
Monday, December 31, 2012

Bible Reading Plan for 2013

On December 30, 1842, a 29-year-old Scottish pastor named Robert Murray M’Cheyne wrote a letter to his congregation. He said:
MY DEAR FLOCK,—The approach of another year stirs up within me new desires for your salvation, and for the growth of those of you who are saved. "God is my record how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ." What the coming year is to bring forth, who can tell? . . . Those believers will stand firmest who have no dependence upon self or upon creatures, but upon Jehovah our Righteousness. We must be driven more to our Bibles, and to the mercy-seat, if we are to stand in the evil day. Then we shall be able to say like David—, "The proud have had me greatly in derision, yet have I not declined from thy law." "Princes have persecuted me without a cause, but my heart standeth in awe of thy Word." It has long been in my mind to prepare a scheme of Scripture reading, in which as many as were made willing by God might agree, so that the whole Bible might be read once by you in the year, and all might be feeding in the same portion of the green pasture at the same time.

Let me encourage you to commit to reading the Scripture devotionaly during 2013. I am going to use this system for my Scripture reading. The following Bible reading plan is designed to take you through the Old and New Testaments in two years, and through the Psalms and Proverbs four times during that period. This plan is based on the book by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible Book by Book. Use  this plan together with Fee and Stuart’s book.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Song for Sunday Morning

Command thy blessing from above,
O God, on all assembled here;

behold us with a Father's love,

while we look up with filial fear.

Command thy blessing, Jesus, Lord,
may we thy true disciples be;
speak to each heart the mighty word;
say to the weakest: follow me.

Command thy blessing, in this hour,
Spirit of truth, and fill this place
with humbling and with healing power,
with quickening and confirming grace.

O thou, our Maker, Savior, guide,
one true eternal God confessed,
may naught in life or death divide
the saints in thy communion blest.

James Montgomery,
(4 November 1771 – 30 April 1854)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Saturdays with Spurgeon #21

Spurgeon on Trials and Suffering

"There is no university for a Christian, like that of sorrow and trial."

"In the greatness of our troubles there may often be space for the greater display of the goodness of God!"

"There is no greater mercy that I of on earth than good health except it is sickness, and that has often been a greater mercy to me than health."

"I bear my witness that some of the best things I have ever learned from mortal lips, I have learned from bedridden saints!"

"All our infirmities, whatever they are, are just opportunities for God to display His gracious work in us."

Happy 59th Birthday to my dear and loving wife
Irene H Metcalf, of Longview, WA

Friday, December 28, 2012

What Is In a Name? Part III

There are many reasons why churches choose their name. Some want to stand out from the “competition.” Some simply are fulfilling a legal requirement for government forms. Sometimes churches choose a name to identify a particular bent, doctrine, or attribute that they want their church to be known for.

I have seen some different at best and down right strange at worst names for churches. I have also, like many of you, come across some weird names on the internet.

For December, I want to take each Friday and share some of these strange and different names. These names are not all original with me. I have taken them from various sites. I simply hope you can enjoy them and chuckle with me, (even if you shake your head in disbelief or bewilderment.)

Note: These name are not made up. They have been verified from church directories. Some stuff you just can’t make up!

Churches on the move:

Getaway United Methodist Church
Chesapeake, OH

Speedway United Methodist Church
South Ind. 

Farewell Avenue Christian Church
Fairbanks, AK

Farwell United Methodist Church
West Mich. 

Glide United Methodist Church
San Francisco, CA

Roll United Methodist Church
North Ind. 

Drift Run United Methodist Church

Rush United Methodist Church
Rush, NY

Airline United Methodist Church
Houston, TX

Jet United Methodist Church
Jet, OK

Delta United Methodist Church
Rome, NY

Delta United Methodist Church
Ottumwa, IA

Continental United Methodist Church
Continental, OH

Northwest Christian Church
Arlington, TX

Pigeon Run United Methodist Church
Massillon, OH

Pullman Christian Reformed Church
Chicago, IL.

Puyallup United Methodist Church
Puyallup, WA

Cross Country Church
Holliday, TX

Runs Baptist Church
Aiken SC area

JUMP Ministries International Church (Joyously Unveiling the Master's Plan)
New Smyrna Beach, FL

Journey Church: A Walk in Grace
Sallisaw, OK

Bull Run Baptist               (An annual running of the Baptists? ;-)
Manassas, VA.

Gypsy United Methodist Church
Shinnston, WV

Journey's End Baptist Church
Hudson, NC

Drain United Methodist Church
OR/ID conf.

Ridin' With Christ Cowboy Church
Booneville, AR

Cowboy Church on the Move
Abilene, TX

Ride'n For The Cross Ministries
Carson City, NV 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

When Faith Knocked at the Door

Gladness or Madness?

“So, when he had considered [this], he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together praying, and as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer. When she recognized Peter’s voice, because of her gladness she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate.” (Acts 12:12-14, NKJV)

Rhoda was possibly a slave girl in the household of Mark’s mother or possibly a member of the assembly that met in his mother’s house. A prayer meeting for Peter had been underway at the time Peter was miraculously released from prison. We see how human Rhoda really is when she gets so excited by seeing Peter at the door. She did not unlock or open the door. She ran back to tell the members of the body which had gathered there that Peter, the subject of their prayer meeting was actually at the door seeking entrance. Of course, those of you who are familiar with this account are aware that those in the prayer meeting thought she was “mad.”

Have you ever been so “glad” that you forgot what to do? Go ahead, tell us what happened?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Twelve Days After Christmas

The first day after Christmas my true love and I had a fight,

And so I chopped the pear tree down and burned it just for spite.

Then with a single cartridge, I shot that blasted partridge,

My true love, my true love, my true love gave to me.

The second day after Christmas, I pulled on the old rubber gloves,

And very gently wrung the necks of both the turtle doves.

My true love, my true love, my true love gave to me.

The third day after Christmas, my mother caught the croup;

I had to use the three French hens to make some chicken soup.

The four calling birds were a big mistake,

for their language was obscene.

The five gold rings were completely fake and they turned my fingers green .

The sixth day after Christmas, the six laying geese wouldn't lay,

I gave the whole darn gaggle to the A.S.P.C.A.

On the seventh day what a mess I found,

All seven of the swimming swans had drowned.

My true love, my true love, my true love gave to me.

The eighth day after Christmas, before they could suspect,

I bundled up the eight maids a milking, nine pipers piping, Ten ladies dancing, 'leven lords a leaping, Twelve drummers drumming and sent them back collect.

I wrote my true love, "We are through, love",

and I said in so many words,

"Furthermore your Christmas gifts were for the birds!"

How was your Christmas?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Christmas Day Message to You!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this."  (Isaiah 9:6-7, ESV)


" the Holy Spirit says, 'Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness..." (Hebrews 3:8, ESV)


"Who knows? God may turn and relent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we (you) may not perish." (Jonah 3:9, ESV)


"Repent therefore and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out..." (Acts 3:19, ESV) 


"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."  (Romans 10:23, ESV)

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas Poem for You!

Twas the Night before Christmas (Take Two)
Written by Gregg Metcalf

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through heaven
Not an angel was singing, not even the one named Evan
The cherubim were all packed and were waiting to send
A multitude of heavenly hosts to a town called Bethlehem

Mary and Joseph were all snug in the manager
On this dark night nothing could ever be stranger
For the Holy Spirit of God came there to hover
As a young Jewish maiden was to become a mother

The time had now come for Mary to deliver
The child formed by the great heavenly giver
It seemed the quiet of this once silent night
Would only be broken by sounds of delight

When out in the fields there arose a heavenly host
Praising God with great words which did boast
Of his glory to the highest in all of the creation
Peace on earth and good will to every nation

The glory of the Lord shone bright around them
As the angels brought glad tidings to Bethlehem
Do not be afraid was the message they heard
All these things had been written in God’s word

The moon on the stalks of wheat in the field
Dancing along as the moonlight gave yield
When, what by the listening ear was heard
But words of comfort which were not slurred

A figure in shadows appeared so lively and quick
 The young mother sensing this might be a trick
With a message to the land this shadow came
Bringing words of joy to all the tribes by name 

Benjamin, Ephraim, Manasseh, and Dan
Naphtali, Asher, Issachar, Judah, to the man
To Zebulon, Simeon, Reuben, Gad he spoke
The time has come to now throw off the yoke

