
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Heaven: Our Heart & 0ur Home (Part 4)


SERIES: Topical Messages: Heaven

SETTING: North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE: Sunday AM (September 27, 2015)

SUBTITLE: Heaven: Our Heart & Our Home

SCRIPTURE: Selected Scriptures

SUBJECT: The eternal heaven

SUMMARY: Jesus has made a promise that He has gone to prepare a way for genuine believers to live in the Father’s House in personal dwellings, or “apartments,” and that He will return personally in order to escort us to this place. Where is that place? The scriptures are silent when it comes to a specific location of the temporal or present heaven. However the Scripture is not silent on the location of the eternal heaven. At some point in God’s plan the temporal heaven will relocate to a newly recreated earth where it will remain for eternity with the New Jerusalem as its capital city.

SCHEME: To prove that the eternal heaven will be located on earth.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Heaven: Our Heart & Our Home (Part 3)

Due to technical problems (clumsy fingers) the last subpoint 6C and conclusion were deleted.

Heaven: Our Heart & Our Home
Selected Scriptures * Part 3


Where is heaven?

·        Some say heaven is somewhere in outer space
·        Some say heaven is beyond our solar system
·        Some say heaven is just beyond the furthest horizon
·        Some say heaven is somewhere in the sky or atmosphere
·        Some even say, that heaven is right here on earth

The Scriptures are silent when it comes to any specific location of heaven, at least the temporal or present heaven. We simply are not told the exact or precise location of the present heaven.

The apostle Paul thought it was crucial that as Christians we should at least know what happens when we die. Listen to what he told the Thessalonians:

          “…I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen           asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.” (1 Thess 4:13, NKJV)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Heaven Our Heart & Our Home (Part 2)


SERIES: Topical Messages: Heaven

SETTING: North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE: Sunday AM (September 13, 2015)

SUBTITLE: Heaven: Our Heart & Our Home

SCRIPTURE: John 14:1-4

SUBJECT: The Promise of Heaven (Part 2)

SUMMARY: Heaven has been promised to the genuine believer


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Are You a New Creation?

The key evidence of the presence of a new heart in the genuine believer is the delight to do the will of God. Our acts of sacrifice must be accomplished by a cheerful obedience. (Psalms 40:8) Father, may it be so in my life.

Monday, September 7, 2015

How to Know if Your Are Saved

Listen Church, the proof of justification is not an act or action, a prayer, or a decision. The proof of justification is the presence of sanctification. If there is no evidence of sanctification then there is no promise of justification- (Gregg Metcalf)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Heaven: Our Heart & Our Home (Part 1)


SERIES:        Topical Messages:  Heaven

SETTING: North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE: Sunday AM (September 6, 2015)

SUBTITLE:        Heaven: Our Heart & Our Home (Part 1)

SCRIPTURE:   Selected Scriptures

SUBJECT: The Promise of Heaven

SUMMARY:        Heaven has been promised to the genuine believer


Our theme is:  Heaven

 Proposition:  Heaven has been promised to the genuine believer

Interrogatory Sentence:  What does the bible say about the promise of heaven to the believer?

Transitional Sentence:  We will see what the bible says about the promise of heaven by looking at:

The Anticipation of Culture
The Anticipation of Christianity
The Anticipation of Cessation

Saturday, September 5, 2015

More Symbolism over Substance

I realize I am in the absolute minority here, but first of all Christ is not on the cross, He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Second, God (at least from Scripture) seems to have no desire nor purpose in "saving this nation."

Third, God only has a covenant and unique relationship with one nation, Israel, not America.

Fourth, prior to His return to earth, evil men are going to wax or grow worse and worse.

 Fifth, God has given mankind and this nation over to a reprobate mind, this reprobate or depraved mind has ascended into the White House and the Supreme Court.

Sixth, even in God's providence and sovereignty there is no going back for this nation. We need to grieve for the sin of man in this nation, work while it is yet light in preaching the gospel. There is coming a time when no man can work.

Seventh, in regards to the original caption, "What A Powerful Picture," I do not find it powerful but repugnant.

Friday, September 4, 2015

New Series Starting Sunday!

We finished the second major section of Romans this past Sunday by taking a close look at justification from Romans 3:20. We have spent a number of weeks in Romans 1:18-3:20 looking at the Perversion of Righteousness.

Our next section will be Romans 3:21-5:21 entitled the Provision of Righteousness. Hope you will join us for that study.

In the meantime we have decided to take a little break from Romans. Beginning this Lord's Day, September 6, 2015 we are starting a new series about Heaven. It is called Heaven: Setting Our Hearts & Settling Our Hope on Home.

Come join us for this approximately 8 week series on our future home. We will save you a place at 10:30 AM in north Kelso!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Reasons to Not Attend NKBC

Image result for churchThe following is a list of reasons why you would be excused from attending services this coming Lord's Day at the North Kelso Baptist Church: