
Friday, February 27, 2015

Five Rows Back

Once upon a time I got to "spin" the platters at a Christian radio station in Northern California. I found this song on a dusty ole album in a drawer. I was captivated by this song and I played it at least once each week. It isn't the best song ever written or recorded but it reminds me of the greatest experience of my entire life.

I am so amazed God saved me! I have never gotten over it. I hope you never get over your salvation experience. I hope you like the song.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Two Dangers to Avoid

1.  ...being conformed to the spirit of this age

2.  ...being confused by modern skepticism

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Quote of the Year!

I read this today and it has garnered the honor of being the quote of the year, at least for me:

"It is easier to be offended than to be effective."

(Julie Dick)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Oh, Mr. President...

Our newspaper, The Daily News, places quotes of various people, living or dead on the top of the page of our  opinion and editorial page. Usually these quotes from various people have or had a birthday that corresponds to the day of publication.

Sunday, February 22,2015 the quote was from our first president, the late George Washington. Of course history tells us President Washington was born February 22, 1732.

The quote from Washington that the editor chose was, "I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy." (George Washington)

Well, Mr. President, I beg to differ and take issue with that maxim. I respectively challenge that maxim. I think it implies both bad thinking and bad theology.

You see Mr. President, the maxim that I hold, whether in the private or public sector is, "Honesty is the only policy." When you say that "honesty is the best policy" you are implying that there are other policies. In addition you are implying that the other policies have a valid place, however yours in your opinion happens to be better. No, I don't think so.

Honesty is always the only policy!

Oh, by the way; Happy Birthday, Sir!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Man and His Message Part 6

SERMON:             GM15-047

SERIES:              Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained &           Applied

SETTING:          North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE:          Sunday AM (February 15, 2015)

SUBTITLE:        The Man and His Message Part 6

SCRIPTURE:     Romans1:5-6

SUBJECT:          Paul’s commission

SUMMARY:       The Apostle Paul was commissioned by God to bring about obedience                              to the faith among the Gentiles

SCHEME:           that the Christian grasps the significance of the commission of the apostle Paul in order emulate it

Our theme continues to be: The Recipe of an apostle

This is a good reminder for us all that we need to understand the various ingredients that God used to make this man such a unique player in the eternal plans of God

 Proposition:  The Apostle Paul was qualified by God for his task

Interrogatory Sentence:  What were the qualifications that enabled Paul to write his letter to the church at Rome?

Transitional Sentence: The passage before reveals four (4) ingredients that God used to make Paul such an important player in the life of the church;

·        The Childhood of Paul
·        The Conversion of Paul
·        The Credentials of Paul
·        The Commission of Paul

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Damming of the Soul by "Free Will Heresy"

In regards to yesterday's post, a faithful reader and commenter left this comment:

"Excellent truths posted here Gregg; this is why the 'free will' theology is so damning to the soul - it robs the Spirit of His ministerial work in the saving of a sinner and deludes the sinner into thinking he/she can save themselves apart from this supernatural work. The lack of expounding on the doctrines of grace are a big reason why the churches in this country are such a mess." (Lyn)

Lyn is so correct! This is why Arminianism is truly another gospel. It is also why the heresy of "free will" is so vile. Evangelistic campaigns bypasses the Holy Spirit's ministry of convicting the sinner of sin and causes the "evangelistic target" to verbalize a prayer rather than to experience the work of the Spirit in their soul.

Although salvation is instantaneous, the process may not be.The Holy Spirit may take days, weeks, or even months of awakening the sinner to an awareness of his/her sin. Sinners may experience days or weeks or months of prolonged agony over sin and the awareness of violating God's standards. If a "sinner" in an evangelistic foray is not given the opportunity of having sin  awakened in them then there is no understanding of what one is being saved from. Coincidentally, most gospel presentations today varying from light touching on what one is being saved from to not even mentioning. 

Men like Charles Ryrie or Zane Hodges and the like ignore the need of repentance by an awakened sinner by insisting that repentance is merely changing one's mind about what one thinks about sin. This is why so many of today's pulpits and churches are filled with tares. 

Thank you Lyn for your insight comment. Thank you for your insistence on the need for the clear exposition of the doctrines of grace. Thank you for taking the time to both read and comment on this poor, humble blog!

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Work of the Holy Spirit in Regards to the Sinner

The Work of the Holy Spirit in regards to bringing a sinner to salvation; the sinner must be…

Awakened to sin – the Holy Spirit must begin a campaign within the heart and soul which awakens the sinner to the awful reality that the sinner is under the condemnation and judgment of God as a result of the guilt and bondage of sin within the flesh of the sinner.

Alarmed by sin – the sinner must be alarmed by the campaign of the Holy Spirit as to the immediate and severity of the realization of the condition of the sinner and the sinner’s standing before God.

Appalled by sin – the sinner, once alarmed to the immediate and severe consequences of sin, must be brought by the Holy Spirit to a point of godly sorrow as the sinner is appalled at the hideousness of the realization of the vileness of indwelling sin and the consequences of sin towards the sinner.

Acquitted of sin – the sinner, by grace alone, by faith alone, by Christ alone, for the absolute glory of God alone, must be acquitted of sin by the application of the atoning work of Jesus Christ to the heart and soul of the sinner by the Holy Spirit of God.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What Does It Take To Be Made A Believer? (Part 2)

Christian: And did you presently fall under the power of this conviction?

Hope:  No, I was not willing presently to know the Evil of Sin, nor the Damnation that follows upon the commission of it; but endeavoured, when my mind at first began to be shaken with the Word, to shut mine eyes against the light thereof.

Christian:  But was was the Cause of your carrying of it thus to the first workings of God's blessed Spirit upon you?

Hope:  The causes were, I. I was ignorant that this was the work of God upon me. I never thought that by awakenings for Sin, God at first begins the Conversion of a Sinner. 2. Sin was yet very sweet to my  Flesh, and I was loth to leave it. 3. I could not tell how to part with mine old companions, their presence and actions were so desirable unto me. 4. The hours in which Convictions were upon me, were such troublesome and such Heart-affrighting hours, that I could not bear, no not so much as the Remembrance of them upon my heart.

Christian:  Then, as it seems, sometimes you got rid of your Trouble.

Hope:  Yes, verily, but it would come into my mind again, and then I should be as bad, nay worse than I was before.

Christian:  Why, was it that brought your Sins to mind again?

Hope:  Many things; as,
  • I did but meet a Good man in the streets
  • If I have heard any read in the bible
  • If mine head did begin to ache
  • If were told that some of my neighbours were sick
  • If I heard the bell toll for some that were dead
  • If I thought of Dying myself
  • If I heard that sudden Death happened to others 
  • But especially when I thought of myself, that I must quickly come to judgment.
Christian:  And could you at any time, with ease, get off the Guilt of Sin, when by any of these ways it came upon you?

(Taken from John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress, (Uhrichsville: Barbour and Company,) p. 158-159)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Are the Coptic Christians Really Christians?

Jack Wellman, senior writer at What Christians Want to Know,wrote in October of 2013 the following:

"No matter what Christian persuasion you are, you belong to Christ.  Differences in beliefs that are not different in the essentials should not divide us."

Is this really true? Or, does it really matter at all? Is this a very misleading and dangerously deceptive attitude?

I am as angry as any other sane and humane person in this world in regards to ISIS and their barbaric practices of torture, mayhem, and murder. They are diabolical tools in the hands of the "Evil One" doing his bidding. Quite frankly, I believe that a united coalition led by the Arab nations need to hunt them down and exterminate them, (after a fair trial and all.)

My question however is theological - are those who were beheaded truly Christians? Is Wellman right, that all we have to do is agree to use Jesus name and love Him in order to claim that we belong to Christ?

What do Coptic Christians Believe?

Coptic Christianity is very similar to Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. They profess to be genuine followers of Jesus Christ and a part of His worldwide Church. But, as with Catholicism, they tend to emphasize meritorious works in salvation along with liturgical ritual rather than salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. (taken from gotquestions?.com)

Why do I even bring this up? I already know that I am going to be at best poo-pooed and at worst vilified. Why do I do this to myself?

The reason is that I think we blur the lines of Christianity if we don't hold to bottom line, non-negotiable and static definitions of what Christianity actually is. We live in a culture where truth is now relative and there are no absolutes. I am both offended and grieved when I am aware of bible truths, such as salvation by grace alone, by faith alone, by Christ alone, for God's glory alone are trivialized by the addition of post-modern thinking.

Are there different persuasions of Christianity? Is OK to demand that Christianity is defined as one who has trusted in the atoning work of Christ alone for salvation or can one also be a Christian and trust in rituals and meritorious works? Are those merely different strains or persuasions of Christianity or are they diametrically opposed to one another?

Why am I exercising myself on this subject? I have seen the horrendous reports and stories of these brutal executions by these godless barbarians. I have also seen the reaction in the so called "Christian Community." One such response indicated that these vary "martyrs" are referred to in the letter containing Christ's revelation to the seven churches by the Apostle John. Are these ones whose blood is under the altar crying out to God for vindication?

I think this is one of the major reasons that we have so many tares and false "Christians" in the church today. We cannot dumb-down, redefine, or blur the lines of Christianity and not expect confusion among true believers and the church at large. This is what leads to the awful statement in Matthew 7:21 where many who believed they were Christians and Christ informs that they are not.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

What Does the Leper Teach Us?

"Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." (Matthew 8:2-24, NKJV)

What did the HS impress on me?

Once again, I am impressed with the fact that this leper missed the spiritual implications having been preoccupied with the physical realm.

My thoughts about the HS's impressions?

He saw Jesus as a miracle worker and not as a savior. He sought to be healed physically and there is no reference to a desire for spiritual healing or salvation. He wanted to be cleansed from this horrible disease. After all, it was painfully life-threatening, it rendered him an outcast separating him from family and friends, and made him unclean, unable to worship the God of Israel.

Further evidence of this lies in the fact that:
  • He did not mention anything about redemption or salvation in his plea
  • He did not project any concern for the regulations in the law
  • He did not obey Christ implying that he was not spiritually healed

We have to be careful how we present Christ; most people want to focus or fixate on physical or material things rather than the spiritual truths and principles surrounding and under girding salvation. It comes down to motivation. 

There is no doubt that we want to see people motivated for salvation. If we offer the resulting perks and privileges as the motivation for salvation, it is quite possible that they will miss the real reason for salvation. Of course the real reason to be saved is centers on the fact that mankind are sinners who have offended and violated the standards of a holy God.

So, we learn from the leper that not all encounters or experiences with Jesus result in salvation. We learn that  presenting the gospel and spiritual blessings or benefits must be handled carefully. Or we can end up with a lot of people who rejoice about benefits without the transforming power of God in their lives.

Monday, February 16, 2015

What Does It Take to Be Made A Believer? (Part 1)

Christian:  Then Christian began, and said, I will ask you a question. How came you to think at first of doing as you do now?

Hope:  Do you mean, how came I first to look after the good of my soul?

Christian:  Yes, that is my meaning.

Hope:  I continued a great while in the delight of those things which were seen and sold at our Fair; things which I believe now would have (had I continued in them still) drowned me in perdition and destruction.

Christian:  What things were they?

Hope:  All the treasures and riches of the World. Also I delighted much in rioting, revelling, drinking, swearing, lying, uncleanness, sabbath-breaking, and what not, that tended to destroy the soul. But I found at last, by hearing and considering of things that are Divine, which I indeed hear of you, as also of beloved Faithful, that was put to death for his faith and good living in Vanity-Fair, that the end of these things is Death. And that for thee things sake, the wrath of God cometh upon the children of disobedience.

Christian: And did you presently fall under the power of this conviction?

Taken from John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress, (Uhrichsville: Barbour and Company,) p. 157-158

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Man and His Message (Part 5)

SERMON:             GM15-046B

SERIES:              Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained &                                                       Applied

SETTING:          North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE:          Sunday AM (February 15, 2015)

SUBTITLE:        The Man and His Message (Part 5)

SCRIPTURE:     Romans 1: 1c-4

SUBJECT:          The credentials of Paul

SUMMARY:       The Apostle Paul was qualified by God for his task

SCHEME:           that Christians understand the qualifications that rendered the Apostle Paul effective for the service of God to the Gentiles

Our theme is: The Recipe of an apostle

This is a good reminder for us all that we need to understand the various ingredients that God used to make this man such a unique player in the eternal plans of God

 Proposition:  The Apostle Paul was qualified by God for his task

Interrogatory Sentence:  What were the qualifications that enabled Paul to write his letter to the church at Rome?

Transitional Sentence: The passage before reveals four (4) ingredients that God used to make Paul such an important player in the life of the church;

·        The Childhood of Paul
·        The Conversion of Paul
·        The Credentials of Paul
·        The Commission of Paul

Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Vision for My Life

A few days ago I worked up and wrote out a purpose statement for
my life. I desire to use this purpose statement as a guide by which to give guidance and direction to my life. I did so because I realize my life is so short, it is a vapor. My life is here today and then it is gone tomorrow.

My next step was to develop what my life would look like as I live out my purpose statement. So, here is what I envision as I attempt to glorify God through my purpose statement using my unique gifts, desires, aptitudes, and opportunities.

I envision my life to be a witness of God's grace through Christ to my wife, children, and grandchildren; leaving a godly example of Christ's transforming power in the life of this sinner.

I envision my life to be a vehicle or a medium whereby God through Jesus Christ, empowered by His HS chooses to magnify His glorious character and nature to both the church and to the pagan world.

I envision my life to be a life spent in the service of Jesus Christ by utilizing my God given spiritual gift of teaching to the church of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Purpose of My Life

Last week I turned 60 years old. If I were to use Psalm 90 as a guide and roughly count the days of my life as seventy years, or if by reason of strength the days of my life are eighty years, I have approximately 10 to 20 years of life left. Naturally, I know that God has already numbered my days from eternity past, and he knows when my life will end. He has the moment and the means of my demise already determined.

Turning sixty caused me to reflect on my life and my future. One thing that this reflection has done has caused me to take a hard look at the purpose of my life. Especially the purpose of the remaining years that I have left, (whatever that number may be.) Oh, don't get me wrong, I am well aware of the fact that ultimately my purpose is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. But what does that mean? How do I do that? Do I have a plan that will accomplish it or am I just flailing along "willy-nilly?" 

This reflecting has spurred me on to draft and put on paper a "purpose statement for my life."

I am not sure if this purpose statement is to bulky and involved, but here goes. What do you think of it? How would you improve it? What suggestions do you have for me?

"The purpose of my life is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever by His grace through His Spirit and because of Christ’s atoning work by living with the mind of Christ, and by working out my salvation with fear and trembling, and by shepherding my family, as a nurturing father, and to edify and equip God’s people by teaching the Word of God."

Monday, February 9, 2015

5 Things I Learned From Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

As I read, meditated over, and prayed about the encounter that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at the well in Sychar I learned some valuable truths about presenting the gospel. I share them with you with hopes that they will be beneficial towards your gospel presentation opportunities.

  • Jesus engaged in conversation with a Samaritan woman - we can engage anyone with the gospel
  • Jesus engaged in dialogue with this woman by using a common place need in her physical life - physical thirst & the need to constantly draw water
  • Jesus did not press her for a "decision" when she asked for the water Christ spoke of  - Jesus slowed the process down in order for her to fully understand why she need this living water
  • Jesus knew she wasn't asking from the right motive - she wanted his "water" in order not to get thirsty again nor to need to draw water again
  • Jesus had to get her to admit sin and her real need of spiritual water -  he made her aware of her sin (adultery & fornication)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Man and His Message (Part 4)

SERMON:             GM15-046

SERIES:              Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained &           Applied

SETTING:          North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE:          Sunday AM (February 8, 2015)

SUBTITLE:        The Man and His Message (Part 4)

SCRIPTURE:     Romans 1: 1b-4

SUBJECT:          the credentials of Paul

SUMMARY:       The Apostle Paul was qualified by God for his task

SCHEME:           that Christians understand the qualifications that rendered the Apostle Paul effective for the service of God to the Gentiles

Our theme is: The Credentials of Paul

This is a good reminder for us all that we need to understand the various ingredients that God used to make this man such a unique player in the eternal plans of God

 Proposition:  The Apostle Paul was qualified by God for his task

Interrogatory Sentence:  What were the qualifications that enabled Paul to write his letter to the church at Rome?

Transitional Sentence: The passage before reveals three (3) attributes that God used to make Paul such an important player in the life of the church;

1.    He is the Serving One 
2.    He is the Sent One
3.     He is the Separated One
4.  He is the Scripted One

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Vision 2015?

What is your church's vision for 2015?

What are you trying to intentionally teach this year?

Friday, February 6, 2015

5 Reasons Christ was Superior to John

  • Jesus was of "heavenly" origin
  • Jesus knew truth by first hand experience
  • Jesus's testimony always agreed with God
  • Jesus experienced the Holy Spirit in full
  • Jesus was granted superior status by God

Taken from John MacArthur's, One Perfect Life, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2012), p. 93

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Of Tongues and Mouths

“Is there anything more worthy of our tongues and mouths than to speak of the things of God and Heaven?"

― John Bunyan

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Five Truths for Today

  • God is the one who regulates worship of Himself

  • Religion in the hands of men always turns materialistic

  • God's character requires holiness in worship

  • God requires genuine conversion rather than religious enthusiasm

  • God is the only one who truly knows the heart (character) of man

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

5 Principles From Turning Water into Wine

My devotion this morning was taken from John 2:1-12. This is a familiar story of an event in the early ministry of our Lord. 

He and His disciples had been invited to a wedding in the town of Cana. Since Mary, Jesus' brothers, and Jesus had been invited, this was probably the wedding of a family member or very close friend.

If you are not familiar with the story please take a moment and turn to John 2 and read verses one through twelve. Most who read this blog will remember that John chose to write this gospel to prove or authenticate Christ's claim of being the Messiah. Rather than write a biography of Christ, John chose 7 miracles or "signs" performed by Christ to authenticate His claim.

Let me say, at this point, that this is not the time nor place to "argue" the percentage of fermentation of the wine at the supper or the wine that Christ made. Certainly enough ink has been spilt over this issue. If you don't know my position, email me sometime, I will gladly share it.

My purpose today is to share with you at least five (5) principles that can be gleaned from this account by John. I think they are principles that are vital to our Christian walk. So, they are as follows:

  • In time of need, turn to Christ, through God first! Running out of wine could have been a real problem. Mary went straight to Jesus. She wasted no time, did not rely on herself, no beat the bushes for solutions. She ran to Christ.

  • Even in times of need or real problems, priorities must be maintained. Since wine and its bounty, among other things was a symbol of God's blessing and an element of the coming kingdom, Jesus kept the priority of the cross and exaltation in proper perspective and order. He reminded Mary that priorities and perspective must be maintained even in times of need or want.

  • Great faith and consistent faith is necessary to walk with God and to please God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God and Christ did little or no "work" where there was no or little faith. Mary's faith was elevated to the type of faith that could say, "Whatever He says to you, do it." Have absolute confidence in Christ to meet you need in His timing and technique. 

  • Always rely on God and seek God's wisdom as to never miss the point or reason in the workings of God. The host missed the point. He focused on the goodness of the wine and it being served last without making the connection that Jesus was the Messiah by the miracle itself.

  • God's work can and will produce faith. His disciples were convinced and believed. God will draw His elect unto Himself through great and small events. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

God is Sovereign Over Everything!

God is sovereign over everything in my life. And He is in your life also. I don't say this as if it something I just learned or I am surprised by its reality. I am just amazed at how God can control the most insignificant events in my life in order to accomplish some purpose that He has for me.

This morning, even though my alarm with off on time, I didn't chose to get up until 30 minutes later than normal. Although I was up later and running behind on my "schedule" I still had to shower, dress, put the leash on Fi Fi and then get in a newly purchased power chair to take Fi Fi on her normal walk and morning constitution. 

These little things - getting up later, still doing the same morning routines but at a later time. Significant? Insignificant? Well today in God's sovereign timing He put me where He needed me at the exact moment He needed me.

I was "cruising" up W. Main headed to NW 8th in order to head off into our daily walk when I encountered an individual in a power chair. I asked him to stop and roll toward me and he wanted to "run away." As he turned I noticed the battery charger cord was dangling from the back of the chair. My chair did the same thing. Wait, that was my chair!

Friday night while waiting on Gold Rush to come on I fell asleep in my recliner. I woke up about 10:00 PM and knew I better take the dog out quickly or, "forget about it." I opened the door to get into my power chair and it was gone. Yeppers, stolen. Stolen from under the covered walkway in front of my door. I was sick. 

I called the Kelso Police Department who sent an officer to take a report. I never expected to see that chair again. The Lord gives and the Lord takes, blessed be the name of the Lord!

Since God "sovereignly" arranged for me to wake up later than normal, complete my morning routine later than normal and set out on our walk later than normal, I was able to confront this guy. 

Apparently he bought if off a couple of teen-age boys for 20.00. We have chased those boys out of the complex before. I offered his 20.00 back and that I would not call the cops if we returned the chair to my door without incident. He did and I did.

God is good. Oh no, don't get me wrong. God is not good simply because He let me recover my power chair. God was good when He allowed Irene to find it at a rummage sale and God was good when He permitted it to be stolen. God is good always and always does God. God is good because of a million reasons, but one reason He is good, is He is good because He is sovereign over the times, the seasons, and the events in my life. And because He provides even before I can ask.

Quite frankly, I hadn't even asked God for it to be recovered yet. I praised God for His goodness even in my loss. I hadn't even gotten around to asking yet and now it is sitting here 20 feet away having its batteries recharged. So, praise God!

Two more things if I may:

Yes, it was a dumb call that ended in an interception, but thanks Pete Carroll and the Seattle Seahawks for a great season! I ashamed you lost control of yourselves and entered into a brawl. 

Happy 56th Birthday to my only brother, Craig Lee Metcalf of Houston, Texas! 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Man and His Message Part 3

SERMON:             GM15-045

SERIES:              Renewal Through Romans: The Gospel Defined, Explained &           Applied

SETTING:          North Kelso Baptist Church

SERVICE:          Sunday AM (February 1, 2015)

SUBTITLE:        The Man and His Message Part 3

SCRIPTURE:     Romans1:1b-4

SUBJECT:          The Man and His Message

SUMMARY:       The book of Romans was written by a man named Paul

SCHEME:           that the Christian grasps the ingredients that went into the making of this great man of God

Our theme is: the man and his message

This is a good reminder for us all that we need to understand all the ingredients that God used to make this man such a valuable player in the eternal plans of God.

 Proposition:  The book of Romans was written by a man named Paul    

Interrogatory Sentence:  What were the ingredients that God used to make Paul into the man who played such an important role in the life of Christianity and the Church?

Transitional Sentence: This introduction and overview of the man and his message identifies four ingredients that help us see what God used to make Paul, Paul.

1.     The Childhood
2.     The Conversion
3.     The Credentials
4.     The Commission