This babe laying here in swaddling clothes
Is the sign which God himself has chose
He has come to save his people from sin
And to bring good news to all of them

When the angels returned to heaven on high
The shepherds made haste and did fly
To the town where this thing came to be
Which the Lord had allowed them to see

The shepherds found the babe in a crib
With no room at the inn they had to ad lib
A pleasure it was to visit this tiny family
The shepherds worshiped in great jubilee

The babe was wrapped in swaddling tight
To keep away the chill of this dark night
A pillow of hay gave rest to his head
Unbecoming for a King was this bed

The baby’s eyes did twinkle and shine
He neither gave whimper nor whine
His cheeks were like roses in bloom
Since safely delivered from the womb

As the shepherds saw him they made known
Of all they knew of this blessing on loan
All who were privy they too were amazed
And with one voice their God was praised

As the shepherds prepared to depart
Mary pondered what was in her heart
They were singing filled with great joy
Having been led to see this baby boy

All these things were brought forth by God
Since he had chosen to bless this vile sod
He says to each one of us with great delight
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night

Sunday, December 23, 2012

When Faith Meets Function

Putting Feet to Faith

We sometimes find humor when we hear stories of weak or limited faith. Many times we find ourselves in great sympathy with the man who cried, “I believe Lord, help thou my unbelief!” Sometimes we read the accounts of faithful men and wonder if we could ever have that kind of faith. I found this account from the life of Hudson Taylor both amusing and convicting. 

When Hudson Taylor, the famous missionary, first went to China, it was in a sailing vessel. Very close to the shore of cannibal islands the ship was becalmed, and it was slowly drifting shoreward unable to go about and the savages were eagerly anticipating a feast. The captain came to Mr. Taylor and besought him to pray for the help of God. "I will," said Taylor, "provided you set your sails to catch the breeze." The captain declined to make himself a laughing stock by unfurling in a dead calm. Taylor said, "I will not undertake to pray for the vessel unless you will prepare the sails." And it was done. While engaged in prayer, there was a knock at the door of his stateroom. "Who is there?" The captain's voice responded, "Are you still praying for wind?" "Yes." "Well," said the captain, "you'd better stop praying, for we have more wind than we can manage."

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturdays with Spurgeon #20

"I frequently hear persons exhorted to give their hearts to Christ... But that is not (sic) the Gospel. Salvation comes from something that Christ gives you, (sic) not something that you give to Christ. The giving of your heart to Christ follows (sic) after receiving (sic) from Christ of eternal life by faith."

--Charles H Spurgeon

Friday, December 21, 2012

What Is In a Name? Part II

There are many reasons why churches choose their name. Some want to stand out from the “competition.” Some simply are fulfilling a legal requirement for government forms. Sometimes churches choose a name to identify a particular bent, doctrine, or attribute that they want their church to be known for.

I have seen some different at best and down right strange at worst names for churches. I have also, like many of you, come across some weird names on the internet.

For December, I want to take each Friday and share some of these strange and different names. These names are not all original with me. I have taken them from various sites. I simply hope you can enjoy them and chuckle with me, (even if you shake your head in disbelief or bewilderment.)

Note: These name are not made up. They have been verified from church directories. Some stuff you just can’t make up!

Churches that are "Hot"

Hot Springs Baptist
Hot Springs, AR

Boiling Springs Baptist Church
Murphy, NC

Open Door Baptist Church (It must be hot inside)
Bismarck, ND

Church of the Open Door (It, also, must be hot inside)
Elyria, OH

Torch United Methodist Church
Torch, OH

Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas
Greenville, SC

Frostproof United Method Church
Frostproof, FL

Thawville United Methodist Church
Thawville, IL

Caliente Community United Methodist Church     (Spanish, "hot")
Caliente, NV

Ignited Word    (Like the fuse on "Mission Impossible"??)
Las Vegas, NV

Church on Fire
Amory, MS

Franklin Furnace United Methodist Church
Western Ohio 

Cowboy Church On Fire
Iraan, TX

What's your favorite?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Components of Spiritual Health Part II

A personal devotion or quiet time is just that; personal. There are many ways to structure a quiet time. However, there are a few elements that are indigenous to all forms or structures of quiet times. The main thing to remember is that it takes effort to keep your quiet time from becoming a mechanical performance. You must guard against thinking the program will benefit you. It is not the program but the person which makes the necessary changes in your life. God, through Christ utilizes the Scriptures to further your spiritual development.

