
Friday, May 20, 2016

Gospel-driven Disciples Has Retired

Ever since I have been given the privilege and honor of teaching at the North Kelso Baptist Church I have had a hard time keeping up with my beloved blog. The deeper we get into the Epistle to the Romans it seems that it takes more time to translate, observe, interpret, apply, prepare, and present the material.

Also, I have re-developed my avid reading practise. I am currently reading three (3) books at the same time in my spare time and am, as Maxwell Smart would say, " And loving every minute!" It takes time to develop a real and intimate walk with our God and Savior Jesus Christ. 

As you can see from the dwindling postings I just have not chosen to make my blog a priority at this time. By the way, I would like to continue and develop the North Kelso Baptist Church blog for our people and anyone who would like to read it.

For the past eighteen (18) months or so I have been talking about or claiming to have retired the Gospel-driven Disciples Blog. Up to this point I haven't been able to do it. I have loved blogging! I have loved this blog. I am humbled and doubly amazed at the influence it has had around the world. I will miss it dearly. I will miss you all dearly. I love everyone of you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, kind comments, and prayers.

I will blog at on a semi-regular basis. Some blogs will be directed at the folks of NKBC or the community of Kelso. However, I don't think that would be a detractor or lack of benefit to any of you who "migrate" over to that blog. I hope you do move over. I hope you will put North Kelso Baptist Church Blog in your blog roll and that you will follow it and continue to be blessed.

For those who follow the Sunday in the Pulpit weekly sermon preached at the North Kelso Baptist Church each week, you will need to click on the North Kelso Baptist Church Blog to follow the sermons and studies. I will be posting the weekly study on that site from now on beginning this Sunday, May 22, 2016. Please continue to follow the study in the Epistle to the Romans.

I began blogging on February 19, 2009 on a cold snowy evening in a motel in Bend, OR. I retire today, May 20, 2016 on a cool, rainy day in Vancouver, WA. It has been a blessed ride! Thank you!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

How to be Right With God (Part 15)

SERMON               GM16-084

SERIES:              Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained, and Applied

SETTING:          North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE:          Sunday AM (May 15, 2016)

SUBTITLE:        How to Be Right with God (Part 15)

SCRIPTURE:     Romans 5:6-8

SUBJECT:          Justification produces benefits for believers        

SUMMARY:       Since the believer has been declared and is treated by God as righteous, Paul now provides some of the obvious consequences or benefits of having been justified by faith. The consequences resulting from justification have been made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and by placing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. These benefits or consequences serve as an anchor giving us security and confidence that the believer is safely secure in Christ.

SCHEME:           To provide proof that justification by faith is secured by the absolute & abundant love of God for sinners confirmed by the death of Christ.


3A     The Implication of Righteousness (4:23-5:21)

          1B     …it is procurable by all men who believe (4:23-25)
          2B     …it is productive for all men who believe (5:1-5)

                   1C     Peace with God (1)
                   2C     Province of Grace (2)
                   3C     Process of Growth (3-5)   

Sunday, May 8, 2016

How To Be Right With God (Part 14)

SERMON               GM16-083

SERIES:              Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained, and Applied

SETTING:          North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE:          Sunday AM (May 8, 2016)

SUBTITLE:        How to Be Right with God (Part 14)

SCRIPTURE:     Romans 5:3-5

SUBJECT:          Justification produces benefits for believers        

SUMMARY:       Since the believer has been declared and is treated by God as righteous, Paul now provides some of the obvious consequences or benefits of having been justified by faith. The consequences resulting from justification have been made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and by placing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. These benefits or consequences serve as an anchor giving us security and confidence that the believer is safely secure in Christ.

SCHEME:           To provide confidence that justification safely secures the believer from condemnation


3A     The Implication of Righteousness (4:23-5:21)

          1B     …it is procurable by all men who believe (4:23-25)
          2B     …it is productive for all men who believe (5:1-5)

                   1C     Peace with God (1)                 

                   2C     Province of Grace (2)

                             1D     Accessibility provided by grace (2a)
                             2D     Dependability projected by grace (2b)
                             3D     Joviality promised by grace (2c) 

Monday, May 2, 2016

A - Z = Great Memories!

