sword e-Sword is a fast and effective way to study the Bible. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package. The fact that e-Sword is free is just one of the blessings and does not speak of the quality of the software. I make my living writing software and I believe I have put forth my best effort in this endeavor. The real work, however, was put in by the godly men and women who devoted countless years creating the texts that have been made available for our benefit.

Enjoying God Ministries - Enjoying God Ministries (EGM) exists "to proclaim the power of truth and the truth about power." This isn't just a catchy phrase. It reflects both what is lacking in the church today and what is burning in my heart. EGM exists to serve the body of Christ. Our aim is to be a resource not only for pastors and leaders but for all Christians who long to dig more deeply into the Word of God and to experience the fullness of the Spirit's power. Enjoying God Ministries is a non-profit ministry organization of Dr. Sam Storms who brings over 30 years of ministry to believers seeking a deeper and more passionate relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ

Equipping Kids - provider of Sunday School Cirriculum (please purchase from my friend Brian Ehline)

Grace Books International - books, materials, etc. from John MacArthur and Grace Community Church

Grace Gems - To humble the pride of man,to exalt the grace of God in salvation and to promote real holiness in heart and life.

Grace On Line Library -  the articles, sermons, books, biographies, etc...on Grace Online Library are provided in the hopes on advancing the kingdom of Christ and helping God's people grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord.

Hymn Time - (The Cyber Hymnal) - this site has over 8,100 Christ­ian hymns & Gos­pel songs from ma­ny de­nom­in­a­tions. We have lyr­ics, sheet mu­sic, au­dio, pic­tures, bi­o­graph­ies, his­to­ry, & more.

Isaiah Six -  Welcome to what you were made for! When I saw that phrase printed on the jacket of a CD entitled Songs for the Cross Centered Life, I froze. Such a simple statement, and yet so profound. We were made for worship! We were made for an ongoing relationship with our Creator God. And that’s what IsaiahSix is all about.

You’ll find dialog on everything from music to private worship, theology to practical applications. You’ll find reflection on biblical passages. You’ll find inspiration. But, more important than any of that, my prayer is that you’ll find God glorified. He is worthy of all glory and honor, and we find our deepest joy and happiness when we are being who we were created to be—worshipers of the most high God.

Ministry-To-Children - - Reformed sight with lots of helpful articles, books, and resources proclaiming the truths of Scripture as reiterated in the 16th century Reformation that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in the Scripture alone to the glory of God alone. - Christian Radio and internet ministry of various speakers, devotionals, and bible study helps.

Phil Johnson's Bookmarks - a critique of theology and theological websites from good to very bad!

Puritan Library - great wealth of Puritan books online or available to be ordered.

Sermon AudioEnjoy our library of 362,243 free sermons from conservative churches worldwide.

Sermon Central - SermonCentral is the world's leader in sermon resources and research. We are dedicated to equipping pastors worldwide in excellence in preaching. 

Shasta Bible College and Graduate School -  Shasta Bible College and Graduate School is a Four-year, Accredited Baptist College and Graduate School equipping Christian leaders for the 21st Century. We offer programs leading to certificates, diplomas and degrees in both Biblical Studies and Christian Teacher Education - 

Spirit Empowered Preaching -  We’re here to encourage you by accomplishing one basic objective:  to provide you with sermons that seek to reflect the essential emphasis of 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 . . .

Studies in the Scriptures - Studies done by A. W. Pink from 1922 - 1953

The Center for Biblical Spirituality - Discipleship ministry of Donald S. Whitney

The Gospel Highway - Southern Gospel Music

The Spurgeon Archives - website dedicated to the man, ministry, and messages of the late, great Charles H. Spurgeon

The Discerning Reader - is a site dedicated to promoting good books--books that bring honor to God. At the same time, we hope to help Christians avoid being unduly influenced by books and teachers that are not honoring to God.

The Founder's Ministry -  is a ministry of teaching and encouragement promoting both doctrine and devotion expressed in the Doctrines of Grace and their experiential application to the local church, particularly in the areas of worship and witness.

The Trinity Hymnal -  hymns and midi files

The Fundamentals - The site is intended to serve as a resource for and defense of essential Christian doctrine, as was intended by those men who authored The Fundamentals and those who funded the work. 

Please note that the word ‘fundamental’ or ‘fundamentalist’ should not be confused with that of a militant religious fanatic or the like, as is implied by the word in the media and elsewhere . What should be understood is the premise that there are essential doctrines of Christianity that should not in any way be set aside or tampered with, these doctrines are ‘fundamental’ to true Christianity. A fundamentalist in this sense of the word is one who upholds these doctrines without compromise.

Truth for LifeTruth For Life’s mission is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance so that:
Unbelievers will be converted.
At Truth For Life, we believe and teach the Gospel: that God created men and women in His image to live in relationship with Him. Yet all people have rebelled against God and rejected that relationship. But God, in His mercy, sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross to bear the consequences of our sins and to restore us to a right relationship with God. We desire that unbelieving men and women would hear and believe this message. If you would like to learn more about this message, read how to become a follower of Christ.

Believers will be established.

The Bible teaches that the Christian life is one of ongoing growth as we become more like Christ. It is our desire that the preaching on Truth For Life would assist believers in their understanding of Scripture and the responsibilities of Christian living.

Local churches will be strengthened.

The local church is a primary means through which discipleship occurs in a Christian's life. The sermons and materials we offer are meant to supplement, not substitute, the regular preaching of the Word that exists in the local church. We encourage listeners to be active members in the congregations they belong to and commit to financially support them before they consider giving to our ministry. If you need help in finding a church in your area, please read Alistair's article

Westminster Book Store - Westminster Bookstore is the campus bookstore for Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. While we exist to provide textbooks and resources for our students and faculty, our mission extends to serving the broader church of Jesus Christ. Westminster Bookstore is "Informed. Reformed. Academic"