Having said that allow me to make some suggestions for a beneficial and profitable quiet time. Please feel free to modify these suggestions as you tailor these elements by making them personal to you.

Step 1        Planning


Determine the amount of time that you desire to “devote” to your quiet time. Always be realistic. Carve out the amount of time you can afford and desire rather than being unrealistic. I suggest at least thirty (30) minutes if not shooting for an hour. Your goal is develop a spiritual habit through consistency.


This sounds so obvious, select a place that is quiet and free of distractions. You need a place where you can achieve and maintain privacy. You need a place where you can read out loud, laugh, cry, sing, and pray. Don’t attempt to have your quiet time in your bed.

Step 2        Process

Use a simple format for your quiet time. If it is too complicated or cluttered you will become discouraged and quit. This process is not “cut into stone” so mix it up now and then. Do not let your quiet time “go stale” or become mechanical.

Commence with Prayer

Spend a few minutes in thanksgiving:
          For sleep
          For protection     
          For the blood of Christ

Seek cleansing and forgiveness

Solicit help & guidance from Holy Spirit (Use Piper’s IOU’s)

Continue with Praise

Sing a hymn
Read a Psalm
Recite a Poem

Connect with Passage

Restrict selection to 8-10 verses
Read passage through normally
Re-read passage slowly, focusing on content
Re-read passage while underlining and praying over words, phrases, or ideas
Refrain from speed reading, reading notes first
Review passage for following:

What is the main idea of the passage?
What spiritual principles are present?
What can I learn from this portion?
What attitudes or actions do I need to pursue?

Revisit the passage and look for:      (SPEECH)

Sin to Confess
Promise to Claim
Error to Consider
Example to Copy
Command to Complete
Hypothesis (Spiritual Principle) to Commence (Begin or live by)

Conclude with Prayer   (ACTS)

Adoration – character trait of God
Confession – Sin illuminated by the passage

Thanksgiving – spirit and attitude of thankfulness

Supplication – prayer requests for others and self

Daily Division: 

Mon - Missionaries
Tue - Friends
Wed - Church worldwide
Thur - Government & Government Officials
Fri - Family
Sat - Sinners (Lost)
Sun - Services & Servants (Local church)

Spouse & Children
Urgent Requests
Self – Application from lesson, Spiritual Growth, Material needs

Advance thanks for guidance during quiet time
Ask for deliverance from sin and temptation during the day
Ask for strength and wisdom for the day and the duties of the day

Step 3        Probing

Take a couple of minutes and record what you have learned. Lean to journal your thoughts. Write your thoughts down along with prayers and requests. You will be able to go back and see the progress you are making. Journaling is a good way to see how God is at work in your life, the prayers that have been answered, and the direction of God in your life.

Jot down a comment or two about what God has taught you. Take notes on the passage you have meditated over.


Happy 17th birthday to our oldest Granddaughter, Madilynn Nichole Metcalf of Vancouver, WA. Happy Birthday Precious!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Components of Spiritual Health Part I

Spiritual Health

Good spiritual health can be difficult to maintain. It is true that as believers we have been given everything that we need to live godly in Christ. Choosing the right diet and exercising discipline is as necessary to your spiritual life as it is to your physical life.

Among the many “foods” and “exercises” that are needed by believers include the intake of the Word of God. As obvious as this sound, many believers ingest God’s word much like they do snacks, goodies, and other “unhealthy” foods.
I propose to you that there should be at minimum three (3) means or methods of healthy intake of the word of God. They are as follows:

  • A Daily Quiet Time or Devotions
  • Annual reading of the Bible
  • Systematic Study of the Bible

Quiet Time or Daily Devotion

Upon being born again and committing your life to Jesus Christ you begin a relationship with Him. This relationship is the means by which you are able to “fellowship” with God. A daily quiet time enables you to maintain equilibrium in your walk and relationship with God. A daily quiet time provides an opportunity of gaining spiritual strength and a means to conform to the image of His Son.