(My theme this year was places I have visited or lived)

My good friend Bob over at KC Bob decided to use a similar theme. He also chose to give a recap or summary of his letters and the places he had visited or lived. I thought this was a good idea, so I decided to "steal it." Hope you don't mind Bob!

A = Andrew Hill High School (San Jose, CA) I attended there 1969-1972.

B = Beaufort (SC) I was stationed at the MCAS Beaufort and lived in the community of Beaufort in 1975.

C = Cody (WY) I visited friends and camped in Cody one night when we visited the Yellowstone National Park in 2001.

D = Dripping Springs (TX) We visited my sister and her family when we attended a Metcalf family renuion Christimas of 2001.

E = Eastridge Mall (San Jose, CA) first multi-level indoor shopping Mall in San Jose, CA. We teenagers hung out there frequently.

F = Ft Clatsop (Astoria, OR) the Corps of Discovery, Lewis & Clark and Company wintered here in December 1805 to March 1806

G = Golden Gate Bridge (San Franciso, CA) Crossed many times

H = Herlong (CA) Was called to pastor the Sierra View Baptist Church in this little military community in northern California

I = Idora Park (Ohio) An amusement park we frequented

J = Jacksonville, NC I was stationed here at the MCAS New River in 1973 with HMM 261 & HMH 461 Helicopter Squadrons. I also married my California high school sweet heart here in 1973.

K = Kingdome (Seattle, WA) I attended a number of Mariners games and a Seahawk game here. 

L = Longview, WA We lived here from Feb 2005 to April 2015.

M = Mayfield Lake (WA) fished, boated, and pull many a skier on this lake with our 18 foot open bow Seaswirl.

N = New Moon Chinese Restaurant (Longview, WA) best Chinese food in Cowlitz and Clark County. 

O = Okinawa. Deployed here back in 1974 by the US Marines. 

P = Pompey's Pillar (MT) Huge rock formation see by miles by the Corps of Discover when traveling on the Yellowstone River. Name for Sacajewa's son who was nicked-name Pompey by Captain Clark.

Q = Quisno's Subs (Longview) Ate here once in the Triangle Mall

R = River Walk (San Antonio, TX) magnificent, romantic, refreshing, and charming walk along the river

S = St. Maarten Island (East Carribbean Ocen) great Island visited as a port of call on a Carnival Cruise awarded by a former boss

T = Tony Roma's (Vancouver, WA) Now defunct, but at the time best steak and seafood house anywhere hands down

U = Utah. Have driven through a number of times. Beautiful place!

V = Virginia City (NV) great old west town and cemetery. Tourist!

W = West Covina (CA) lived here in 81 & 82. Two youngest daughters born here while we attended Bible College

X = X-Ray Department of St. John's Hospital. Had an emergency thoracotomy here. Many x-rays in their wonderful department

Y = Yellowstone National Park (MT, WY, ID) greatest national park in the country. Camped there for a week in 2001

Z = Zoos. Have visited a number of famous and fabulous zoos!

There you have it! 2016 A-Z Challenge!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to be Right With God (Part 13)

SERMON               GM16-082

SERIES:              Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained, and Applied

SETTING:          North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE:          Sunday AM (May 1, 2016)

SUBTITLE:        How to Be Right with God (Part 13)

SCRIPTURE:     Romans 5:2

SUBJECT:          Justification produces benefits for believers        

SUMMARY:       Since the believer has been declared and is treated by God as righteous, Paul now provides some of the obvious consequences or benefits of having been justified by faith. The consequences resulting from justification have been made possible by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and by placing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. These benefits or consequences serve as an anchor giving us security and confidence that the believer is safely secure in Christ.

SCHEME:           To provide confidence that justification safely secures the believer from condemnation


3A     The Implication of Righteousness (4:23-5:21)

          1B     …it is procurable by all men who believe (4:23-25)

          2B     …it is productive for all men who believe (5:1-5)

                   1C     Peace with God (1)

                             1D     The Basis for Peace (1a)

                             2D     The Beauty of Peace (1b)

                   2C     Province of Grace (2)

                             1D     Accessibility provided by grace (2a)

                             2D     Dependability proffered by grace (2b)

                              3D     Joviality promoted by grace (2c)