
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

P. A. S. T. E.

Image result for acronyms

I developed an acronym the other day as part of my meditation process on Scripture. I know that there are a number of them available but I think this is helpful for me to pull out various truths or principles from a passage. I then pray as part of my application process using this little guide. As Rod Serling use to say, "I submit it for your approval." Hope it is helpful!

P - Promise to Claim

A - Attitude to Change

S - Sin to Confess

T - Truth to Consider

E - Example to Copy

Monday, May 29, 2017

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Jonah Experiences the Unequaled Part 2

Sermon:     GM17-152

Tag:           Jonah: A Gospel of Grace

Title:           Jonah Experiences the Unequaled (Part 2)

Text:           Jonah 2:2-7

Theme:       Jonah composes a Psalm

Theory:      The gracious compassion of the salvation of God compelled Jonah to compose a psalm of thanksgiving and praise

Target:       To provide God’s people with the motivation to praise when they find themselves “saved” or “delivered” by God

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017

Five Steps to Meditate on Scripture

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Psalm 1:1-2 tell us; "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the LORD. and in His law he meditates day and night." (NKJV)

Meditation can be difficult and more believers struggle with meditation  than they should. Yet, the Scripture tells us that the "man" (person) who meditates on God's word is blessed, or has the favor of God upon them. Therefore, it behooves a believer to meditate on God's word.

Meditation is not a deep and dark dungeon that we have to traverse in order to reap the wonderful benefits of obedience. Let me give you a few suggestions that might help you get started and to develop a life long practice of meditation upon God's wonderful Word.

Five Steps for Meditation on Scripture

  • Police - limit the portion of scripture to one verse, a portion of a verse, or even a single word. To much Scripture can make meditation difficult or impossible. Your devotion or quiet time is not the time for your annual Bible reading plan.
  • Pinpoint - observe and define key words (use Greek/English Dictionaries if needed); determine the key idea or main thought
  • Probe - dig deep by asking questions, use "My Six Little Friends;" Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why"
  • Pray - for enablement to implement the key idea 
  • Practice - Be a doer of the Word and not merely a hearer

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Remember the God of the Bible

Today, most of us are privileged to gather together with a segment of the body of Christ and worship the one true and living God. We are called together to give praise to God and to exhort one another. As you prepare to gather, let me share some words with you from Richard D. Phillips, from his commentary on the Old Testament Book of Jonah:

"If our primary concern in worship is our consumer preferences rather than the God whose name we praise, if we gaze on the wicked around us and see mainly a threat to our Christian lifestyles instead of perishing sinners in need of the gospel, and if we pray for forgiveness of our sins but justice for the agents of a wicked culture, then it cannot be doubted that the Pharisaical spirit of Jonah is in us...Jonah's resentment reveals a deep ignorance of God. He understood the Lord as his God and Israel's God but not the God of Nineveh." 

Whom do you understand this morning as you gather with the body of Christ?

(taken from Jonah & Micah, Reformed Expository Commentary, p. 8)

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Throwing Stones and Barking Dogs

Please accept my apologies for being slack in posting lately. I am truly sorry and beg your forgiveness. I have been distracted lately due to the following things:
     dog and Animated gif
  • I am not happy with the outlining and development of the second part of our study in Jonah. As a result I have ordered some additional tools and am actually starting over on chapter two of Jonah.
  • My sister, Mother and Father unexpectedly drove up from Austin, Texas and spent a few days with us. We had a great visit. It has been quite some time since I saw my folks. God has been so good to them; my Dad is 85 and my Mom is 83 and they are strong in mind and body, in excellent health, and in great spirits. 
  • We drove up to Lynden, WA (top of WA state on the Canadian border) to visit my sister Nancy, brother-in law, Emmet. We were able to see our niece, Jessica and her new baby boy, Emmet. We spent a couple of days up there. 
  • We celebrated Bryttany Lynn's 19th birthday. (She is our granddaughter, Sonja's girl. Our third grandchild turned 19! Oh my, where did the time go?
  • We are actually enjoying streamlining some old movies on Netflix on our new Smart TV.
Once I get Jonah, chapter two re-outlined I hope to resume regular posts. Thanks for being patient with me! 

Winston Churchill once remarked, "You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." So, I guess I need to stop throwing stones at barking dogs, huh?