We will go deeper into the components of an effective quiet in tomorrow’s post, but for now let me say three things about a quiet time.

First, it is not a time to complete your annual reading program.

 Many believers have a reading plan that usually takes them thru the bible in a year. Your quiet time is not a time for that for two reasons. First, it is too much material to read during a short time to meditate over. Two to four chapters and multiple sections or selections act as a hindrance to sensitive thought. Second, reading plans often puts too much pressure on a believer to “keep up” with the program. As a result guilt and frustration sprout as one falls behind.

Second, it is not the time to do in-depth bible study.

This is not the time to look at the grammar, history, context, and customs contained within a passage. As important as this is, it takes too much time.

Third, it must be kept in mind that a quiet time is not a program that changes you spiritually or transforms you into the image of Christ.

It requires a person, not a program to secure transformation. Of course that person is Jesus Christ. As you take your time and mull over (meditate) a short passage of Scripture you are able to mine it and milk it for all of the spiritual value it contains. This is what affects change in a believer’s life.

Annual Reading Plan

Even though your quiet time is not the place for you annual reading plan, and there are some innate dangers of an annual reading plan, it is essential that you use one. I suggest each year you change it up. For example, one year read the bible through sequentially. The following year determine to read through it chronologically.  Another year you could read through the bible book by book, alternating between the Old and New Testament.

A second way of changing your reading plan up is to read each year from a different translation. For example, in 2013 you could read through the ESV, 2014 the NRSV, 2015, the NIV, 2016 the NLT and Et cetera.

A reading plan is essential. Simply schedule it for a different time during the day than your “morning quiet time.”  You could read through the bible annually during your lunch period, or prior to your evening meal.

Systematic Study

I know, I know, this sounds like a lot. Meditating on a short passage (8-10) verses during your quiet time and reading 2-4 chapters a day during your annual bible reading plan won’t get you very far very fast. Neither will it get you very deep into God’s word. Only study can accomplish that. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to study every day. Slice out two to three times during the week (weekends) and set aside an hour or so to take out your basic bible study tools and study a portion of the bible.

Remember to mix up your study. You can alternate between OT and NT books. You can study a topic through the bible, such as regeneration. You can study a bible character in context. You could even study a doctrine. You do need a means of going deep into the word of God. An in-depth study also allows you to go your own speed. Quality study is the goal not a quick finish.

An effective quiet time deepens your intimate relationship with Jesus. It affects the change and maturing process necessary for your spiritual health.

An annual reading plan continues to familiarize you with the entire bible as you read and re-read it. It keeps the overall message of the bible fresh and at the same time keeps you from ignoring parts for favored portions.

An in-depth systematic study program deepens your knowledge of bible doctrine and biblical content. It is through consistent in-depth study that you learn the underlying foundational truths and principles that support your faith.

Do not kid yourself; you need all three parts for total spiritual health.

Tomorrow we will examine the components of a Quiet Time. See ya there!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Over the last forty (40) years I have written a number of quotes, comments, pithy sayings, and poems in the fly-leafs of my bibles. Each Tuesday I am going to share those various entries from my bibles with you. I hope they will be as much of blessing to you as they have been to me. Sometimes I will be able to give credit where credit is due and sometimes I won’t be able to credit the source. I apologize for this to each one who contributed these gems over the last forty (40) years.


The Holy Spirit creates an active desire for God in the people of God. He also works in the people of God in order:

  • to give them an interest in God
  • to have a concern for divine things
  • to have a desire for the blessing of God

Monday, December 17, 2012

Where Is God?

I am so tired of people either asking in the face of tragedy, where is God, or stating that we have forced, escorted, legislated or “kicked” God out of public venues. It is one thing to view and hear the ignorance of the unconverted pagans in our land. It is sickening to see and hear the ignorance of those who profess to be “born-again believers.”

Let me say six things loud and clear:

First, no one has kicked, legislated, escorted or otherwise forbidden God from being anywhere. God is as much in every public school, every courthouse, every public building whether Federal or State origin as He is in heaven.

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.  Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. (Psalm 139:7-12)

There is no place that God is not. God is everywhere. God is everywhere at all times and at the same time. God does not have to go anywhere because God is and has always been there. That includes public schools. That includes public, Federal or State buildings. God is and was just as present at Sandy Hook Elementary School as He was present in the heavens.

What you fail to grasp is that the problem is not that God is not “present” or has been “kicked out” of many public arenas, it is simply that He is not honored or reverenced as He demands and deserves. Failing to recognize God as God is not the same as having the sovereign power to kick Him out of any place.

Second, why do we think God is responsible to prevent or minimize tragedy? The real tragedy is that we expect God to respond as a “Genie” or as some good luck charm. We don’t want God to intrude in our lives unless it is to prevent pain, suffering, or discomfort. God’s role is not merely to keep us from tragedy; at times it is to orchestrate tragedy. Listen to Amos 3:

“…does disaster come to a city unless the LORD has done it?” (Amos 3:6b, ESV)

There are times God in His infinite, Divine, and Sovereign wisdom orchestrates or permits such things to happen. What kind of God do you think He is? Do you think He able to show up at our picnics, and birthdays, and pleasant affairs giving us glittering goodies from a bag of tricks but unable to stop a twenty two year old from killing twenty six people?

There is at least one glaring, huge, and spectacular purpose for the events in Portland Oregon and Newtown, Connecticut. We find that purpose couched in the words of Jesus in Luke 13: 1-5:

There were some present at that very tine who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, ‘Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them; do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.’” (Luke 13:1-5, ESV)

Some of you will say, “Well, if that is God’s attitude then we don’t want anything to do with a God like that!”  This is why you make no room for God nor honor Him as God most of your lives, yet when tragedy strikes you want to know where He was.

Third, there are no “innocents.” No one is innocent, no not one. Children are no more innocent than you or I. They are born with a depraved and sinful nature. There are some who believe that God’s grace extends in some manner to children and exculpates them from the penalty of their sin. There is no such thing as an age of accountability. All are accountable to God as all have been born into Adam’s race with guilt, sin, and are spiritually dead. Although I have no scripture to offer, I truly trust in the wisdom, grace, mercy, and glory of God which would cause Him to exculpate children who die or are killed.

I cannot give a biblical passage to any of the grieving parents, relatives, or friends of the children killed in these shootings. I can only say trust God to act in full accordance of His Holy, Righteous, Divine, and glorious character and nature believing that whatever God does is righteous. See Psalms 97 - there is certainly clouds and "thick darkness around God and what He does at times"; but our confidence comes in the fact that the foundation of God's sovereign rule is righteousness and justice. That means God never does anything wrong. God never makes a mistake or acts unjustly. 

Fourth, it is incredulous and incongruent if not preposterous to think that a nation can disregard and dishonor God as the United States has done and not see the fruit of such actions. The United States is reaping what it has sown. This nation has chosen to ignore God and His Word and to live according to the despicable dictates of the flesh.

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:4)

My friend, you cannot place your hand in a viper’s pit and expect not to be bitten by a deadly snake. You cannot expect to reject God’s law, live as sinfully and sensually as you wish and not expect consequences.

This nation has been extremely successful in changing wrong into right, into relieving everyone and anyone of all responsibility, and has excused bad behavior. This nation has turned from the Light of this world and chosen to remain in the darkness that it so loves.

My friend, it will only get worse. You can say “God bless America” until you are blue in the face, but God has answered. He has ceased blessing us with bountiful blessings. This nation has always, like any other nation, been preserved by the salt of believers and the influence of the Holy Spirit. This nation is a rotten, decaying, stinking piece of meat that is being preserved by the presence of believers during this age. As fewer people are being saved and as believers die the effectiveness of this preservation of this rotting carcass is becoming less effective.

Sixth, Sixth, we must reach out and become the hands, the feet, the mouth, and the heart of Jesus to those who have been viciously devastated in places like Portland or Newtown and demonstrate the love of Christ. We must witness to the resurrection power of God through Christ to those who are hurting. We must weep with those who weep. Those of us who know Christ need to help in every way we can. However, that help must be real and substantive not symbolic through silly and mindless pictures, poems, and unbiblical principles. Christians, don't show your ignorance. Show your compassion with wisdom by showing the true Christ of the Bible.